
EarthQuake in Seattle

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Ahh they revised it upwards.. 3.6 right out on Whidbey Island....

Nothing like some of them.. BUT when you live on glacial till that came down from Stevens Pass.....as part of Fraser Glaciation.... you have to wonder how much stuff is going to settle.[:/]

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I am hoping to be long gone from here.. when the 9+ hits from a Cascadia event.. it will be massive.. with Tsunami's like the one off Sumatra.

Most people up here do not realize we could have such a massive EQ.. the last one was about 300 years ago.

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No idea but I doubt it.. Cascadia is about 700 miles long or so....basically matching the trace of the Juan de Fuca Plate where it slides uner the N American plate. It runs from Cape Mendecino.... up along the Or and WA coast to abot half way up Vancouver Island in BC.

The south end of it does connect up with the north end of the San Andreas...but no one really knows what effect that might have. There are no direct observations... just paleo eveidence. The big ones here happen about every 400 to 900 years.. but when they hit.. they are HUGE.

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One time I was visiting my brother in Santa Cruz, CA. One morning there he asked me "did you feel that earthquake last night?"


"it was a 2.6"

:| Slept right through it.

He was right in the middle of the Loma Prieta quake a while back though. The one that hit during the Bay Series between Oakland and San Francisco. Epicenter was just 9 or 10 miles from his house, but the house withstood it just fine.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Argh, I didn't freaking feel it.

I didn't feel nothin' either. [:/]

I remember the first one here in Washington I felt. 1994 or so. I was on duty in the Army at a comm station during one of the bigger ones. The building shook, and I ran into the second room and yelled at our new guys, "What the hell?! Is artillery WAY the f*ck off their mark or WHAT?!"

I remember Pvt Demons laughing at me, "What Panico, you never been in an earthquake before? She-it, girl..." :ph34r:

:$ "Uh, no. Nevermind. Carry on." :P
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Argh, I didn't freaking feel it.

I didn't feel nothin' either. [:/]

I remember the first one here in Washington I felt. 1994 or so. I was on duty in the Army at a comm station during one of the bigger ones. The building shook, and I ran into the second room and yelled at our new guys, "What the hell?! Is artillery WAY the f*ck off their mark or WHAT?!"

I remember Pvt Demons laughing at me, "What Panico, you never been in an earthquake before? She-it, girl..." :ph34r:

:$ "Uh, no. Nevermind. Carry on." :P

During that one, I ran outside my house, expecting to see flames from a jet that had crashed.

I lived at the north end of the Sea-tac runway.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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It was not big but enough to rock and roll a little woo hoo

Wherever you go, God's punishment is going to cause the innocents around you to suffer. You should probably go live out in a tent in a very isolated desert, just to be fair to everyone else. [:/]

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Wherever you go, God's punishment is going to cause the innocents around you to suffer. You should probably go live out in a tent in a very isolated desert, just to be fair to everyone else. [:/]

WTF, over?:|
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Wherever you go, God's punishment is going to cause the innocents around you to suffer. You should probably go live out in a tent in a very isolated desert, just to be fair to everyone else.

Like Eloy?

I think Jeanne would like that!;)

"Life is a temporary victory over the causes which induce death." - Sylvester Graham

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Wherever you go, God's punishment is going to cause the innocents around you to suffer. You should probably go live out in a tent in a very isolated desert, just to be fair to everyone else. [:/]

WTF, over?:|

ditto - wtf?
Scars remind us that the past is real

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Like Eloy?

I think Jeanne would like that

I am SOOOOO working on that.. but not the tent thing.. I plan on building a reallllly kewl house where other skydivers are welcome.

that will so kick ass. any luck sellin the boat, rv, plane, buffalo, other house, crack cocaine, meth lab, and other various assorted things you need to sell?

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Some things are on the market... but boats and spring kind of go togehter.. The house needs work to make the CURB APPEAL make for good numbers... and I need warm DRY weather to put paint on..One boat is gone.. another just got paid for by the Insurance company.. and is FREE to anyone wanting to tow it away for parts. The Sailboat Hull likewise I would be willing ot part with CHEEEP.. since I do not think a J-29 type hull will be much fun out in the desert to race...

The 32 ft Cruiser... Need warm and dry for paint...then move it back to the mouth of the Columbia and sell it in the water... During the height of sturgeon season.. its a fish killin monster:)
I need to bring the sloop up here. BUT need the wehaer or it goes nowhere.

The RV.. I need to find someone willing to make a few bucks.. I want to put in a NEW big Block.. then I can drive it down and put it in the RV Area where Jumper03 used to be.. so I have my weekend getaway right at the DZ.

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