
The "What Kind of Man Turns You On" Test

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This made me laugh:


And the answer is:

Exotic bad-ass
You scored 65% masculine, 70% athletic, 54% exotic, and 18% refined!
You want everything in a man at the same time! Masculine, built like a Greek god, exotic and mysterious and even some bad-ass in there too. I think you would really like Freddy Ljungberg, the Swedish Calvin Klein model. He's the guy on the right. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 63% on masculine

You scored higher than 36% on athletic

You scored higher than 90% on exotic

You scored higher than 9% on refined
If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Well I had to take the test over and over and over again...my mouse gots tuck...or...um....er...something. :$

Finally got this:

Tough guy

You scored 65% masculine, 82% athletic, 9% exotic, and 43% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot! Someone like.....Vin Diesel.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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You scored 70% masculine, 76% athletic, 18% exotic, and 31% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot! Someone like.....Vin Diesel. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!

That was a wonnnnddeerful quiz. :)

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Tough guy
You scored 70% masculine, 88% athletic, 36% exotic, and 37% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot!

higher than 83% on masculine

You scored higher than 95% on athletic

You scored higher than 41% on exotic

You scored higher than 25% on refined

Well what happened to plain ol killa!? Boy I guess that explains a lot!!:o

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ah the bright spot in a crappy day :)
Exotic bad-ass

You scored 90% masculine, 82% athletic, 54% exotic, and 31% refined!

You want everything in a man at the same time! Masculine, built like a Greek god, exotic and mysterious and even some bad-ass in there too. I think you would really like Freddy Ljungberg, the Swedish Calvin Klein model. He's the guy on the right. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys.


Thanks rl!!

Edited to add the part beneath the pretty pictures :$You scored higher than 99% on masculine

You scored higher than 90% on athletic

You scored higher than 65% on exotic

You scored higher than 9% on refined
Edited again to show the pretty picture
Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

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Oh yeeeeeeeaaaaahhhh....last year I star as the Budweiser Jackass during the Super Bowl...this year I make a cameo appearance in a Career Builder commercial....and now GFD says I'm hot! I'm moving up in the world! Maybe now the Lakers will take my application seriously!

Oooooohhhh yeeeeeah! Year of the Dog? My ass! It's the year of the tequila swilling JACKASS!!!

Shannon, will you be my valentine?

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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OK.. I took the test 3 times and this (Attached) is what it kept coming up with...

Should I be Worried??

Be afraid, be very afraid. [:/]
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Tough guy
You scored 70% masculine, 58% athletic, 36% exotic, and 43% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot! Someone like.....Vin Diesel. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Tough guy
You scored 60% masculine, 76% athletic, 36% exotic, and 25% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot! Someone like.....Vin Diesel.

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Thats cause we are rating men... there best intelligence is when they are in jockey underware...


I prefer them naked.

And I won't bore everyone with the "brains trumps beauty" lecture, because this little test really is only about physical type...and looking at pictures. >:(

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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My answer was the following:

The hero
You scored 60% masculine, 47% athletic, 36% exotic, and 50% refined!
You like your man to look like a man, not some little innocent boy. While he doesn't have to be bursting with muscles, he can be more toned and with that guy-next-door look to him. But you also like to see a bit of naughtiness to keep you on your toes. Someone like......Viggo Mortensen. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 38% on masculine

You scored higher than 6% on athletic

You scored higher than 36% on exotic

You scored higher than 63% on refined

That's oddly accurate. My ex was often said to be a hero. Also, Viggo Mortensen is the one actor whom I am definitely attracted to because he is so manly and plays heroic characters. :$

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Lots of tough guys!

Tough guy
You scored 75% masculine, 82% athletic, 36% exotic, and 43% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot! Someone like.....Vin Diesel. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!

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Buff sweetie
You scored 40% masculine, 64% athletic, 27% exotic, and 68% refined!

You like a buff guy with a clean and polished look. However, you do prefer a more innocent look to him and not the testosterone pumped manly man kind. Someone you might like is.......Brad Pitt. (At least in this picture - his style changes so much it's hard to generalize about Brad)

You scored higher than 8% on masculine

You scored higher than 16% on athletic

You scored higher than 16% on exotic

You scored higher than 91% on refined

What can I say, I like a classy guy. :$
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Dark mysterious boy
You scored 45% masculine, 58% athletic, 54% exotic, and 37% refined!
You like your men naughty, mysterious and with abs you can do your laundry on. You like him to look a little more on the boyish side underneath all that naughtiness though. You probably like someone like.......Christian Slater. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!

How hot were the guys!

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