
She should go to jail for this shit!

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an interesting article about the incident: http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,3566785a5620,00.html

some useful snippets:
A spokesman for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said a deputy paid a visit to Spears' home in Malibu to obtain "contact information" at the request of the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services.
A source close to Spears told Reuters that the incident occurred after the singer had driven to a Starbucks shop with her son strapped into his car seat in the back of her SUV.
She moved the baby to her lap after stopping at the coffee shop to let her bodyguard go inside, then became unnerved as photographers swarmed around the vehicle as she waited for him to return, the source said. When the bodyguard got back in the car, Spears quickly drove off with her son still in her lap.

ok, here's a question: you're 'safely' inside your vehicle while the 'danger' is clearly outside the vehicle. what's the need to react so quickly, and not spend the extra 2 minutes to strap the kid in? (or in this case, have the bodyguard strap the kid in) you're still inside the vehicle, the danger is still outside...in my mind, you could sit in the vehicle for hours and still be 'safe'.

seems to me like she did what most stars do: they see papparazzi and run, instinctively. it doesn't involve assessing the level of danger, and it doesn't involve assessing the consequences of your actions. it's simply a knee-jerk reflex of a star because (for some reason) they're sick and tired of being photographed. imho, if they're sick and tired of being photographed, and it's that much of a problem, perhaps they should re-think their career choice.

it comes with the territory, sweetheart. and it doesn't excuse your actions.

now, all that being said, i still vote for darwin to solve this problem - not LA DCFS ;) i'm sure they have much better things to do...

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imho, if they're sick and tired of being photographed, and it's that much of a problem, perhaps they should re-think their career choice.

it comes with the territory, sweetheart. and it doesn't excuse your actions.

And with that excuse you enable the media to act however they want? I haven't heard anything from Spears or her media camp in some time. She has become more of a private citizen. Yet, since she was very popular a couple years ago, the media feels it is their jurisdiction to let us know that she went to get coffee??
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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And with that excuse you enable the media to act however they want? I haven't heard anything from Spears or her media camp in some time. She has become more of a private citizen. Yet, since she was very popular a couple years ago, the media feels it is their jurisdiction to let us know that she went to get coffee??

Does it excuse them morally? Pehaps no. Is it against the law? No. She was in a public place. Sorry, that is just the way it is.

She knows the game. She has been playing it for years. You think when she was wearing "MILF" t-shirts she was not enticing the paparazzi? Well, she got the attention alright.

You want it to change, call your congressperson and get them to write new laws.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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imho, if they're sick and tired of being photographed, and it's that much of a problem, perhaps they should re-think their career choice.

it comes with the territory, sweetheart. and it doesn't excuse your actions.

And with that excuse you enable the media to act however they want? I haven't heard anything from Spears or her media camp in some time. She has become more of a private citizen. Yet, since she was very popular a couple years ago, the media feels it is their jurisdiction to let us know that she went to get coffee??

No, I enable the media to take photographs of celebrities in public. That's what I enable. Are you suggesting that the photographers broke the law by taking pictures of her while she was in public, safely inside her vehicle?

Just because you don't put out an album in a year or two doesn't mean you automatically go back to joe-average-citizen status. If that was the case, Michael Jackson and a whole host of other 'personalities' (perhaps this is a better term?) should get to work, for fear of losing their red carpet invites.
Does whisky count as beer? - Homer
There's no justice like angry mob justice. - Skinner
Be careful. There's a limited future in low pulls - JohnMitchell

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Famous people are people too.

I know some of us tend to forget that.

Let's put what's "legal" aside for a second and consider human decency.

How would you feel, hounded by the media in this fashion?

You say that if she doesn't like the limelight, she should chose another career.

Then you say just because she's not putting albums out anymore, doesn't mean we can't continue to hound...

Seems like she just won't be able to rest, ever. :S

People can be such asshats sometimes... really [:/]

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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Do you people actually believe the media? Even after all the negative lies and BS it's spewed about our own sport?

tisk tisk.

Chris, I demand that you go take a nap right now. I mean it. Don't make me come over there.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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What bad could happen? I mean, there has never been a notible death or injury from someone (like a princess) fleeing the paparazzi.

People are just trying to frame her because they're jealous. Yeah! That's the ticket.

"Coming up next on [televised entertainment pr commercial rag], 'The sad story that Brittany Spears never told...

'I suffered from post-partum depression.'

"The pop heroine's struggles with self-image after the birth of her child...

'The paparazzi would not leave me or my child alone. [sob] I got so scared of them, that they would hurt my baby. I would do anything to protect him from them. Look at what they did to Princess Diana. I would not let them do that to my baby, so I always flee immediately.'

"Look for moreshocking confessions from our star tomorrow, when she reveals, 'I suffered from an eating disorder.'"

The new black is celebrity boo-hoos.

edited to add: To clarify, I'm saying she's gonna go on some PR blitz throughout the tv entertainment rags that I despise (Entertainment Tonight, the Insider, etc.) to give a sob story about it. Maybe do People magazine.

Her PR people won't let her get away scathed. Expect to see new photos of her and a smiling baby released to the press to show her loving relationship.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Famous people are people too.

I know some of us tend to forget that.

Let's put what's "legal" aside for a second and consider human decency.

How would you feel, hounded by the media in this fashion?

You say that if she doesn't like the limelight, she should chose another career.

Then you say just because she's not putting albums out anymore, doesn't mean we can't continue to hound...

Seems like she just won't be able to rest, ever. :S

People can be such asshats sometimes... really [:/]


yes, some of us do tend to forget their "normalness", especially when we see the everday reality that their enormous amounts of money buy them significant power and influence, should they so desire. we also tend to forget their normalness when we see them act in such abnormal ways...repeatedly...

lets not put legal aside, because we're talking about whether or not she should go to jail (that was the title of the thread, right?). but if you'd like to talk about human decency, i think some people would like to argue that her desire to "stay out of the limelight/avoid photos" does not mean she can disregard the safety of her child, and therefore not act with "human decency" toward her own son. seems to me the decent thing would have been to suck it up, and spend 2min to strap the kid in (isn't that the real way of showing you would sacrifice yourself for your child?). furthermore, assuming the facts of the article to be true (which is a hell of an assumption to make, i admit) i don't see any mention of the photographers doing anything contrary to our 'standards' of "human decency". everyday, everywhere, people have jobs with responsibilities that may upset others. they still have to do their job. and everyday we understand this and let the person do their job, within the limits of applicable law, because it's their *job*. if my job is to take pictures of celebrities, i'm probably not doing a great job by asking politely for an autographed 8x10.

hounded by the media in this fashion, i'd honestly feel overwhelmed. i wouldn't feel like i was in immediate danger, nor would i feel like my child was in danger. i'm inside the safety of my vehicle. my bodyguard is on his way back, i'm plenty safe. she over-reacted, imho, to a "tense" situation with her 'celebrity instinct' - slam on the gas and get the hell out of dodge city.

i say if she doesn't like the attention, find a job/position that doesn't have "attention whore" written all over it (i.e. female pop singer). let time pass, and let another female pop singer take your place. there's plenty of young starlets out there...you can't have your cake and eat it too. if you want to be a 'household name' you better expect to have your picture taken, repeatedly.

people can be such...realists...

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I often rode in the car without a seatbelt as a child, including sitting in my parents' laps. I think it is hard to believe that we have slid so quickly down the slippery slope that so many people here think that my parents were bad parents or should have been put in jail or that I would have been better off in a foster home because of it.

I work with a lady who volunteers for all kinds of children's causes, and she even has some kind of professional certification that somehow makes her an expert on the parenting skills of others, such that she does interviews for DHS sometimes. There was a case here where a child about six or seven year old wandered off out of the yard into the woods while his mom wasn't looking. She calls and calls for the kid, then finally calls the police, who do a search, and find him near the bank of the MS River (or maybe some creek, I don't remember) curled up with the family's dogs, who have been keeping him warm.

Anyway, the girl in my office thinks that the kid should be removed from the home not because mom took her eyes off him for a moment (she recognized that such a thing could happen to anyone) but because the family lived near woods and a body of water. In her opinion, there was just too much that could go wrong living so close to woods and a river that people should not be allowed to raise children there.

I think that is a silly way to think, and I think it is scary that everyone seems to support severe penalties for parenting differently than they think is appropriate.



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Is it just me or does this thread not have the feel of Speakers Corner to it? :P

ah damn. i'd say you are correct...

Does whisky count as beer? - Homer
There's no justice like angry mob justice. - Skinner
Be careful. There's a limited future in low pulls - JohnMitchell

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When we were evacuated for hurricane Floyd and moving about about uhhhh well we werent moving AT ALL for up to 9 hours. In that 9 hours I would bring my son Kyle who was 4 months old to sit on my lap to feed him. After all we were completley stopped and there was no signs of moving anytime soon. Well fast forward a few days, I am reading the newspaper and a few miles ahead of where we had been stopped on the hwy, a mother was doing the exact same thing as me, breast feeding her child while STOPPED in the car, someone rear ended her with just enough force that the child was killed by the airbag. I was ghost white for days.

As far as cars and what happened when we were kids... well when we were kids, we didnt have air bags in every car to worry about, the speed limits were slower and we have evolved enough to realize that in this day and age that it is safer for a child to be in a weight specfic car seat arranged according to the manufactors recommendations.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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Entertainment Tonight just said the cops went to her house to get contact info for the Dept. of Children and Family Services.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Are they going to prosecute any of the people who made it a law to have airbags in the car, thereby killing that child?

Which law is that? As far as I know, market forces are what drove most (but not all) cars to have airbags these days.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Jesus H christ she drove with a kid in her lap, not on the freaking roof, people. You're all making out like she committed some massive heinous crime, as if she was actually endangering the kid or something.
This is reality folks not a public safety infomercial where everyone not belted dies, ok? Fifty years ago they ALL travelled that way and it was not considered a crime let alone a serious hazard. What next, attack her for not making the kid wear a helmet while riding in a car? Get real. Sheesh.
You've all been conditioned to believe that THAT is actually a prosecutable hazard and intolerable risk...my god what if she ever drives while talking on a CELLPHONE? Oh, the humanity...
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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