
Why haven't I received my order yet?

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Here is the deal. I ordered a nVertigo X helmet from Parachute Equipment Corp. last Thursday, I paid the extra amount for 3 day shipping by UPS, 4 business days later still no helmet. So the question I pose to all of you is: Has anyone had problems receiving gear from this company? By the way, yes I intend on calling them tomorrow. Thanks! B|

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Seven possible reasons why it hasn't shown up yet -

1) The shipper screwed up and sent it ground instead of 3 day.

2) The shipper put the wrong address on the package (very possible if you had it shipped to an address that is different from your billing address).

3) UPS tried to deliver it but you weren't home so they left it with a neighbor.

4) UPS tried to deliver it but you weren't home and the note they left was blown away by the wind/picked up and tossed by a neighbor's kid/etc.

5) You live in a an apartment complex and it was delivered to the manager/leasing office instead of to your door - or you had it delivered to work and it's now sitting at the receptionist's desk/in the shipping and receiving area.

6) It was delivered by UPS, left at your door because you weren't home and somebody stole it, or the driver left it somewhere on your porch that isn't real obvious and you haven't looked real hard for it.

7) UPS took Monday off as a holiday, which means it should arrive tomorrow (Thursday).

Judging solely by the 8 years I spent selling gear and using UPS and FedEx to ship it, I'd bet that one of the above possibilities is correct.

Best solution? Call PEC and get the tracking number. Use that to track the package on UPS's website.

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Be pro-active. Call them tomorrow. I've been waiting for a replacement computer part for weeks now and finally got fed up last night, called the supplier and found out that they dropped the ball and never did send the replacement. If you want your goods, give them a call. I mean you paid extra for shipping to get it sooner. It would be different if you selected the standard shipping, but you didn't. So you shouldn't need to wait. Call them ... be pro-active.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Here's the deal: this is skydiving. Very little ever arrives exactly when it's supposed to. Chill.

I'm confused...what does "skydiving" have to do with getting what you paid for? Last time I checked when one pays "extra" money for "extra" service one expects to get the service that was paid for.

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Last time I checked when one pays "extra" money for "extra" service one expects to get the service that was paid for.

You're gonna get very frustrated dealing with companies in skydiving. Or you'll chill out. One or the other.

Hey, if the dude paid extra money to get his order in the appropriate time he has a right to bitch. thats how some companies make money. Charge you the extra money for priority shipping and just shipo it regular hoping you won't complain

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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Just as a curiousity question...where is it coming from and where is it going to.

Could weather pose a problem?
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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One other thought too...Did they say that they had the one you ordered actually physically in stock in the store?
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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Hey, if the dude paid extra money to get his order in the appropriate time he has a right to bitch.

Once he has the tracking number he can easily find out if it was shipped three day or ground. The UPS website will tell him when it shipped, the address it shipped to, how it was shipped, when it was delivered (if it was already delivered) and who signed for it, if anybody.

If that info shows it wasn't shipped via 3 day then he has every right to bitch and demand a refund of the difference between ground and 3 day shipping from the dealer (although assuming that an honest mistake was made and being nice about requesting it is a better way to go about things, imho).

If it was shipped 3 day and UPS screwed up then his bitch should be with UPS, not with the dealer he bought it from (although any refund to him would have to be done through the dealer; UPS will only refund the shipper).

Once UPS or FedEx picks up a package it's kind of hard for the company that shipped it to control what happens next...

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Last time I checked when one pays "extra" money for "extra" service one expects to get the service that was paid for.

You're gonna get very frustrated dealing with companies in skydiving. Or you'll chill out. One or the other.

:D:D:D No kidding... if you get it within twice the time you were promised AND right the first time, you're doing good.

And you paid for faster delivery, not fast order processing :D
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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I ordered my evo helmet from them last Wednesday
and the money transaction took place in my bank Thursday. I called them today and got a tracking number from them and checked and it was not shipped untill this Tuesday and acording to tracking is sceduled to be delivered today, so it could be like they said maybe it just didnt get sent out right away.
Hang in there!!

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