
What made your favorite instructors/mentors great?

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Whether someone teaches you how to go headdown, how not to backslide, or just how to relax and enjoy, getting over big hurdles has a pretty profound impact. I'm sure most of us will always remember the moment that we learned how to finally do something, and we'll remember that person who got us there.

So, for you, what made the instructors/mentors that you had in the sport so great? For me it was always the people who seemed to care. I seemed to do better when someone else would get just as excited as I would when I would accomplish something however small or large. It also helped if I could laugh with them, since that usually relaxes me.

There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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For me, it wasn't skydiving instructors but, those who taught me rigging. My Senior instructor was meticulous in his work and a stickler for following the 'rules' and doing the work the very best he could. My Master instructors were equally so. That really impressed me and has caused me to want to be better than them... if, that's possible. I owe a lot to them.


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For me it was my AFF instructor, Johnny. He was really relaxed and joked around, kept it light. He always said don't worry about if you do everything just right just remember that this is your skydive, have fun with it, enjoy it. I have kept that feeling and it makes it much more fun.
Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

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On my second tandem with Glenn Bangs, as we were slowly climbing to altitude, with me being the weepy cry from joy person I am... as I was staring out the window he could tell I was awe struck... he said "God made this day for you". Plus he gave me one on one FJC before he left. I ask alot of questions and never once did he act like I wasnt asking the perfect question. On weather holds, he let me pop reserves he needed to pack and let me watch him, while he explained how they fly vs a sport canopy.

Then AFF with Mike X, who himself was instructed by Glenn, taught the same way, and had the same patience and passion for the sport. He even continued to follow my progression after AFF. Hed watch his previous students land (me and the atwells) and always ask about the jumps and give us advice.

Between those two, I feel very blessed, in addition to the continued training I recieve from others. However those two will always stick out in my mind.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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I don't know, but I've been trying to track down Big Jason from Clewiston Fl. He believed in me and just kind of let me teach myself in the air. I've been wanting to thank him and let him know i feel like i've arrived. I freaked him out once on a recurrency dive, which i felt bad about. ( dropped a knee and flipped ...twice.

So Jason G if you're out there.... Thank you for being my coolest AFF guy. I almost quit before going to Clewiston to finish up AFF. Thanks

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Carl Adams was the crazy young badass at the DZ when I started. Carl got yelled at more then me and that made my life better. I was the young hotshot pilot and new jumper. I did stuff just like him, as much as I could. I pushed all the right buttons. The ones that drove the DZO crazy and the DZM wild, I loved it. Now Carl is gone and I have two kids, a house in the country, a beautiful wife and all the right stuff. I don't know what happened to the old me, my wife says I still act like a maniac but just not as bad. Carl is somewhere, after getting busted for possession of a couple of pounds of cocaine. He stopped being my hero. Now I'm my own hero. I really love myself. I will always remember Carl though. He bent my sense of reality to the point of no return.
HPDBs, I hate those guys.
AFB, charter member.

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Too cool! My Senior instructor was, besides being a real stickler for detail, was a 'hard-ass'. On the other hand, he was also a prankster. He wasn't 'mean' about it but, definately demanding! The 'hard-asses', were the ones I've learned from the most. Another man I really learned from was, the late Ron Green. Besides being a helluva nice guy, he had a way of teaching tandem instructors that was really cool. When you stop and take inventory, there are really, some incredible folks in this sport.


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They didn't tell me to take up bowling when I know they were really tempted. They saw how much I wanted to learn this sport and decided to give me a shot.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Well, these two guys have been so outstanding in my short skydiving experience. Most of you know the one to my right, WaltAppel. He has gone completely out of his way to teach me so much in this sport, and he's also become a wonderful friend.

The man to my left is my instructor, Robert Rocke. He is just known as Rocke, and that's what he's been to me throughout my training. He's been very stern with me when I've stepped out of line, but he's just as quick to tell me how proud he is when I do right. His encouragement has been invaluable!

WaltAppel has introduced me to a man that I know will be the third, extradordinary influence in my skydiving adventure. He is a master rigger named Bill Lee (he and Walt are best friends). I've only met him once but I feel as if I've known him forever. I cannot WAIT to learn from him, and get to know him better.

There is really not just ONE thing that makes these guys great. I can basically sum it up by saying....these men are willing to share both their passion for the sport as well as their knowledge. That's an incredible gift for a newbie like myself.

Mrs. WaltAppel

All things work together for good to them that love God...Romans 8:28

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Larry Hoskins at the Ranch always finds time to jump with the new RW guys. He is so passionate about RW and a born teacher. He is dead serious every minute of the dive. From dirt diving until we're back in the packing area. Then it is time to go over the jump, have a few laughs and pack up again. The amazing time is EVERYTIME I have ever introduced him to a low timer who wants to learn RW, he either jumps with them or find someone who would be suited to jump with them. He always has some thing positive to give to the newer jumpers.

It is people like him who give to the sport anonymously over and over. I am a better person for meeting him.

The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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I'd have to say of all the good instructors I've had so far my favorite would have to be Liron Beltzer at Clewiston. When I'd run into a brick wall he would tell me to relax and enjoy the jump, stay stable and don't worry about the rest as it's all "bullshit". I can't say I've ever had a 'bad' jump with him, his style just seems to make everything click with me.
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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My favorite instructor has to be DANO...He always made the dive so much fun! I could relax and never felt intimidated to jump with him...He was my skygod..;)

I only got to do my AFF 1 with Dano before he left, I did a tandem with DanL and Dano was on the same load with another tandem... I could see where he'd be fun to jump with...
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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Well my instructors at z-hills were awesome, they were calm but crazy,very serious yet fun and always tried to get you to relax, in and out of the air !!!!

Since being licensed, Kramer has been such an inspiration to me as he has been patient in the air, packed for me, helped organize great jumps and technically shouldn't be jumping himself after a hip replacement, femur and body becoming metal plated:S, so there is hope after injury!!!!! B|B|:P;):)

till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates....
In skydiving, the only thing that stops you is the ground..............
PMS# 472 Muff #3863 TPM#95

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My favorite instructor has to be DANO...He always made the dive so much fun! I could relax and never felt intimidated to jump with him...He was my skygod..;)

This just in : Thanks to Amanda (you) I just thanked Jason after all these years.
And he just replied back.
Too cool. Thanks Amanda.:)

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