
Hottest female jumper at your DZ

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lol lies lies lies..

I think you are confusing looks with innner beauty..

Again the thread is "Hottest Women"

..and i still stand by not all women are beautfull, weather it looks or personality ect...

I cnt judge a women by looking at her, but i know wether she is attractive to me or not.

Each women is different and by saying there all beautifull is knda contradicting yourself.


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Nothing wrong with that, not my cup of tea personally.

But i am younger than them, onli 64jumps.. and oviously havnt seen all of uks women skydivers. Just from what ive seen and from speaking to uk skydivers the is a lack of women in skydiving in gernal but we all know this.

Its my opinion.. i just havnt seen that many gd lookin women OF MY TASTE in uk dzs.. will keep a look out tho.. havnt been around long so this is probably the main factor..would luv a uk skydiving chick:D ill keep looking

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I've met quite a few brit skychicks who are hot.
One of them lives in OZ now (we have sunshine here:P) and she was on the Brit girls team:)
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Good taste Balls.

Damn dude!!! Did I just say 'taste balls'???


Vertifly!!! Where the hell you been lately?!!!

Florida dude!!!! Zhills, Sebastian, visiting family, oh and partying too. It was rad.

Why where you been bro? Hopefully you've been getting some jumps in!!!

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I've read your all your replies...sorry "you know who", can't stay out of it, I think you are young and "stupid", and that when you grow up, you'll understand what true beauty is all about when it comes to the description of what a "beautiful/hot women" really is.

Mods......Note the quotation marks around the word stupid.

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Good taste Balls.

Damn dude!!! Did I just say 'taste balls'???


Vertifly!!! Where the hell you been lately?!!!

Florida dude!!!! Zhills, Sebastian, visiting family, oh and partying too. It was rad.

Why where you been bro? Hopefully you've been getting some jumps in!!!

Sounds like you've been having a great time!

I was in Sebastian a couple of weekends ago for the pyro boggie. The weather was beyond bad. It was cold and wet Friday and Saturday. Cleared up Sunday but only got one jump before I had to leave.

This weekend, the weather doesn't look all that great in Houston, but I'm gonna spend a bunch of time getting my shit ready for some BASE jumps and do a little overdue skydiving rigging too.

Shit, I need some jumps!


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Better to have dyspareunia than no pareunia at all

So I guess you're in good shape if your AP Chest X-Ray reveals an Emersom-Goodwin's line? :P;)

Heh...yep. That's the first thing I look for when a woman comes in with cervicitis :S.

But at least we know she's been gettin' sum....lol :o:o

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Walt seriously don't make me post the picture of the 3 fat chicks in bikinis that has been posted here a few times. Every woman is not hot, there are some ugly chicks out there, you can't deny that. The three chicks in the photo I am referring to might have great personalities but that does not make them physically hot.

Greenie in training.

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Walt seriously don't make me post the picture of the 3 fat chicks in bikinis that has been posted here a few times. Every woman is not hot, there are some ugly chicks out there, you can't deny that. The three chicks in the photo I am referring to might have great personalities but that does not make them physically hot.

There's no need to post that. I've been having quite a long discussion via PM with a friend over this whole thing. It's got me kind of worn out, but my friend posed the following question:

"Tell me something: how do you feel about the grossly obese women that frequent Walmart? Are you going to try to tell the guy on the street that they're beautiful? How the hell do you even know that they have any beauty about them?"

Here is my response, and I absolutely stand by it.

You might be really surprised. I don't watch TV much, but I had it on for some noise last night and Fox had a re-run of a "Trading Spouses" episode that featured a morbidly obese woman who was a screaming religious fanatic. Here's a link to video of her.

There were moments in the show where I really found an expression in her eyes or the way she said something really cute. Would I want to date her, if she were available? For a variety of reasons, no I wouldn't. But even though she was acting almost psychotic at times, I saw beauty in her. It was absolutely there.

Would I tell her she is beautiful? If the way she was on the show is just the way she is all the time, chances are pretty good that I wouldn't because her behavior was so counter to a lot of what I consider beautiful about women in general. That doesn't mean I see no beauty in her though.

I actually wouldn't mind spending a few hours or most of a day with her just out of curiosity, and I wouldn't enter the situation thinking she is a freak. I think a lot of her behaviors on the show were from being completely ouside of her normal environment. She was obviously highly-stressed and agitated.

So please just consider me an anomaly and don't try and prove me wrong. I think the whole "HOT" thing is a total joke and prefer to think that most people get the joke.

I refuse to see women who don't fit into the narrowly defined molds of what the media shoves down our throats, as being something other than beautiful.

That's just me. I'll talk shit about about guys all day long and feel ok about it, but with women, it's another story altogether.

With the exception of a few truly evil women I have met in my life, I can see beauty in any woman. Please don't post unflattering pictures and dare me to find beauty. I won't respond, but that doesn't mean that I don't see beauty. I won't respond because I don't like the idea of women being presented as freaks, whose physical beauty is to be ridiculed.

I know you're joking around with your response, and that's fine, but this is getting toward the end of what has really been a very long discussion for me and I'm getting a bit tired of it.


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I refuse to see women who don't fit into the narrowly defined molds of what the media shoves down our throats, as being something other than beautiful.

It has nothing to do with the media. It is however personal preference.

There is no possible way you can find every single woman on the face of this earth physically attractive. Leave the personality out of it because that is not what this post was about, it was about physical beauty. Think of it as looking at pictures instead of looking at people, sounds bad but that is what you are doing when you are judging someone based on looks alone.

Greenie in training.

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I refuse to see women who don't fit into the narrowly defined molds of what the media shoves down our throats, as being something other than beautiful.

It has nothing to do with the media. It is however personal preference.

There is no possible way you can find every single woman on the face of this earth physically attractive. Leave the personality out of it because that is not what this post was about, it was about physical beauty. Think of it as looking at pictures instead of looking at people, sounds bad but that is what you are doing when you are judging someone based on looks alone.

IMO, it doesn't just sound bad, it *is* bad, and that was my friend's point. And the fact is that I think I *can* find something beautiful about *any* woman.

Damn, I'm sorry I ever posted in this thread.

edited to add:
And I *do* think the media has plenty to do with it. I think it is undeniable that they have a powerful influence on our culture including an ability to push "norms" for what is considered beautiful and sexy.

It does come down to personal preference, but our preferences are shaped by what we see, and we are a media-obsessed culture.

I don't buy into the "Top 100 sexiest people in the world" lists or any of that other crap that get's published by People or the shown on VH1, or E! or anywhere else. Those images are highly-contrived and are a complete sham. Few real women naturally look like that.

I'll take *real* over some ridiculously-contrived image of beauty any day and yes, that means I can quite easily consider a woman who would not have a prayer of inclusion on one of the "HOT" lists, to be absolutely beautiful.


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So please just consider me an anomaly and don't try and prove me wrong. I think the whole "HOT" thing is a total joke and prefer to think that most people get the joke.

I don't think "hot" is a joke. I think "hot" is hot.

If you insist on redefining words to mean what they don't mean, then you end up in this quandary. If you just let them mean exactly what most people understand them to mean, then it's not a problem.

The three beach "babes" Travis is talking about are not "hot." They may be beautiful, under a certain definition of the word, but they do not fit the definition of "hot."

Jubal Harshaw and Michael Valentine Smith have a very interesting discussion about this in Stranger in a Strange Land regarding She Who Used to be the Beautiful Heaulmiere.

She's not hot, Walt. She's beautiful if you understand what underlies the form, but she's not hot.

This is not philosophy, it's art appreciation--the art inherent in the human form. It's the difference between seeing an incredibly beautiful face on the street and saying "Wow!" and seeing the incredibly familiar and much-loved face of a friend and letting out a pent-up breath because you suddenly feel safe and comfortable.

If you just accept the words as they are customarily defined, you'll have a lot less trouble with this.

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