
Bose Noise cancelling headphones

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I got a pair a few months ago, when I started regularly traveling cross-country. They are pricey, but I think they're worth every penny. Before I got them, if I tried to listen to music or watch TV/DVDs on my laptop on a plane, I was maxing the volume and still straining to hear with traditional headphones. Now, I get amazing sound clarity.

I think there's some truth to the research that they help reduce fatigue by filtering out all the "white noise" that your brain otherwise has to process. I use them primarily on planes, but I can imagine other scenarios where they'd come in handy to create a quiet atmosphere.

The only drawback (and I think it's minor) is that they're a bit bulky, though they do fold to reduce bulk a bit.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Do they drown out only the airplane sounds "white noise" or do they help with people talking and ambient noise?

Do you think they would be useful in school, eg library, etc

I haven't really tried them out anywhere but on the plane, where you've already go the engine noise drowning out the voices.

Although voices can penetrate, unless someone is talking directly to me, I don't usually hear them, and I usually take them off when the flight attendants come by, since I can't hear them all that well with the headphones on. They would probably work well in a setting like a library or somewhere else where there's background conversations going on.

Bose will demo them for you with a white noise machine - I know they've got booths setup in a lot of airports, but I don't know if there's stores or booths in other retail locations.

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Do they drown out only the airplane sounds "white noise" or do they help with people talking and ambient noise?

You wont hear a thing. It's weird when you first put them on. YOu know it's noisy but you dont hear it. A good buy in my opinion.
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As someone who does 150k miles a year in the air for work, I can tell you that these things have saved my sanity more times than I can count.

They don't drown out the screaming baby, but they get rid of "deep" sounds - those are the sounds that keep you up - engine noise, "background chatter" - all gone.

They're not a mute button for your ears, nothing is - but they are the next best thing.

TOTALLY recommend.
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I have some points on my AMEX and was thinking about getting these to use at school?

Does anybody have any input on their effectiveness and versatility?


Bose are top of the line and expensive. A bunch of other brands are available, some are much less expensive and work well too.


The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I have some points on my AMEX and was thinking about getting these to use at school?

Does anybody have any input on their effectiveness and versatility?


This year - 50k flight miles. Got my Bose headset the first of February. Wish I had done it a long time ago. They're worth the money. I originally got the Sony SDR-NC50 (I think that's the model) and one of the speakers in the headphones was bad. They're a bit bigger than the Bose and $100 cheaper. The Bose was worth it.

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We had them in our Hmmwv's over in Iraq. A Hmmwv is extremely loud and when you flip the noise cancelling switch it drowns out almost all of it! Only problem was, if your gunner forgot to flip on the intercom switch you couldn't hear him screaming " Shit contact Left, RPG[:/]"

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I don't have the Bose, but a different set (picked them up at the airport shop) and they help a LOT.

The set I have takes the engine whine down to a background noise level, and definitely blocks out conversation.

Get em!!
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