
"No home dropzone entered"

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No. Although judging by your wingloading vs canopy size I'm pretty sure you could take him. ;)

Nothing to do but wait. Fortuantly, we have three other DZs, all turbine, within 2 hours happy to accommodate us, so we can't whine too much.

You jumping in MI yet?

'In an insane society a sane person seems insane.' Mr. Spock

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Is there anything you would like us to do about it ?

Shit, come on down to Spaceland!!!!:)
I went there last weekend for the first time in quite a while and let me tell you--I felt like Norm from that old TV show Cheers.

They will welcome you back home with open arms!!!:)

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Hi Walt.

We were there yesterday and jumped.


Right on!!! After last weekend, I can tell you for a fact that it is my home DZ and though I have a couple of other DZs to visit in the near future, it won't be long before I am down there at least every other weekend.

It does sadden me that you and Jenn (MoonGlo) were essentially forced away from your home DZ, but dammit, it's a truly wonderful thing for me and the others who call Spaceland home!:)
Even though I do not like to see anyone treated in a bad way, in this case I am sorely tempted to go to SDH, find the DZO, shake his hand, and thank him with all my heart. I do not mean that in a sarcastic way. Regardless of why SDH made that decision, they've done a really good thing for Spaceland and the people who jump there.

I honestly don't know why SDH considers it a safety issue, but in my mind, it is not unlike the situation snowboarders faced years ago at many ski resorts. Look at 'em now, though!!!!

I hope you and Jenn call Spaceland home. I want to hang out and jump with you guys and learn how to fly a wingsuit! Looks like I'll be splitting my time between learning CRW and learning winguit flying. Does that sound like heaven, or what?!!! And throwing you and Jenn into the mix? I just don't think it could really get any better than that!!!:)


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After last weekend, I can tell you for a fact that it is my home DZ


Then why the HELL did we drive all the way to SDH last month to sit on the ground!?;)

I TOLD ya we should go to Spaceland!!:S:P

...Oh, and I don't know about the "Norm" thing.:)

You hit me as more of a "Fraiser" type!B|

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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After last weekend, I can tell you for a fact that it is my home DZ


Then why the HELL did we drive all the way to SDH last month to sit on the ground!?;)

I TOLD ya we should go to Spaceland!!:S:P

...Oh, and I don't know about the "Norm" thing.:)

You hit me as more of a "Fraiser" type!B|


Shit, I'm more like Cliff!

And next time, hell yeah we're going to Spaceland! Nothing against SDH, but Spaceland rocks!!!

Man, I've been sitting here laughing like a little kid who just got the best birthday gift ever!!!!

Jenn and Luminous and some of my other SDH favorites coming to Spaceland just fucking rocks!!!!!:)

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Luminous and MoonGlo -

I'm sorry I missed you last weekend, I'm working in New York for the next few days and will be out Spaceland this weekend.

If you plan to move out to Spaceland or SSM for good, please bring my "Late to Practice Note" with you. If you're not there to appreciate it, no one should. After all, you were the one who helped inspire it, Captain my Captain. ;)

Yea Walt, there's a story that rivals one of your sordid tales :$:$ And if you're good I just might post it. Why should you be the only literary type on this silly site?

Hope to see you and the Jenn-ster soon, Luminous!

Xena, Deal with it Princess aka That Chick Brad Lambert Used to Jump With

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What a bunch of cocksuckers.

Skydive Houston?!!! No way!!!!!

It's a really nice DZ with really nice people and since he's sending a couple of my favorite people toward *my* home DZ (Skydive Spaceland) I think the SDH manager is one of the greatest DZ managers on the planet!!!!!

Nothing personal, folks, but I'd love it if SDH goes tandem only!!!!! I wanna see you guys at Spaceland!!!!


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Hey Larry, sorry to hear that. It really bothers me with so many dz's turning thier backs on people who have support thier home dz's for so many years.
I am now a "nomadic skydiver" and really enjoying myself. Hell, come summertime I will have 7 dz's within a 100 miles of me. And I'll tell you one thing, Skydive Temple has that new owner with his PAC 750, MAN that plane is a screamer. We go to a minimum of 14k on every load in about 8 to 10 minutes. Its a load of fun. And I look forward to what happens when the other two new dz's open.

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Man! That blows! Sorry to hear it. The dz I started at closed after a couple years and I started going to Waller. Loved it. I've made more jumps there than anywhere else. Shot my first team there, as you well know. Every dz I've ever regularly frequented, there was always something or a combination of things which told me, "If this shit keeps up or gets worse, ect., that's the kind of shit that makes people go to other dz's." Never went critical, anywhere I jumped but there were times where I'd tell Virgillio that shit was fucked up. Now, I'm at Spaceland for the most part - basically because there are more opportunities for me to shoot rw, which I enjoy. But, to hear this Birdman prohibition crap, that hits kinda personal - I know you and Jenn dig it and I've been there since before you got your AFF ticket (btw, I'm a level 8 jumpmaster - heheheheh) and I know all the sacrifices you've made, Jenn too, helping the dz out. So, cool - I'll get to see you and your chick more. So, that blows - I really love the party dynamic at Waller. If you haven't already, please rescue all the 4inRelation paraphenalia and the shit in the drawers worth keeping - or, if you need a hand, let me know and I'll help with the evacuation. There's some pics there we gotta save - Xena's note for being tardy, absolutely. All the 4in pics. Also the picture of Mister Taylor, that shot of the pinhead, my thousandth jump 20way (by Jim Slaton). That salt and pepper shaker I ripped off from that bar when we were jumping in Laredo...so much cool shit and the memories tied up in 'em CANNOT be lost. Crap! I hate it when management pulls this kinda shit without thinking things through! Let me know if you need me - seriously!


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The video station, (that's been at Waller the last 9 years), and all associated pics & stoopid stuff, I packed up before we left on Saturday. Guess we can drink some holes for the Rosharon crowd now that the circle will be complete once again. :)
Yeah, it's a shame. I don't know a whole lot of skydivers willing to sit on the ground and wait to jump when it's backed up 4 loads and the plane is shutdown because the pilot is in manifest. Now there are 2 less.

Steve Boyd wasn't broke up about it either. He was trying to figure out how to advertise Jenn's presense before she had her waiver filled out. ;)

And I guess that Big Ways or Smaller will be rotating DZs. (planning the 22nd or 29th, email soon).

Jenn and I are headed to Z-Hills for Flock & Dock this weekend, see ya in a few weeks.

oh... Hey Nick. You might be right about the picture thing.:D It would certainly explain a lot.

'In an insane society a sane person seems insane.' Mr. Spock

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I don't know a whole lot of skydivers willing to sit on the ground and wait to jump when it's backed up 4 loads and the plane is shutdown because the pilot is in manifest. Now there are 2 less.

Actually, with those wingsuit pilots and wingsuit groupies I talked to today its at least 7 less!

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Well look at it this way Larry . . .

Now you can work on getting your AFF Rating.:D:D:D

Seriously - sorry it is this way.[:/]
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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That's what my profile reads now. And what a shame since I've called it home since 1994.

Oh well, other DZs, other aircraft. And I'm sure I'll see those that continue to call it home on occasions elsewhere.

Why? No Wingsuits Allowed


Fret not, my newly OrFuned brother. Your new family awaits you with open arms.....both hands clutching open beers, and they will find you. If not at Skyfest, then soon enough......
P.S. What's your t-shirt size? ;)

"What the hell is an OrFun?" you say?
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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