
Cutting corners....

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I've been doing the same for almost a year. B| I prepare my own meals instead of eating out. It doesn't save that much because I live in an area where you can get good mexican and fast asian pretty cheap.
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I don't actually "cut corners"...I rob people....

Like Peter to pay Paul..

Oooh and then theres that savings account that I have, don't have, have, don't have...well currently...I don't have it...its keeps slipping away...:|


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I froze my ass off in my house this winter because natural gas prices were high. My room was toasty because of the small electric heater I had though.
Gas bill never made it over $70.
I cook mostly all my meals. I actually don't really cook meals tuesday and thursday and sometimes friday. I eat yogurt, bannana, cottage cheese, two eggs and some toast. Cheap meals. I've started making my other meals I cook last longer. I try not to take any unneccessary trips, combine errands and stuff.
And most recently I have gone to having my hair buzzed to save money and well summer is comin and who needs all that hair in the summer, what little I have.:D
We shall see how the air conditioner situation goes this summer. I have a new roommate so I can no longer cause uncomfortable conditions just to save some dough. His money is helping as well.:)
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Look for generic brands at the store.

Turn the a/c up (warmer) a degree or two
Turn the heat down (colder) a degree or two

Get drunk before heading out to party (yes I have a DD)

Pack my lunches for the DZ.

less dry cleaning, more laundry and ironing.
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With kids, it always seems like money is tight, so I'm just frugal all the time now. Let's see, I...

-Use things until they are broken (I finally have to buy a new clock radio today. My old one is about 23 years old)
-Read the grocery store flyers to find bargains and buy 1 get 1 free deals
-Cut coupons for groceries, oil changes, restaurants, clothing, etc.
-Buy some generic products
-Rarely eat out (I even bring my own food and beer to the dz in a cooler)
-I don't waste money on things I can do myself (I've never gotten a manicure or pedicure)
-Shop the clearance racks at stores. I get a thrill out of finding clothes for less than $10.
-Don't turn my a/c below 78 degrees at home
-Combine errands so I don't waste gas
-Cut my son's hair
-Wait for movie's to come out on dvd instead of going to the theater every week

I'm sure there's more. Cutting corners here and there really adds up at the end of the month!
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well, when i was not makeing enough money i told myself..."if i cant have the life i want, i will have no life at all." started working 12 hour days, didnt buy cloths new, and i still drive a 18 year old car.

if you are saving your max, then it may be time to go out and get more, know what i mean?

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-Cut coupons for groceries,


That gets addicting!

A few years back the real estate rent/lease market went south here when Enron did...we found ourselves cutting 4 mortgages for several months until we could get things rented again.

I started clipping coupons....was saving a little over 100.00 a week on food!!B|

That's 5000.00 a year...or about a months wages for me at the time.

I can't STOP!:)

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The one thing I do regards renting DVDs as well. I hate going to Blockbuster or the other places that rip you off. I use the DVD machines at the grocery store or even Mc Donalds (not to say I eat there, just rent there a lot).

Those machines only charge $1.08 a day. Last time I rented at Blockbuster it was $8.50 for 2 movies.


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That gets addicting!

Very addicting. I think its kinda sad that my bigest thrill on sundays sometimes is getting the paper so i can clip the coupons!

I think my boyfriend thinks I'm psychotic:D

Then again he sees how much money we end up saving food!


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I go to the library and check out free entertainment - books, CDs, DVDs, etc. I also don't have cable, home phone, or home internet (this is easier for me than for some other people since I live alone). I eat at home and bring my lunch to work, except for the occasional fast food meal on the weekends in between jumps. I don't cook meat or drink pop or coffee, so that helps keep the grocery bills down, and I try to buy generic whenever possible. I also tend to buy things I use a lot in larger quantities, but only when they're on sale.

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The first corner I cut is alcohol. I just stop drinking.

I also get super anal about lights off, short showers, etc.

Lunch for me is a 1.00 double cheeseburger from McD's, or some cheap single item from Taco Bell.

I also go through leftovers like mad. Buy items grocery shopping on sale, etc.

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You can still purchase a programmable thermostat. They cost $35 and have an almost instant payback in the heating season. Then you can set the system to heat or cool to match the occupied schedule.
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