
Info for those of you considering buying a motorcycle...

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Slipped it and it fell on me cause the largest, deepest bruise you've ever seen on my leg.

Yea, those hurt.

I was teaching a friend of mine to work the clutch on a bike using my CBR on the sidewalk in front of my house a while back. He did great, until he stopped it and started walking it down a slanted driveway to the street. He leaned it over like you would a bicycle, and it came crashing down on him when he hit "that point" in the lean where all the weight seems to hit at once. He was limping around for quite a while.

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eh, never ride in shorts, never feel how great it is. Sandals I don't get - seems like it would hurt to shift up.

How not to buy a bike.

1- jump all weekend, say in Elsinore. 6 jumps on Sunday.
2- drive to guy's house at 10pm.
3- buy bike
4- ride direct to office in Bay Area.
5- work 3/4 day
6- ride home to SF

then again...this bike was worth it, and I can rest this weekend.

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hey, do the same if you crash on your 135. Esp if you're wearing shorts at the time.

What, you mean motorcycling is dangerous?! Gasp. If I crash in shorts, I'll pay the price for that pleasure. But the same applies to anyone out there riding in jeans - the added protection is rather marginal.

While we're killing the sacred cows - the line in the article you reference declaring that 'you WILL crash' is false. Certainly could happen to me, but hasn't yet.

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Obviously you've never ridden in Dallas.

Plano is worst then Dallas. 75-central was freak'n scary, but kinda a fun challenge. Houston was about the same. Ft. Worth is an amazing town to ride through. People gave me room, didn't try to kill me, and were over all very aware of me being there and nice about it.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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One person's experience: I rode tens of thousands of miles year-round in rainy Portland over 6 years and never had what I'd call a real close call or "near death experience."

Many times quick reactions saved me, but never so close I'd actually make a big deal of it. I did spill a few times (and once at high speed) but ZERO injuries. None.

Of course I was a moderately conservative rider. Fast off the line and willing to take opportunities to get ahead, but never rude or cocky. And my eyes were ALWAYS moving.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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I ride in houston...its pretty fun, but people here like to pull out infront of you quite often.. I noticed that in my car when I first moved here.. but traffic is a blast when hauling ass though 5 lanes of packed cars... just hope they all keep the doors shut or I am in for a spill..:):S>:(B|

chicago was by far the coolest place I have riden.. tons of traffic and its all bumper to bumper at about 75 mph... not a whole lot of room for error though..

this space for rent.

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I think that experience riding off road with dirt bikes is valuable for the street.

You get to practice controlling a bike when you've passed the limits of traction. You get to practice going over obstacles that require you to get light on the front or even lift the front wheel and let the bike bounce up under you. You get to practice jumps. You get to practice maximum braking.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Hey man - I know you're happy about your new purchase and I can certainly respect that - Just be careful down there in Houston man - I used to ride all over Texas and they're just as unpredictable as anywhere else. You're right on about Chicago too - all bumper to bumper but they're still smokin'.

Congrats on the new scooter,

Keep the shiny side up,


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no prob man... I am definately not looking to repeat a few things I have done on my bike.. thanks for the concern, and know that it is in the back of my mind... that whole growing up thing I think is starting for me.. as I hit 124 mph on my way home last night I thought to myself "I am not invinsable anymore" :D:S
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as I hit 124 mph on my way home last night I thought to myself "I am not invinsable anymore" :D:S

Were you still thinking that at 130mph:D:D:D
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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nah.. I was thinking damn my eyes are watering this would be so much easier to see if I had a helmet...full face:):)

It gets freakin' HOT wearing a full face down there. I wear mine all the time cuz (besides the obvious) it keeps all the road debris and flying critters out of my face. I took a hit in the neck from a bumble bee once and it gave me a welt the size of a golf ball for about a week.

I figure I might as well protect myself as best I can when I straddle this thing :)


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good stuff.. thats a sweet bike. I just found another bike I am going to buy... a 2003 gsx-r 600 with 8k miles for 2700 bucks! in great shape too.. cant figure out why the guy wants to sell it so cheap but I am going to grab it before he changes his mind.

anyone out there wanna buy a 1995 suzuki RF900R ??? its fun and fast and comfy.. just a bit older:):)

found out how easy it is to get that front tire off the ground even though its a heavy bike.... but I still want a 600 :)

this space for rent.

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I've been a little motorbike curious recently too and have considered getting a bike.

After speaking to a couple of people who ride, I am now a little less keen about the idea.

This is why - living in the middle of a big city automatically puts you at risk. Even if I was the most conservative rider, it is the other people on the road that pose a risk. Being on a bike will make me more prone to injury than if I was in the car.
I'm really not keen on dying.. at the end of the day, statistics may say driving a bike is more or less dangerous than jumping but doing both increases your risk of injury/ death.

This thread has been really informative as well. A lot of readily available information tends to glamourize riding a bike but I think hearing real stories from real people is a lot more informative. Thanks!

So for the moment I think I'll stick to public transport.

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If bikes are appealing to you, but not riding on the street, then don't ride on the street, get a dirt bike.

Nothing like having the power to dig trenches with the real wheel, do powerslides and jumps and wheelies and...
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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