
My 15 month old is being hospitalized

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ya know, I've always wanted to tell you this... every time I look at a picture of you I just laugh! you look like a man who just fucking loves his life.

thanks for the kind words mate.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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ya know, I've always wanted to tell you this... every time I look at a picture of you I just laugh! you look like a man who just fucking loves his life.

thanks for the kind words mate.

Ask him to post a picture from his mullet days...:D:D:D

(I am SO never being invited back to Casa Psycho again...):D

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It may be parainfluenza - its common in young children in late spring/early summer. There are 3 different types - and they present with fevers and congestion - does she seem to have a cold? A simple blood test can tell if she has it or not. It took 4 days to get the results of my daughers and by then the fever had broken and she was just congested (on the mend in other words).

This is what put my baby in the PICU this last time - they almost had to intubate her and put her on a ventilator again :( There were 3 other babies that had it there too... Can't hurt to ask...

Arianna Frances

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Thats exactly what my daughter had - bronchiolitis, which is what parainfluenza type 3 causes.

bad news is that there is nothing that can be done for it, but at least the time to get over it is less than 7 days.

Arianna Frances

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Thats exactly what my daughter had - bronchiolitis, which is what parainfluenza type 3 causes.

bad news is that there is nothing that can be done for it, but at least the time to get over it is less than 7 days.


so there it is then... we have a raging UTI, bronchiolitis, and we'll see what's behind door #3 tomorrow morhing probably! YEE-HAA!!!! ;)

For now, everyone's asleep and resting well. Thanks be to God for that, eh?

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Thats exactly what my daughter had - bronchiolitis, which is what parainfluenza type 3 causes.

bad news is that there is nothing that can be done for it, but at least the time to get over it is less than 7 days.


Sounds like tonsilitis and ear infections....

"We can give your child antibiotics that will clear it up in 7-10 days... or, we can let it run its course and she'll be over it in a week and a half"

^^^^^ True statement from pediatrician the first time my youngest had tonsilitis...
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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CMV is a secondary virus that most of us get as kids when we have something like a really bad cold or chickenpox or something.
My nephew had a small cold but every afternoon his fever spiked, he would nearly pass out, and three times his folks had to take him to the er.
Finally my sister asked how much the CMV test was, and they said "oh he doesn't have THAT!" but she insisted on the test, and he DID have it.'
At least they finally knew why the fever was spiking.
[email protected]

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Well...it's 7:02am where I live and it looks like it's going to be a gorgeous day where I'm at.

I hope the it's the same for you and that everyone was able to get some sleep last night. And most especially that little Dilla is MUCH better today.

Prayers were said...:)
"...I've learned that while the "needs" in life are important (food, water, shelter), it's the "wants" in life (ice cream, chocolate, sex) that make it worth the effort." Kbordson

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hi there... dunno... i'm just about to leave the house w/ the other kiddos for the hospital... didn't get any calls through the night, so I think everything is ok for now... more later. thx.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Thanks for the continued updates Micro! Kids amaze me with their ability to bounce back - yet it's so terrifying to imagine how fragile they can be.

Continued prayers and thoughts headed your way!!!!

xoxo g
"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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hey yall... a little more improvement, a little back to her old rambunctious (sp?) self. still in the hospital though, at least through tomorrow. Some funky shit growing in her urine culture they say. won't know exactly what it is or how to attack it until tomorrow after it has grown and festered a little more in the lab. the doc is concerned that someone so young has such a nasty UTI, rare for a 15 month old, usually seen in a toddler who is learning to be potty training and is not a good wiper. We're religious about changing diapers and wiping, so thati's not the issue. Doc thinks maybe still an outside pathogen or a inherent kidney defect. Had ultrasounds of kidneys and bladder done this morning and more antibiotic shots today. that's helping. they're shipping her to either st. louis or springfield for additional testing of her kidneys probably next week that they can't do here in this rural hospital. if she doesn't completely respont to injectible or oral ABs, they'll give her an IV regimine of antibiotics which will require a 10 DAY hospital stay. That will SUCK! But, Cecilia is much more playful today, that's good. Today is also her mother's birthday, so we just had a little party in the hospital room w/ cupcakes and all w/ the other kids. Dilla was very very happy to see her three older siblings.

More later... thanks again for the vibes and prayers.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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