
For my now 4-day-old sinus cold, I should now take...

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Freaking four day old cold now. Won't go away. Nothing hurts, just stuffy. Been subsisting on sleep, advil cold and sinus, and when I get the chance, more sleep. No sore throat, nothing. Just not pleased.
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4 days and you're already crying like a girl? Wussy! ;)

My opinion is that if a cold is lasting longer than 10 days or a high fever is present, then go see a Dr. Otherwise, suck it up like a man and get lots of rest and lots of medication to make you feel better. :P

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Nasal irrigation with warm distilled water with a little salt. If you're irritated enough it hurts like a mother, but it feels a lot better after. Just think of it as rinsing half the germs out.

Wendy W.
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don't take any of that crap, what you probably need is some psuedoephedrine, which is good for sinusitis, you don't need an anti tussive, ie ny/dayquil which has dextromethathorpan in it, what you need is a decongestant, pseudoephedrine to decongest your sinus's, not perscribing to you, but 30mgs every 4=6 hours will work like a champ just remember to drink plenty of water with that cuz it drys you out. also called chlorphenamarine, and pseudofed, not to be taken while on MAO inhibitors
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