
America, why are you so crap ?

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at football? ;)

Yankees, whats the score? yankess yankees whats the score? You're not singing any more, you're not singing, you're not singing, yooooou're not singing any more !!!

230 million people, and still you fail to find any that can play football :D would it help if we allowed you to wear body armour?

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I second that thought...how the hell does one watch 2 effin hours of a TIE GAME????
only to get excited about it?
I don't get soccer....boring!

You don't - REAL sports NEVER allow a game to end in a tie or even worse, NO SCORE!

"Excuse me while I kiss the sky..." - Jimi Hendrix

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We have Plenty that can play FOOTBALL.

Ah yes, American Football, that great game where the ball is passed from hand to hand.:S

Real football on the other hand, involves a ball being kicked by, get this, the players feet!! Whoever would have thought it:P
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Football is a game whereby you kick a round ball with your feet. Its not a complicated concept, clue is in the name.

Your version of football has limited use of the foot, surely be more aptly named 'fucked up hand ball' or as us gentleman call it, american football, to be polite

America may or may not suck at football but whatever, it a shit game for overpaid faggots who cry when they fall over/trip/mysterously dive for no reason.

I'd much rather watch motorsport, ice hockey, boxing, cricket ;) or throw in a skydiving DVD

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Lets see.. First you have the KICK Off.. Then You have The Field Goals, Punts, Extra Points ect.. Yep Lots of Feet Kicking Balls.. in FOOTBALL..

Soccer = Boring Game. Very Little if any scoring.
Just a bunch of guys running back and forth not accomplishing much. Nope American just don’t get that game.

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We have Plenty that can play FOOTBALL.

Ah yes, American Football, that great game where the ball is passed from hand to hand.:S

Real football on the other hand, involves a ball being kicked by, get this, the players feet!! Whoever would have thought it:P

I can't believe you even went there. Not using your hands - you think this is a good thing?!

Of course, we could just give up complete use of our hands and pass the ball with our HEADS :S. No wonder you guys don't understand American football - too many blunt strikes to the noggin ;)

"Excuse me while I kiss the sky..." - Jimi Hendrix

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Americvan football = Rugby for girls. Real men dont need body armour.

I would have to agree with that.
Now Rugby... There is a Sport.
Much better than just a Bunch of sissys running up and down the field for two hours never accomplishing anything. And WTF up with the Ref and the CARD in the FACE, Try that with your average american and they will take card, Wipe their ass with it and then shove right back in the Refs Mouth.:P:D

Gotta agree.. Rugby over Soccer anyday.

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I'll tell you a fucked up game. Baseball, those guys are all out of proportion. They are proper freaks. I find it boring too but probably because I don't undersatnd the rules. I swear I saw this pitcher throw like 7 balls at one guy and he didnt hit one and wasn't out either. That made my head hurt.

I admire how the pitcher can manipulate the ball in the air though and when they can finally be bothered to hit the ball they really can whack that bitch :D

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Soccer just isn't that interesting, kinda like hockey but outside. YUCK

And without the fights.

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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