
I don't love you anymore...what would you do?

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A couple of recent threads got me to wondering....

Say you're married to the person you consider to be your "soulmate". "The One".

You're happy with the current state of your relationship. You've got the nice house, the cars, the kids, the pets.

One day your spouse tells you he/she is no longer in love with you. But they are willing to stay since you guys get along for the most part, and it would tear so many things apart to split up. They are willing to live a facade until the kids go off to college.

What do you think you would do?

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Not a road to go down. I know somebody in a loveless situation. Has been making excuses for why they are still together and is basically miserable and the situation is very uncomfortable for family and friends. :(
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Hmmm....let's say he/she promises to be faithful. (But not necessarily to continue to have sex with you).

Sounds like an open marriage would be a better option. :|
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But the question is, what would you do? What would you want if put in the situation?

Stay with someone who doesn't love you, but you love and don't want to lose?

Or give them their freedom to leave because being with someone who doesn't love you is too much to take?

Or look at it as a sacrifice for the sake of the kids, providing you can continue to be friendly and respectful towards each other.

[:/] I think I'm the one way overthinking this now!:P

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Never been married, so it's really a theoretical exercise...

After the initial pain, I'd realize that her plan to stay together for at least a couple years gives us time to work on the marriage, find out what she thinks went wrong, determine whether or not the problem is something that can be fixed. I'd try to get her to talk about her perceptions, find out how they differ from mine, and use that as a starting point to form a plan for repairing the marriage.

On the other hand, if the loss of her love was due to her falling in love with someone else, if she had actively cheated on me, then it's time to divorce even though it'll be damaging to everybody involved.


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Love (to me) means doing what makes the other person happy. Even if what they want to be happy means not you, sometimes you have to let them go. [:/]

Staying together for the sake of the kids is a bullshit reason. Kids are better off with two happy parents in separate houses than two miserable, bitter, angry ones in one. Being "friends" in this scenario is destined to fail badly.
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Staying together for the sake of the kids is a bullshit reason. Kids are better off with two happy parents in separate houses than two miserable, bitter, angry ones in one. Being "friends" in this scenario is destined to fail badly.

Uhm, just out of curiousity? How many kids do you have?
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Staying together for the sake of the kids is a bullshit reason. Kids are better off with two happy parents in separate houses than two miserable, bitter, angry ones in one. Being "friends" in this scenario is destined to fail badly.

Uhm, just out of curiousity? How many kids do you have?


How many ya NEED?!>:(

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How many ya NEED?!


My point was, once you reach a point where you have kids with your partner, that's a big step. So, get through the hall sex phase (...pass each other in the hall, one says Fuck You, the other says FUCK YOU), and move back towards hand jobs.

Actually, I can't imagine leaving my kids. If my wife ever did do that to me, I would absolutely live in a tent and teach AFF. And never look back.
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I'm frankly shocked that nobody else has said they'd even consider trying to find out what the problem is and fix it.

I was engaged to a woman who decided she didn't want to marry me anymore. I didn't just say, "Oh? Well, that's that, I suppose. Bye." I talked to her, tried to find out why she called it off, sought counseling.

Why would you give up so easily?


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Staying together for the sake of the kids is a bullshit reason. Kids are better off with two happy parents in separate houses than two miserable, bitter, angry ones in one. Being "friends" in this scenario is destined to fail badly.

Uhm, just out of curiousity? How many kids do you have?

0, and don't want any, but I am very familiar with this situation. [:/]
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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