
Locals shouldn't pass out at the LP Boogie

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If it was a chick who was drunk and passed out and you shoved a cock in her face wouldn't that be called rape??? or something. why is it ok to do that for said local dude??:|:S

The dick wasn't "in" anyone's face, it was near a face. It didn't (to my knowledge) touch him, and he couldn't have felt sexually threatened or intimidated because he was asleep. I've got a picture in my logbook of me mooning a camera right next to my DZO's head without his knowledge, kinda like holding rabbit ears behind someone's head. He didn't know about it till the pictures showed up at the DZ. He thought it was just as funny as I did. Anyhow, I didn't and don't consider that any sort of sexual assault. Are asses any different than genitals in this regard? Would your view be different if it had been a pair of tits next to his head instead of a dick?

(drink Mountain Dew)

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and he couldn't have felt sexually threatened or intimidated because he was asleep.

And if he saw that picture what would he feel then? He was passed out. Comparing a dick to rabbit ears is completley different... he was passed out. How does he not know since its only (to peoples knowledge) that the small dick didnt touch him at all? If it were a girl, it would DEFINITLY be considered sexual assualt or maybe something similar.


Anyhow, I didn't and don't consider that any sort of sexual assault.

I would ... I passed out at a boogie once and people took pictures that I felt were inapproaite and they were no where near as malious as those.


Are asses any different than genitals in this regard?



Would your view be different if it had been a pair of tits next to his head instead of a dick?

But its not a pair of tits, its a small... dick, inches from his face.

Would a straight guy feel different if it were tits? Yes probably, but it wasnt.

The fact that people brag about this makes it kinda sad in a way.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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Are asses any different than genitals in this regard?



Would your view be different if it had been a pair of tits next to his head instead of a dick?

But its not a pair of tits, its a small... dick, inches from his face.

Would a straight guy feel different if it were tits? Yes probably, but it wasnt.

The fact that people brag about this makes it kinda sad in a way.

It's all good. I haven't noticed anyone bragging, your personal belief that asses are different than genitals are different than breasts in this regard is kinda wierd, and you probably wouldn't like the boogie anyhow. Remember, the weather's terrible, the skydives suck, the beer is warm, and there are too many damn Canadians. ;)

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Wow dude you need to chill the fuck out. That's just people having fun. Life's way to short to be frecking out over a picture unless that's you. At least he didnt get in car and drive home.

so youre telling me that if they got you the gay hooker on your 21st bday like they were going to , youd be ok with it?

I specifically remember the DICK SLAP was going to be the highlight of the evening. after he blew you in the dark briefing room

for the record I was one of few who said it wasnt cool.
I guess I should have pitched in. hey when is your next birthday?
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I haven't noticed anyone bragging

Half the thread is braggin about what gets done to locals if they come on skydivers turf.


your personal belief that asses are different than genitals are different than breasts in this regard is kinda wierd

Your belief that mooning the camera next to your friend and then comparing it to bunny ears is weird. Also this local wasnt the "skydivers" friend, and it wasnt boobs (how many men would complain about boobs) its about a very small dick being put into a strangers face while passed out. You cant compare those. This was a stranger, who went to a party, he didnt crash the party because last time I checked boogies werent RSVP by invitation only, and then he was defamed not only by possibly getting pissed on but also by having a strangers small shriveled dick put in his face, oh and then the pictures were posted on the internet.


Remember, the weather's terrible, the skydives suck, the beer is warm, and there are too many damn Canadians

I dont ever recall stating that or implying that. I dont care how the skydives are, or how beautiful the place is, I just think its unfair how that man was treated by a group of people. And the stuff about women not being able to walk around alone because of them, and because locals steal and pick fights, well Ive never been to a boogie where the women didnt have a buddy system, and we have a whole database of stolen gear etc.

I just dont see the humor in it.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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This was a stranger, who went to a party, he didnt crash the party because last time I checked boogies werent RSVP by invitation only, and then he was defamed not only by possibly getting pissed on but also by having a strangers small shriveled dick put in his face, oh and then the pictures were posted on the internet.

He was never pissed on. Trust me. I was there.


And the stuff about women not being able to walk around alone because of them, and because locals steal and pick fights, well Ive never been to a boogie where the women didnt have a buddy system, and we have a whole database of stolen gear etc.

I'm a pretty heads up girl and can pretty much take care of myself (ask anyone) but come Friday and Saturday nite in the last several years, I would NEVER walk back to my camp on my own. Never mind the grabbing and groping that goes on if you try and walk through a crowd of "kids".

Have you been to LP??? Unless you have, don't even begin to judge why we don't feel it's safe to walk around alone when the kids get there. Come there and try it and see how you feel.

Ever hear the saying 'walk a mile in my shoes' ... try it ...


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And the stuff about women not being able to walk around alone because of them, and because locals steal and pick fights, well Ive never been to a boogie where the women didnt have a buddy system, and we have a whole database of stolen gear etc.

I'm a pretty heads up girl and can pretty much take care of myself (ask anyone) but come Friday and Saturday nite in the last several years, I would NEVER walk back to my camp on my own. Never mind the grabbing and groping that goes on if you try and walk through a crowd of "kids".

Have you been to LP??? Unless you have, don't even begin to judge why we don't feel it's safe to walk around alone when the kids get there. Come there and try it and see how you feel.

I think what she was trying to say was that because women have to use a buddy system and people have to put up with thieves at other boogies, LP shouldn't expect any different. Without her having been there, I wouldn't expect to change her mind. I'm not going to try any further. ;)

(drink Mountain Dew)

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The next year - we stopped at Albertson's on our way to the DZ - and the young girl at checkout saw our skydiving t-shirts and asked if this was THE party weekend.....she'd heard what a great party it was & knew someone who had rented a bus so they could go out for the party.

Just so people who haven't been there understand the context...the nearest Albertson's to LP is quite a fucking hike! :D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Have you been to LP??? Unless you have, don't even begin to judge why we don't feel it's safe to walk around alone when the kids get there. Come there and try it and see how you feel.

No I havent, that being said I wouldnt go to a boogie where I didnt have back up as far as a buddy system. Regardless on the motivation behind the dick in the face, its still demeaning and he had no choice to walk away, nor the capabilities to. People fed him more alcohol and got him to pass out again and according to turtle lasted 1 + hours.

I hope your boogie gets safer, for skydivers and for the locals. Seems you both are in a bad situation and it shouldnt be like that, but it is what it is. Ill take the Dublin boogie where the locals love the skydivers... maybe not as pretty a veiw, but its safe, and its friendly.

I have a question, and this is just because I am curious, if it is known how unsafe it is, to the extreme that is being portrayed, why go? I know its beautiful and all, and seems to have a great daytime vibe but is that worth the night problems?
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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Have you been to LP??? Unless you have, don't even begin to judge why we don't feel it's safe to walk around alone when the kids get there. Come there and try it and see how you feel.

I have a question, and this is just because I am curious, if it is known how unsafe it is, to the extreme that is being portrayed, why go? I know its beautiful and all, and seems to have a great daytime vibe but is that worth the night problems?

It's not that it's as UNSAFE as you're trying to portray it!! I've been there for the last 16 years!! I've had a few problems but for the most part, nothing more than your normal big city bar.

It's a safe boogie with few problems (with the exception of a few nights the last few years -- AND THIS YEAR WAS GREAT!!)

I guess as an oldetimer at the boogie, I long for the day where I could go back to my camp anytime I wanted to without worrying about drunken kids.

For the most part, during the time I'm there, it's not an issue. The last few years on Friday and Saturday night, you might want to get an escort but the rest of the time, it's fine. It's not the skydivers you need to worry about. It's a few little kids from town that cause the problems. I never said it was "unsafe". You're implying it's unsafe all the time.

You can live in a bubble or you can deal with what you have.

Go to LP next year and report back your findings.


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It's not that it's as UNSAFE as you're trying to portray it!!


I dont think Lisa is trying to portray it like that, You Gia and Beth are, quite effectively I might add:)
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Wow dude you need to chill the fuck out

Excuse me? I don't think you know me like that Bro. You need to back the fuck up...

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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It's all good. I haven't noticed anyone bragging, your personal belief that asses are different than genitals are different than breasts in this regard is kinda wierd, and you probably wouldn't like the boogie anyhow. Remember, the weather's terrible, the skydives suck, the beer is warm, and there are too many damn Canadians. ;)


Ok....so we dont know the difference between asses, genitals nor rabbit ears.....the guys got little dicks.....no handcuffs...few boobies..........bad weather , sucky skydives , warm beer , too many damn Canadians, tittygrabbers....Shell has a bellybutton tattooed on her back.....
damn i'm sorry I missed this.

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You may have overlooked one thing.
If this guy didnt take it as good natured "fun", he will be back next year with a hard on for a bunch of skydivers. It might not happen....it might.
Something to think about.

He just might. Actually I hope he does. His buddies found it funny when we managed to round them up to take him home. They laughed and said "he got what he got for passing out."

Like Livendive said, they were better behaved this year compared to previous years. We can hope.

But I still got groped. But that might have been Turtle. ;)


I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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Wow dude you need to chill the fuck out

Excuse me? I don't think you know me like that Bro. You need to back the fuck up...



Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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