How to get your cat to run into the room

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I heard my cats start coming towards my room then they realized that we dont' have a kitten and they wondered off. They're smarter then they look.B|


Ok, played with the Kitten sound as well as the rest of the sounds on the site and turned the speakers up some more. It brought the cats into the room and had them looking around looking very worried.

How cool is it that the instinct to protect the young is basically genetically programmed in many of the creatures under the sun.
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My herd couldnt've cared less. As I'm regularly bringing in kittens to place for adoption, they often hear that call...and know I'm on my way. So they don't even pay attention. ROFL. Lazy buncha cats I got here. At least I don't have a mouse issue...but it's not because of them!


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Must be an American cat, because my aussie cats ignored it completely, or maybe like me they just dont give a shit:D:D:D
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"uh, Mom... you gonna take care of that, or what?"

LOL, if I had mice, that's just about how it would go, I think. LOL. Either that, or Esse would lose her mind; she's scared of small things. She's a wimp, but an adorable wimp. Abby is the only one I think might actually track it...wouldn't kill it, but would track it, and then let me know when she'd cornered it so I could "handle" it for her.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
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I played this for my roommates dog yesterday. She perked up her ears and came over to me looking all around for something.

I played it a few times but she looked like she was getting upset that she couldn't find the poor kitty.

I can't wait to play it for my cat.
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