
Do some people take it too far?

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Ok, now I find paintball as fun as the next guy, but Airsoft is something I've never really got into, as a kid I had a couple of Beretta replicas that we used to run round the woods with shooting each other... but grown ups.... and to this extent :S

Cool pics but bordering on sad! Then again at least they are active and not just playing computer games.

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what's airsoft, judging by all the kit they'rer wearing it's a far more elaborate time waster the paint ball (skirmish), why the figure 8 decenders, and knives?
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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Airsoft is just BB guns :|

so WTF is all the other kit:D:D
they look tactical, do they have an old industrial area to play SWAT, or MI5:D:D:D:D
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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It look slike they take it to another level! Apparantly they have a special FIBUA place where they can do urban assaults. I can see the fun but wow, its a lot of trouble to goto to play soldiers!

... I guess thats what happens when your not allowed to play with real guns :P

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Looks like a bunch of modern re-enactment society types - bit [lot?] sad really....

Meh whatever floats ya boat, so long as they dont hurt anyone, I couldn't care less
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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Its nice to see that those jerkoffs were nice enough to paint the tips of their fake MP5s black to make them look real. I've had a few nearly bad runins with people that have done that to a few different airsoft weapons. Each one said something to the effect of "dude, its just a toy." Yup, I could damned sure tell that from 20ft away, in the dark with my flashlight illuminating you. Thanks.[:/]>:(
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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It look slike they take it to another level! Apparantly they have a special FIBUA place where they can do urban assaults. I can see the fun but wow, its a lot of trouble to goto to play soldiers!

If they're going to do that, then they should spend the money to get Simunition. You talk about a lot of fun "playing" with urban warfare, building clearing and active shooter scenerios. Then again, you can't buy Simunition at your local toy store either.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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We have a few of these types "rent" parts of an army training area. I even know a couple of people that do it.

Now I REALLY dont see the point. They do this for fun (and that stuff aint cheap) where as I get paid to practice that and get real munitions.

But as you say they are not spending it on drugs or hurting other people so I dont really care. Each to thier own...they probably think skydiving is "wierd".

Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.

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Yeah I can sympathise when people carry items like that in public. After our recent terror alerts a guy (aged 14) was walking round the town wearing full DPM kit with 95 pattern webbing and a rifle on a sling around his body. I could tell he wasn't a real threat and the weapon looked wrong, kinda looked more composite than metallic but he was still very shocked when I issued a challenge to him in the street and had him laying on the floor.

Lucky for him really, if it was later in the day with poor lighting or even just another officer not too confident of what they were looking at he could have been looking down the barrell of a very real rifle.

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Some of the local tv news people have a group.

They come out with grills and sun canopies. Some spend the previous night in tents.

We came out in jeans, dark shirts, and sneakers.

They came out in full camo with jump boots (polished and ready for action :D). One of the women even asked, "That's all you spent on gear?" :D

The worst opponent was a guy who went turkey hunting a lot. You never saw him move, but he always got you. We'd hit the other 9 on his entire team and then he'd get us one by one.

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I've seen worse.. went to laser tag once, and this guy showed up dressed all military and ready to go...

then there was the tv show i saw, of rich guys who buy old tanks, refurbish them, then take them out and play their own little military games.
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Actually, it sorta looks like fun to me. :$

Maybe it's just because I like the outfits. :)

What a chick ;) You don't want to play, you just want to shop. :ph34r:

Oh, I want to play too. ;) It just looks like it would be more fun if we're all dressed up like that... It looks kinda kinky. :D

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