
When stupid people attack

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I am constantly amazed at how stupid people in general can be at times. While most stupid people are only a menace to themselves, sometimes their actions can impact those around them. When I am present and I witness an act of stupidity that can potentially affect me, I go out of my way to let the stupid person know about their stupid behavior. This not only applies to the below listed examples but crosses into all aspects, skydiving included. I think many people see things that fall into this stupid category on a daily basis. However, human nature today often times prevents people from speaking up and saying "whoa, hold up idiot" when they see these types of things. If you're one of those people who witnesses something stupid that could potentially hurt you or others around you don't be afraid to say something, it could be your own life you save.

Below are things I have recently and repeatedly witnessed and have had to tell people to stop doing.

Gas Station idiots:

1) I am constantly amazed at the number of people who will talk on their cell phone while pumping gas even when the sign right on the pump says NO CELL PHONE USE. I guess most people are ignorant of the fact that it is dangerous but having personally witnessed a cell phone call set off an explosive charge that was a few feet away accidentaly,I have no problem seeing how it could be an issue at a gas pump.

2) Believe it or not, I have on more than one occasion looked over at someone sitting in a car(window down) that was at the pump being fuled smoking. To me, this is just plain stupidity. How can anyone think that there is no danger in this, even if one is sitting in the car? Frankly, I could care less if they blew themselves up however, their stupidty could potentially hurt or kill others at the pumps or in the gas station.

I could go on listing things but I am curious to hear what others have witnessed and what they do when they encounter stupid people.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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I'm a stupid person.

If a door has a sign on it saying PUSH. Then I usualy push it.

However, This mainly happens when the sign is on the glass so it actually PUSH to people coming into the building and I PUSH which doesnt work.

I think my brain just reads the word backwards and thinking its clever makes me do what the sign says.


Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.

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I'm never sure just what to do. They usually mystify me into submission. You just can't argue with one unless you are one. They are a source of great frustration to me, unfortunately.

Fortunately, at times they are also a source of great entertainment. B|

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Like you, I have witnessed many stupid things. I've also done pretty damned stupid things myself. One instance has always stood out for me:

I pulled into a parking lot of a small shopping center. When I got out of my car, I heard a baby crying. It was summertime and pretty damned hot. I noticed there was a baby in its car seat alone. The car was running and the mother was apparently in the store shopping! I was so fucking angry that someone could be that stupid and put their child in that much danger. I just leaned on my car waiting for the mother. I did my part to make sure no harm came to the child. When the mother came out, I really gave her an earfull. Her only excuse was that the baby was sleeping and she didn't want to disturb it.:S She was really pissed at me and told me to mind my own business.[:/] I wonder if a cop could give her a citation or haul her ass in for gross negligence.



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Oh, absolutely! It is criminal neglect in most places. Someone would have a real hard time keeping their child from being handed over to DCFS (dept. of child/family services here in IL.) let alone the issue of a citation.

I would have no problem calling the police for this one. You just can't do this.

Good for you for speaking up, especially in a case like this.
"...I've learned that while the "needs" in life are important (food, water, shelter), it's the "wants" in life (ice cream, chocolate, sex) that make it worth the effort." Kbordson

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Oh, absolutely! It is criminal neglect in most places. Someone would have a real hard time keeping their child from being handed over to DCFS (dept. of child/family services here in IL.) let alone the issue of a citation.

I would have no problem calling the police for this one. You just can't do this.

Good for you for speaking up, especially in a case like this.

My first instinct was to protect the child while keeping a safe distance so I wouldn't be accused of anything funky.[:/] Due to the heat, I kept a close watch on the baby to make sure her health wasn't in danger. The windows weren't even cracked.>:( The other thing that crossed my mind was a possible abduction. They were going to have to run over me first. I never thought of contacting the police until afterward and this was before cell phones. Sometimes I wonder if that kid survived with such a dumbass mother.



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My first instinct was to protect the child while keeping a safe distance so I wouldn't be accused of anything funky.[:/]

I know, it's so sad nowadays...I was in Walmart and an older woman and I were in a little bit of a quandry when we saw this little girl wandering down an aisle all by herself. Even as women we felt awkward about asking her if she was lost for fear of being accused of something, so I know it has to be harder for a guy. In the end, you have to take a chance for the kid's sake but it's unnerving.[:/]

But you did what you could do. There are a lot of people who don't want to get "involved" and hope someone else will handle it. I don't know how someone can walk away from a child that looks to be in trouble. Hopefully what you said woke that mom up.
"...I've learned that while the "needs" in life are important (food, water, shelter), it's the "wants" in life (ice cream, chocolate, sex) that make it worth the effort." Kbordson

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1) I am constantly amazed at the number of people who will talk on their cell phone while pumping gas even when the sign right on the pump says NO CELL PHONE USE. I guess most people are ignorant of the fact that it is dangerous...


I confess, I'm ignorant. I've never seen that sign before. :$
I won't do it again. Thanks for the public service announcement.

What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy
ones? -- Monday.

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1) I am constantly amazed at the number of people who will talk on their cell phone while pumping gas even when the sign right on the pump says NO CELL PHONE USE. I guess most people are ignorant of the fact that it is dangerous...

In Reply To

I confess, I'm ignorant. I've never seen that sign before.
I won't do it again. Thanks for the public service announcement.

Don't feel bad Jen, I didn't know that was a baddy either.:o



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A cell phone setting off an explosive charge is one thing. The static electricity that causes a gas station incident is another.

The "cell phone" issue is not consistently documented. More likely, it is caused by people who get back in their cars while the fuel is pumping. When they get out, they generate static electricity. This has been hypothesized by the fact that most (over 70%, and I'm not being sexist) of the incidents involved women, who are more likely to sit in their car while the tank is getting filled.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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1) I am constantly amazed at the number of people who will talk on their cell phone while pumping gas even when the sign right on the pump says NO CELL PHONE USE. I guess most people are ignorant of the fact that it is dangerous but having personally witnessed a cell phone call set off an explosive charge that was a few feet away accidentaly,I have no problem seeing how it could be an issue at a gas pump.

7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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I am aware of the distinction of the two, however, both can be attributed to cell phone use and people ignoring warnings of the potential dangers that are posted on the gas pump itself along with the other things like smoking, etc.

What is just as disturbing is the fact that many people see these types of things everyday and simply think to themselves how dumb that person is, yet do nothing or say nothing. Complacency, lethargy, indifference,ignorance,apprehension and lazyness are just a few of the terms that describe this. It can be witnessed on the street, in the store, in the hanger and while in the aircraft. Are people so afraid to get involved and say something to a person doing something that could potentially hurt them or those around them?
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Exactly what I was thinking! I thought about looking this one up while reading the thread...

IMHO, the danger of using a cell phone at a gas station is total BS, same as using them while on an airplane (interference with navigational systems? Gimme a break...:S) Well, I guess people can be called stupid for disobeying stupid rules, eh?

Couple of stupid things I've done myself: jumping out of an airplane with misrouted chest strap (really gave me shivers when I noticed it upon landing), and with loose legstraps (had to tighten them up in freefall). Well, as long as I learn from it... :D
We were not born to fly. And all we can do is to try not to fall...

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Funny how many of those studies claiming there is no risk were done by cell phone companies or paid for by cell phone companies eh?

I think it is interesting that the petroleum companies have gone so far as to post this warning on thier pumps despite these studies. While it may be remote, the fact of the matter remains that there is a possibility.

Part of the article Snopes referenced is just that, a part. It doesn't include another portion of the same article where it states:

"Whether an incident has or hasn't happened isn't really the main concern here. Rather, you should be asking, "Is there any risk in using cell phones while refueling?" The answer to that question is "yes"-even though, as the experts attest, it's a remote possibility. "The risk is nowhere near as immediate as that of a number of other common, pump-side behaviors, such as smoking or leaving the engine running while pumping gas," some of them say.

Nevertheless, cell-phone manufacturers Nokia and Ericsson take the risk seriously. Nokia officials said they have been recommending for a long time that mobile phones be turned off while refueling a car."

So even if it has a remote chance of happening, do you want to be the one or worse yet, the one injured because someone else didn't think it was a risk?
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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We were recently all issued with beutiful new radios for duty and are advised to turn them into TXI mode (transmission inhibit) when filling up our vehicles. Its not the signal that is dangerous as that is in the air all the time anyway. We were told that the danger lies in operating electrical equipment rather than any mythical signal manifesting itself as a spark. Thats th eonly reason we are supposed to do it, but in practice, just make sure you dont transmit on the forecourt.

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I've always wondered whether setting my car alarm with the remote 'beeper' before I go inside to pay isn't a greater danger? Anyone know what the differences are between the cell phone risk and the transmission from my key-fob to the car?

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One of the best that I personally witnessed:

I was working at a gas station. At shift change, the routine was the night shift woman took a twenty-foot dipstick out into the parking lot, opened up the storage tank service caps, and measured the remaining gasoline. I was cleaning up inside, looked out the window, couldn't believe what I was seeing, grabbed the microphone, and calmly said, "Hey Joyce, I think you probably shouldn't smoke while you do that."

She was bending over a pipe that led straight down into thousands of gallons of fuel, and who knows how many cubic feet of fuel vapor, with a cigarette dangling from her lip!:|


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I wonder if a cop could give her a citation or haul her ass in for gross negligence.

Its against the law in TX. Legal action is taken and typically Child Protective Services is notified.

I have no clue about the laws in your state. They should be on the internet, though, incase you feel like researching it.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I believe the Mythbusters 'busted' the cellphone danger. They've also conducted an experiment with a pantyhose which creates static electricity while repeatedly being rubbed against the upholstery when a woman (or a guy in polyester pants :D)gets in and out of the car while refueling. If I remember correctly there was an explosion.

"I love cooking with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food."

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