
Whoah - Rockstar Supernova . . .

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I thought Toby was great tonight...doing Rebel Yell surrounded by babes from the audience...woo-hoo!!

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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its not even on here yet.

you must be in PST also

MDT ...

It's on at 10pm here (it's 930 now ...)

SHHHHH to all y'all (that's my Amereeken for ya!) until WE get it!!!

Please ... we're OCD and can't NOT click on the thread when it has a new post!



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LOL yea its 830 here but its on at 9.

AND i HEAR YA about the OCD.

Big Brother is on right now (talk about watching a TRAIN WRECK!!!)

So that's why it's not on until 10pm here.

Let's make a pact ... no clicky until AFTER 10pm PST and 11pm MDT ... deal, or no deal?



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ok well its all good if we are the only ones talking LOL.

but I dont watch big bro. I couldnt put myself thru that:D

DAMN! You clicked too!!! So did I!!!

I only have BB on (sound OFF and tunes playing) so I don't miss RSSN starting ... so STOP POSTING TO THIS 'cause we'll both click on it and someone will post the outcome and we'll be sad and angry that we heard the outcome before we saw it ... and we'll cry and yell and be angry because we clicked but we're OCD so it's not out fault and ... ....

Just walk away jtval ... just walk away and I will too ... I promise ...



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ok.. I am walking away....

wait I dont think I should be posting now.
Damn!! I record the show so I dont miss it. DVD-rw's are great. I use it like a TIVO with limited memory.
(and I can turn some performances into mp3)

ok ok I wont click again.
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ok.. I am walking away....

wait I dont think I should be posting now.
Damn!! I record the show so I dont miss it. DVD-rw's are great. I use it like a TIVO with limited memory.
(and I can turn some performances into mp3)

ok ok I wont click again.

SHIT!! I CLICKED !!!! It's YOUR fault!

Just PM me from now on ... it's starting!!!

OCD ... damn ... OCD ... damn ... OCD ... damn ...


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I've been watching the show...I think it's the only time I ever watch CBS! And the only 'reality' show I've watched in a long time.

The guy with all the makeup, I thought he SUCKED tonight! Baaad Nirvana. But the guys liked it.

Loved Toby's Rebel Yell. And he's hot too so that doesn't hurt. :$

The blonde girl, Storm, needs to go. She did okay tonight but has sucked several times before. The guys don't seem to care for her, I think she'll be leaving soon.

Ummm...oh the guy who did Coldplay, that was interesting. Very energetic at least. Maybe Ryan is his name??

(sorry, don't have the faces/names straight)

And the bald guy, Magni, I think he did pretty well with that Live song. Not WOW, but not bad.

Dilana, I thought she did well (I'm not a big fan of that song though)...I do wonder what she looks like without all that makeup and crazy hair! :D The guys loved her again.

I predict that Storm will be kicked off.

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I think Dilana may be off the hook with the guys but wel see if the qaudience lets her off.

she did excellent

so did toby and Magni.

storm did wel for storm but not enough to save her. she's in tough company
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Some WOW performances tonight! Do all of you vote?????

Magni did very well, I've liked him since his second performance.

Ryan, he did very well and the stage performance was equally good!!!

Toby, excellent job of Rebel Yell!

Dilana, even though it 's not my favorite song, did very very well!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to see Lukas and Storm in the bottom three but will hate seeing any of the others there. I do think Storm will go home this week though.

Lukas, saying he doesn't like Nirvana? That's just wrong, how can someone not like Nirvana!!!! I think Dilana did better when she sang Lithium! Mush better.

Oh, and Dilana is gorgeous when you take away all the hair!

Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Oh, and Dilana is gorgeous when you take away all the hair!

hell yea! bald girls are hot:D

Lukas said he doesnt like the rolling stones(in an earlier show) but he dances around like Mick Jagger and he did there song very well.

but I havent liked him for a while.
(no, didnt vote)
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If its a double elimination, it *should* be Storm and Ryan. Crawling all over a piano does not equal stage presence, and he's so clearly not right for their band. How many times have they all but told him that, too? Storm- well, that was an unfortunate song choice for her. Like you said, she did OK with it, but that song didn't suit her voice AT ALL! She's got some pipes, but she's also not a good fit for that band. Can't stand Lukas, but he didn't suck last night. And Toby- I also think he's all wrong for them, but I actually noticed and enjoyed his performance last night. I thought Dilana did great last night- perfect song for her, and I also think she's perfect for the band. Magni was terrific as usual, but I think he's way too good for them. Those guys would probably hold his career back.

And is it my imagination, or are the other two guys a little embarrassed by Tommy Lee? He's so creepy, and last night especially, he had nothing relevant or coherent to say! What the he** was he on last night anyway! Best line of the night was when he told Toby to send the hootchies to his dressing room, and Toby told him to check their IDs first! eeeeewwwwwww If they pick Lukas, Jason and Gilby will have two creepy psychos to deal with!

And how about the OTT house drama they aired, with Lukas running around telling everyone that Dilana cut Magni's head "wide open" when there was just an itty bitty little trickle of blood?

They're making too much of the drama surrounding Dilana's comments. I think she was a) set up because they knew she would talk some shit and b) the victim of creative editing. And all of that was about ratings and trying to create extra drama and suspense when there really isn't any. She's been their favorite all along.

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If its a double elimination, it *should* be Storm and Ryan. Crawling all over a piano does not equal stage presence, and he's so clearly not right for their band. How many times have they all but told him that, too? Storm- well, that was an unfortunate song choice for her. Like you said, she did OK with it, but that song didn't suit her voice AT ALL! She's got some pipes, but she's also not a good fit for that band. Can't stand Lukas, but he didn't suck last night. And Toby- I also think he's all wrong for them, but I actually noticed and enjoyed his performance last night. I thought Dilana did great last night- perfect song for her, and I also think she's perfect for the band. Magni was terrific as usual, but I think he's way too good for them. Those guys would probably hold his career back.

And is it my imagination, or are the other two guys a little embarrassed by Tommy Lee? He's so creepy, and last night especially, he had nothing relevant or coherent to say! What the he** was he on last night anyway! Best line of the night was when he told Toby to send the hootchies to his dressing room, and Toby told him to check their IDs first! eeeeewwwwwww If they pick Lukas, Jason and Gilby will have two creepy psychos to deal with!

And how about the OTT house drama they aired, with Lukas running around telling everyone that Dilana cut Magni's head "wide open" when there was just an itty bitty little trickle of blood?

They're making too much of the drama surrounding Dilana's comments. I think she was a) set up because they knew she would talk some shit and b) the victim of creative editing. And all of that was about ratings and trying to create extra drama and suspense when there really isn't any. She's been their favorite all along.

I agree that Dilana would do a good job with the band. Magni has probably the best voice and will do really well regardless. They did seem to make a big deal out of the cut on Magni's head, it's not like she intentionally meant to do it. Yes, she did act out, she deeply regrets the incident. Lukas knows that Dilana is favored by the band that's why he reacts to her the way he does.

I'm so glad to read peoples reactions to Lukas that aren't all ga-ga over him. He's weird, his stage performance sucks. He may have a good voice but he is so wrong for this band. Actually, they'd probably all do well without the backing of Supernova!

Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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they'd probably all do well without the backing of Supernova!

I'm sorry, but that band is a bunh of has beens. The 2 song I heard that were theirs the last couple of week: I mean WTF? Is this Twsited Sisters? Leave the light on and that do-wap horror last week????

They'll use the popularity of that show and having a front man selected by kinda the audiance, have 1 record, and thats probably it (at least I hope so!). Whom ever wins the competition will probably go down with them as the front man/woman of a has been pseudo super group, and the rest will probably be better of...

OK, rant off... :ph34r:

I like Dilana and Ryan. Them 2, along with Magni I hope will do well in this business if they can use the show as a platform.

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Since when has a little controversey or bad timing or indiscretionate behaviour ever really hurt a bands reputation.

I'm not talking about biting the head off of a bat at the alamo - but even that gained Ozzy some notoriety.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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Yea, I think i posted in herelast week and said That I didnt really care for the supernova song.

and Tommy lee is a douche bag. all he ever says are sexual things not any important info for the people who MAY front his band.

I mean many of the women are HOT but they aren't there to be a victim of HEP C they are there to be famous and all this douche bag can say are loines that a fifth grader could come up with.
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Well, Ryan is outta there. I predicted Storm but was wrong. She was in the 'bottom 3' but was spared this time.

I didn't care for either of their performances. Ryan sounded way off-key during his The Who song, ouch! It was painful...I lowered the volume on the TV. B|

Funky song selection by Dilana, lol.

I agree that Tommy Lee is creepy! :S

Maybe Storm or Lukas will be next to go...but the crowd likes Lukas, I don't get it. Creep-factor plus I don't think he has a good voice or stage presence.

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all this douche bag can say are loines that a fifth grader could come up with.

After watching a couple episodes of Tommy Lee's reality show last year I don't think he functions at much more than a grade five level in a LOT of ways.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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