
I just uploaded a couple of my skating videos on youtube

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None of you really know me, but I felt like sharing since I've never put anything on youtube before! Those are the only two videos of myself skating I've put on my computer so far and weren't exactly good programs, but I'm still so nostalgic right now! They're from my last competition back in late 2004. I think I still love skating more than skydiving... :o:D

A part of long program (sleeping beauty): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_y78cZYrbAU
Short program (schindler's list): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2_wah3rHUQ

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Very cool. I mean this in a good way. You're doing everything (maybe minus the really big stuff) that the Olympians are doing, and you look good doing it (okay I'm being a dirty old skydiver, but you do look pretty hot in your skating dress). How long have you been skating competitively and how far did you go?

Do figure skaters dig hockey players?

If yes, then I've been playing hockey all my life. :)

If no, oh well it's just another clash of cultures. :$


I think I still love skating more than skydiving

We'll have to talk.

I can see where your love of skating comes from, but you can be equally artistic dancing in the skies once you get a few more jumps under your belt, and the view is to kill for in skydiving. As I said, we'll have to talk. ;)

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Thanks everyone! My youtube videos are being watched! I feel so special. :D I've been skating basically my whole life and so of course it has a very special place in my heart. I've only been skydiving since early August, but it's already catching up to skating. Skydiving may even surpass it, but that's because skating was emotionally, psychologically, and physically draining despite the rewarding aspects.


How long have you been skating competitively and how far did you go?

I actually didn't start competiting until I was 11 and was never able to really get into it because of school. My academic commitments have always taken priority and so I could only actually train during the summers. I stopped competing and skating regularly in late 2004 because of time restraints. But I'm now looking into competiting again next year and working on getting back on the ice everyday! I'd be competing as a junior, but could pass the senior test. I was doing double axels and working on triples when I basically quit. However, me being at the highest levels doesn't make me anywhere even remotely near the level of olympic skaters.


Do figure skaters dig hockey players?

Some do! I think it's more the other way around though. Hockey players smell SO BAD and stink up the entire rink. :S

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Hockey players smell SO BAD and stink up the entire rink

No argument here and the goalies gear is the worst. :)

Good luck with your skating. As I said, I was impressed with your video. Sure you may not be an Olympian, but it's obvious you know what you're doing out there.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Hopefully I wasn't the only one who read this quickly and thought I'd be checking out something half-pipe related.

Nope you weren't alone. I would have checked out the video anyway but im in the "bradband" internet cafe in Kuwait. Not very broad if you ask me [:/]
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Very cool. B| I really admire the athleticism and discipline it takes to achieve what you did on the ice there.

I hope you translate that skill into the air and upload some freestyle videos when you have them available. I'll be waiting to see them.

Thanks for sharing.

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I hope you translate that skill into the air and upload some freestyle videos when you have them available. I'll be waiting to see them.

That actually is the direction I want to go with my skydiving eventually. It will be so fun to see what I can and can't translate. Hope you're patient, because it will definitely be a while getting to that point since I just started skydiving.

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