
Favorite Vacation & Why/Place You Haven't Been That You'd Most Like to go.

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Self-explanatory title (and yes, I'm sure we've had one of these before, but answers might have changed).


I've already mentioned, thus far my favorite has to be Alaska.

Since I've only traveled from Alaska to the tip of South America I'd really love to travel to the Eastern hemisphere:

Greece is top of my list.:) But I WILL go. Oh yes. I WILL go.B|
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Places I've been - toss-up between Thailand and New Zealand.

Places I want to go ... Spain, Australia, lots of places in Central/South America.... so much world, so little time/money.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I'll tell you all the cool places I went

You are >:(.


My best friend and her husband just took a two-week vacation there. I'm always really happy for her (she's well-deserving) when she gets to do amazing things. I was still, however, jealous as all hell.:D
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My best friend and her husband just took a two-week vacation there. It's a good thing it was her and not any other friend b/c I'm always really happy for her (she's well-deserving) when she gets to do amazing things. I was still, however, jealous as all hell.:D

I lived there as a kid and haven't been back since. I gotta do that one of these days - see if I remember any of it (I was 8 when we left).
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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so much world, so little time/money

Isn't that the truth. I'm trying very hard to make more of both.B|

I think the smartest/best value way to go is to try and take off a big chunk of time and go everywhere we can in that amount of time on the eastern side of the world. It really adds up when you try to start planning for several different vacations/different times overseas.:(
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I think the smartest/best value way to go is to try and take off a big chunk of time and go everywhere I can in that amount of time on the Eastern side of the world. It really adds up when you try to start planning for several different vacations overseas.:(

Round-the-world tickets are surprisingly cheap. I think you can get one starting at around $2K. If you can swing the time, it's a great way to travel.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Round-the-world tickets are surprisingly cheap. I think you can get one starting at around $2K. If you can swing the time, it's a great way to travel.

In looking into it for future reference, I've discovered this as well.

I don't think swinging the time will be a problem at all in a couple years.:)
My only concern is my animals. I know they'll be fine, but I'll miss them and hope they won't feel abandoned.:(:D:P
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There's lots of places I'd love to visit- Bora Bora and Spain top the list right now. I spent a few months in Europe a long time ago, and I'd like to go back someday.

I LOVE vacationing in Mexico, and so far, my favorite place there is Huatulco. For me, its got just enough amenities to enjoy my vacation (beautiful beaches, restaurants, hotels with a/c and hot water.....) without being overrun with tourists- I get to practice speaking Spanish, and there are no American fast food chains there.

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South Africa: Cape Town!

I am dying to go to Seal Island and swim with the great whites. I have been fascinated with sharks for years, studied them, and that is my ultimate goal. They are amazing and graceful... I love it how they can jump out of the water!

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hmmm, by far my favorite was New Zealand I did not want to come home. Hong Kong was a blast.

I'd love to go to Nepal, Costa Rica, South Africa, Brazil/Argentina (take the train through the mountain villages over to the west coast of South America). Oh, I could go on and on....

"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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I'd love to go to Italy.:)
If we end up doing the all-in-one thing, in order of preference, I'd like to make sure I get to:

1. Greece
2. Germany
3. Spain
4. Italy
5. Japan
6. Thailand
7. Austrailia
8. Africa

I have a feeling I'll need to do two all-in-one trips to fit it all in.:P But, I also want to retire some day, so....:D

My order, after #2 is always changing though.:D
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(take the train through the mountain villages over to the west coast of South America).

Yes. Yes. Yes! Do that!:)
And there you go mentioning Nepal and I would love to go there, too, as well as India and the Welsh countries.:)
But, last time I checked I wasn't Donald Trump.:(
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I torture myself all the time watching the Travel channel - OMG some of the places they go just seem so mysterious / magical / beautiful.... I'm in constant awe at our planet!

"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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Oh my gosh, I hear you.:D

Never, EVER watch when they do the most luxurious places in the world. I'm not talking luxury b/c the sinks are plated in gold (they're not), I'm talking just full-on amazingness; all for the low, low price of $100k+ for a couple days.:D

I don't care much for extravagance, but these particular vacations they featured were just glorious, nature-wise.

It's really, really sad when you're sitting there drooling knowing you'll likely never, ever get to see it for real.:(:D:P
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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My favorite vacation place is my families cottage up in Michigan... there's no TV but I never miss it... and well... generally its just a very relaxing place to get away from the world.

As for other places I'd like to go... anywhere that's not touristy is fine in my book... I don't know maybe camping in the wilderness of colorado/wyoming, or climbing a mountain somewhere... that sounds like a good time...
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oooh, one of my favorite episodes was on the top ten beaches of the world..... There was one of the top 3 (I believe) in the Indian Ocean that I'm hell bent on visiting. I had some grandiose pipe dream of chartering a plane to the island and jumping in to my private lil cabana on the ocean.... :ph34r:

"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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Unfortunately I've never been out of the US but I'd REALLY love to.I want to go to Ireland soooooo bad. The history and people there just facinate me.

Has anyone ever had a strong pull or feeling or bond like they just HAVE to go to a certain place, no matter what, even though they've never been there? Thats the way I feel about Ireland.(some people say that strong feeling is b/c you've been there in a past life but I dont know that I really believe that). Heh, I told my family that if I dont get to go to Ireland before I die,then cremate me and scatter my ashes over Ireland.Hell,I dont care if my ashes are sitting in an ashtray in a pub in Ireland as long as I get there one way or another! haha!:D

Other than Ireland I'd like to go to Greece,Italy, Egypt,France (want to go to the Lovre real bad!) Switzerland and since my husband's family originated from Germany I'd like to go there b/c I'm a genealogy nut.

As far as my favorite past vacation goes.My favorite would have to be Tombstone,AZ.I really enjoyed all the 'old west' history...Wyatt Earp,Doc Holiday and all that good stuff.It was fun reading some of the weird stuff written on the grave markers at BootHill.Drinking sasparilla(sp?...basically rootbeer) at the Big Nose Kate Saloon,which used to be the Grand Hotel and watching a gorgeous sunset.The coolest thing was going into the old Birdcage Theatre and seeing all the old artifacts.The BlackMoriah hearse, Doc Holiday's dentistry kit and tons of other stuff.Walking down the old boardwalks with bulletholes in them was cool,some were marked saying what gunfight the holes came from,even though they paved the streets the few months before we visited...WTF? who paves the streets of an 'old west' ghost town that derives most of its $ from tourism? They said it was b/c the shop keepers complained about the dust coming into their shops.Well hell, do like they did back then and get a damn broom!On our last day there it had rained the night before/earlier that morning and right as we were pulling up stakes to leave we saw the most beautiful and brilliant double rainbow arked over our campgrounds.It stayed for a good long time so we got some good pics of it.It just put a perfect ending on things as we left.

As I was talking earlier about that strong pull to somewhere you'd never been...mine is to Ireland.Well my mom and dad's was to Tombstone.They felt like they were home there or like they'd been there before.My dad actually gave someone directions into Bisbee even though he'd never been there and the guy said all the directions ended up being right!Freaky if you ask me.It was a real interesting trip.My husband has always wanted to go there too,so I'm hope to get to take him sometime in the near future.:)

Ok,apologies for the long post.:$

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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Has anyone ever had a strong pull or feeling or bond like they just HAVE to go to a certain place, no matter what, even though they've never been there? Thats the way I feel about Ireland.(some people say that strong feeling is b/c you've been there in a past life but I dont know that I really believe that). Heh, I told my family that if I dont get to go to Ireland before I die,then cremate me and scatter my ashes over Ireland.Hell,I dont care if my ashes are sitting in an ashtray in a pub in Ireland as long as I get there one way or another! haha!

I was the same with Ireland. I yearned to be there, and there were so many places that were "familiar" to me. I knew the name of a castle that I HAD to visit before I even started studying the country (I even knew exactly where in the castle I was supposed to go). It was an awesome trip, and I'll go back anytime to visit.

"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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