
Political correctness...

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...is for pussies. >:(

So, don't be a pussy. Say something politically correct. I DARE YOU!!!!

I'll start.

I think most Muslims are brainwashed fools.


Yesterday I told a coworker that I was stunned she hadn't been arrested for "grand theft beachfront", because having that much sand in her vagina is certainly a crime.

She wasn't even the person that was upset by the remark (she knew it was a joke), but I almost got in trouble for it. Hence the thread.
cavete terrae.

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That wasn't politically incorrect--it was crude and inappropriate for the workplace.

Now, let's hear something politically incorrect!


No, it was creative and hilarious, and she agreed. ;)

Maybe it was appropriate for *your* workplace, but I doubt it.


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[political correctness...]... is a US thing :|

No it's not.
In Germany, publicly denying the occurrence of the Holocaust can get you charged with a criminal offense. In France, The French parliament is due to vote on a law that would make it a crime to deny that Turkey perpetrated a genocide against Armenians in 1915-17. In the US, such laws repressing free speech of "politically incorrect" ideas would be unconstitutional.

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And that would be different than Christianity, uh, how exactly?

(oh, damn, I am going to get my ass kicked for that one...)


Very nice politically-incorrect statement, er question!


My initial draft was simply "Most Christians I know are closed minded idiots", but that need for political correctness is just engrained in me these days... damn... so I figured a question would be less offensive for those who might not know I am Christian, I just think many people in organized religion stop thinking for themselves. Ok, soapbox calling...
Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

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