
Disturbing Dream

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So I had a dream this weekend about a double mal. Woke up sweating and apparently had been grinding my teeth as well. I couldn't go back to sleep.

I'm not very superstitious or anything but I'm definitely not ammused by this. Has anyone had a similar instance? If so what did you do to 'get over it'?

Man, it was scary. Could do without those!
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I have malfunction dreams on a pretty regular basis...had two last week. At least I'm finally over the reoccuring snivel/streamer dream!
I just try to learn from them. Go over what I did right and what I didn't do right. They're just a dream...try to remember that.

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Ive have plenty. Even had some where i went in got up and walked off hoping no one saw it.

theres all kinds of dreams been posted round here.

Its just your sub-concious mind at work resolving some issues. ;)
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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When I started AFF I had a very real dream that I had a no pull on my 3500 feet hop n pop.
I remember feeling the pain from heading the ground and remembering the sound of my head cracking.

I was sure that on my 3500 feet hop n pop (which I did about a month after the dream) something bad would happen.

I jumped anyway and I was so ampped up that I pushed so hard of the plane I ended up on my back. Took a deep breath arched and counted to 3 got stable and pulled.

I lived.

My suggestion is trust your feelings.
I felt no matter what i should make the jump.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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While sleeping over at the DZ when I was a student (not long ago) I had a dream where I couldn't pull the PC from the BOC. I woke up just before impact, got dressed, walked to manifest, and signed up for an AFF skydive.

It was just a dream.
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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When I first started and thought about nothing else (I know I'm still anewbie, but I mean even newer) I had a recurring dream of a low pull where I impacted with the ground but got up, then I saw blood on my hands and my vision faded to black... which is when I woke up.

RESULT: I'm very altitude aware :D

It's just a dream mate. Just natures way of reminding you to pay attention as the consequences are severe if you get it wrong. If your not mindful of the dangers, you shouldn't be letting yourself out of an aircraft in my opinion.

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I'll bet everyone has had at least one.

My only dream was relevant to what happened that day. I opened and found that I was far away from the DZ, with no safe places to land, and just made it to the other end of the airport...and almost landing on a hanger.

What I remember from the dream was that the DZ was NO WHERE in sight, and I was heading in to a dark housing development...complete with wires and sheds, and clothes lines, everywhere...lol it was so real, i woke up before hitting and was up all night.

Just the stupid mind acting up....it happens. :)

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Well in this case (my dream) I started to track for the pond (no idea what dz i was at) and skipped like a rock off of the pond and landed on the ground. How you can track with a ball of shit over your head I have no idea ----dreams are dreams i guess. I threw my rig off and tried to figure out why my reserve malfunctioned. Crazy. No blood, no broken bones, no scratches...but still scared the shit out of me.
Losers make excuses, Winners make it happen
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So I had a dream this weekend about a double mal. Woke up sweating and apparently had been grinding my teeth as well. I couldn't go back to sleep.

I'm not very superstitious or anything but I'm definitely not ammused by this. Has anyone had a similar instance? If so what did you do to 'get over it'?

Man, it was scary. Could do without those!

Did you hit the ground in the dream? I've heard that you never dream that you die and apparently if you do dream that you die then you do actually die in real life!!! Not sure how they know that though.

I had a couple of nightmares after I had my second mal and couldn't sleep properly. The reserve (in the dream) didn't deploy properly and I was flailing around trying to get the thing out of the bag and to inflate....woke up before I hit the ground of course B| Scary shit though

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When I started AFF I had a very real dream that I had a no pull on my 3500 feet hop n pop.
I remember feeling the pain from heading the ground and remembering the sound of my head cracking.

And you lived in real life! So my theory was bull..... nice to know just in case! Thank you

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