
MySpace or Friendster?

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I signed up for Friendster maybe a year ago but the site had some serious issues so I gave up on it. A couple months ago my cousins asked me to join MySpace so I did. I didn't actually think I'd use the damn thing but now I'm getting messages and stuff and my list is growing. Then all of a sudden I start getting emails from Friendster! WTF? Nothing from them in over a year! Why now?

How the hell am I supposed to keep up with these sites? Can I merge them? Which one do you guys use most? Who's on first? Why does my cat's breath smell like cat food?


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Never tried Friendster. I was on MySpace and it got a little anoying. I switched to iContact as it is my buddies company. Works well both wirelessly (on my phone) and on the web. It really tries to introduce you to people and events that may be of interest to you based on past events and your profile. We even have a (small but growing) skydivers group...


I used to pray to God for a bicycle.
Then I realized God doesn't work that way.
So I stole one and prayed for forgiveness.

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I'm on MySpace, but only because of my strong attraction to depthless, driven-only-by-what-they-see-on-MTV illiterate teenage girls who...
  1. think that a steady diet of McDonald's, Pizza Hut, and Cheetos whilst sitting in front of the TV all day somehow qualifies them for the "Slim/Slender" or "Athletic" categories;

  2. use "LOL!!!!111" and "<3" with reckless abandon;

  3. believe that typing in mixed caps mAkEs tHEm sTAnD OUt aS inDiVIdUalZ;

  4. set "autostart=true" in every tag on their page, regardless of how many browser crashes the resulting cacophony inspires;

  5. spout off senseless, uninspired and cliche drivel which only they and their fucktard friends can sordidly pass off as poetry; and

  6. can't help but think photos of themselves with beer (OMG!!!11) is the best way to give a good first impression to all the hot guys out there.
I'm in fucking heaven.

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I'm on MySpace, but only because of my strong attraction to depthless, driven-only-by-what-they-see-on-MTV illiterate teenage girls who...

  1. think that a steady diet of McDonald's, Pizza Hut, and Cheetos whilst sitting in front of the TV all day somehow qualifies them for the "Slim/Slender" or "Athletic" categories;

  2. use "LOL!!!!111" and "<3" with reckless abandon;

  3. believe that typing in mixed caps mAkEs tHEm sTAnD OUt aS inDiVIdUalZ;

  4. set "autostart=true" in every tag on their page, regardless of how many browser crashes the resulting cacophony inspires;

  5. spout off senseless, uninspired and cliche drivel which only they and their fucktard friends can sordidly pass off as poetry; and

  6. can't help but think photos of themselves with beer (OMG!!!11) is the best way to give a good first impression to all the hot guys out there.
I'm in fucking heaven.

HEY! My underage female cousins are on there! :o



(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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I'm on MySpace, but only because of my strong attraction to depthless, driven-only-by-what-they-see-on-MTV illiterate teenage girls who...

  1. think that a steady diet of McDonald's, Pizza Hut, and Cheetos whilst sitting in front of the TV all day somehow qualifies them for the "Slim/Slender" or "Athletic" categories;

  2. use "LOL!!!!111" and "<3" with reckless abandon;

  3. believe that typing in mixed caps mAkEs tHEm sTAnD OUt aS inDiVIdUalZ;

  4. set "autostart=true" in every tag on their page, regardless of how many browser crashes the resulting cacophony inspires;

  5. spout off senseless, uninspired and cliche drivel which only they and their fucktard friends can sordidly pass off as poetry; and

  6. can't help but think photos of themselves with beer (OMG!!!11) is the best way to give a good first impression to all the hot guys out there.
I'm in fucking heaven.

Damn. Couldn't have put it better myself.

That said, yes. I have a MySpace account.

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think that a steady diet of McDonald's, Pizza Hut, and Cheetos whilst sitting in front of the TV all day somehow qualifies them for the "Slim/Slender" or "Athletic" categories;

use "LOL!!!!111" and "<3" with reckless abandon;

believe that typing in mixed caps mAkEs tHEm sTAnD OUt aS inDiVIdUalZ;

set "autostart=true" in every tag on their page, regardless of how many browser crashes the resulting cacophony inspires;

spout off senseless, uninspired and cliche drivel which only they and their fucktard friends can sordidly pass off as poetry; and

can't help but think photos of themselves with beer (OMG!!!11) is the best way to give a good first impression to all the hot guys out there.

WOW!! all that in one Place??

I am so signing up right NOW!!

How the hell Have I missed this for so long!! Thanks Dude!!

Maybe we can swap info on the really easy ones!!;)

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DUDE! Thanks a lot! I'm at a restaurant right now and will have to wait at least 10 minutes before I can stand up and leave without being embarassed...baseball...badmitton...rennee zellwegger...

ok...better now...


I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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