
What expertise/skills do you posess ?

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-Recite the preamble to the Constitution and Declaration of Independance
-Recite the prologue and balcony scene of Romeo and Juliet by memory and recite the entire play from memory if I am listening to/watching the movie at the same time.
-I can do the same with the movie Tombstone and with the movie and stage production of Phantom of the Opera.

Oooh, that reminds me. I can recite the entire script from Transformers : The Movie. B|......or should that be [:/]

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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I've mastered procrastination. Hang on while I go get some examples...:P
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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-I can tell you what card you picked from a shuffled deck.
-I can bend a fork or spoon by simply shaking it.
-I can make a pen move without touching it.
-I can pull cards out of the air.
-I can make a coin completely disappear.
-I can make your chosen card appear on the other side of a window.
-I can levitate...

Common guys, this topic is too easy. ;)

Actually, something I'm pretty proud of is the fact that when I was about 9 years old I taught myself how to do front and backflips. Always thought ninja movies were cool and wanted to do the crazy flips they could do. Took a bean bag and put it on the grass and just tried jumping backwards and whatnot until I could do a backflip. Moved down to a mattress as support and once I was comfortable took everything away.

I later taught myself some other types of flips and whatnot. I can walk on my hands for a while, too.

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I'm an excellent public speaker and kick ass at presentations. Really odd part is that one-on-one I'm very shy until I get to know the person. At my current job if my division needs to give a presentation, I'm the first one they call. I had a business plan out of college that I presented to a few VC firms, the plan blew, but several VC execs were impressed that a 22 year old with only a BA could give such a presentation.

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Who doesn't love collecting useless skills?

I can "snap" a penny ridiculously hard. Actually stuck one in a piece of sheetrock once.

In college, took an "introduction to engineering" course, but only learned how to program in fortran. :D

At one time, could play trombone fairly well. Everything from orchestras to small jazz combos to a string quartet. (Yes, you read that correctly. I played trombone in a string quartet.)

I'm pretty good with a throwing knife.

Know how to properly sharpen a knife. I'm always surprised at how many otherwise handy guys don't know how to do this.

Can juggle five balls for 10-15 seconds.

Can juggle six balls for about 5 seconds.

Can do very cool crystal ball "contact juggling" tricks.

Can wiggle my nose, and both ears, independently of each other.

Was the neighborhood champion at Duck Hunt on the original Nintendo. Rolled the score.

Professionally, have diagnosed problems on all manner of aircraft, ranging from a J-3 Cub to an Embraer Legacy.


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I hand make every christmas/hanukah/quanza card I send out - last year I made 200 and sent a batch overseas to some of the guys in Iraq to have something nice to send back home... of course, now that I skydive, that might change this year :)
Because life is an adventure - it may not be the one you planned, but then it wouldn't be an adventure!

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