
bachelor age ?

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i once heard somewhere that statistically if a man is still a bachelor by a certain age that he'll most likely remain one the rest of his life.

what is this age?

subject came up at work and i couldn't remember the answer. any help is greatly appreciated.
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what is this age?


Now is that the chronological age? Or the age of maturity.. cause I know some damn near 30 yr olds who havent made it that far yet.. :S:D

hey! hey! hey-hey-hey!

Im a solid 19! :P

but Im not a bachelor either. Screw a bunch of that dating shit.
For you single guys
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"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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"Bachelors, in the sense of unmarried men, have in many countries been subjected to penal laws. At Sparta, citizens who remained unmarried after a certain age suffered various penalties. They were not allowed to witness the gymnastic exercises of the maidens; and during winter they were compelled to march naked round the market-place, singing a song composed against themselves and expressing the justice of their punishment. The usual respect of the young to the old was not paid to bachelors.

In some cultures, the "punishment" of bachelors is no more than a teasing game. In small towns in Germany, for example, men who were still unmarried on their 30th birthday were made to sweep the stairs of the town hall until kissed by a virgin. This "punishment" is still practiced today in parts of Northern Germany."

Based on this I'd guess 30 would be the statistical age of no return.

(Extracts taken from Wikipedia)

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From my personal experience in the Skydiving world you're a bachelor until 50.
After that, you're just a dirty old man.
“The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quotes (Polish writer, poet and satirist 1906-1966)

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I know it's the answer to everything, but in this case I think it may be true - by then why would you want to have to learn to live with someone else when you can clearly do fine on your own? Plus, from a feminine perspective, I've heard lots of women in that age range say they wouldn't want a guy who hasn't been married because they wonder what's wrong with him. [:/]
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