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You know, April, as usual, I have managed to offend you. Sorry but that's the only time I hear from you. So, I've said my piece, you've said yours, and I have a feeling from this and prior posts that I'm not going to change your opinion of me to a favorable one.

I am sorry if I have offended anyone.
Have a pleasant one!:)

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But what makes you think they weren't strutting around when they made THEIR first jump?

That was me. Actually, I've never really quite grown out of it. I get down from a jump and I'm happy, pumped up and excited. Then I can't wait to go again and again and again...

I didnt (and dont) Strut about after my 1st jump.
I got down and thought (and saidto my instructor) meh, if that it, where's the yahooo,..geez $500.oo didn't last long?:S:S
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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I work with a guy who insists on saying "Been there, done that." about skydiving, in regards to his one tandem jump that he did several years ago. He always saiys this when ever my AFF jumps come up as a topic. He says hes "Too good for it." Whatever that means...

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You should make a T-Shirt for yourself that says :-

Got a Vagina? Skydive !......and give birth.......and multi task.......and not be afraid of commitment.:D

You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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You know, April, as usual, I have managed to offend you. Sorry but that's the only time I hear from you. So, I've said my piece, you've said yours, and I have a feeling from this and prior posts that I'm not going to change your opinion of me to a favorable one.

I am sorry if I have offended anyone.
Have a pleasant one!:)

You know, Sartre, as usual you're taking things personally. Yes we've said what we had to say, but you didn't understand what I was trying to tell you. Instead you went and looked at my back posts towards you and think that I have something personal against you. I don't. I don't KNOW you. I'm responding to your remarks here and only here. (I refuse to look back, also).

You don't see the irony in you making fun of a tandem passenger while you only have 20 jumps and doing a 'first' anything at the same time? I hope no one crushes your ego by 'counting you out' and telling you that you're funny because you're not in triple digits.

My experience is to have fun and don't look down on people who can't do it at ALL. Everyone I've met has been helpful and kind to me because I DON'T come off like I know what I'm talking about and I don't laugh at other peoples numbers. When those kind of comments (chest puffing) comes out I take my drink and leave the scene. I have nothing to add. I can only learn from people when they are talking about acts and not numbers.

I've photographed lots of jumpers inside the plane and its not all the bravado you see once they are out of the plane. I am thankful for that experience and I hope to continue doing it, I am interested in the 'human moment'. Not the badass who lands and walks away like he just came from getting a haircut. I've seen and recorded those moments of doubt (EVERYONE has them). intense concentration, and safety checks, even to the doofus whos wearing a stupid shirt and hollering for Jesus. I've come down with the pilot more times than I've left the plane (try about 150 of THOSE) and have been told 'you're crazy', but that is what I do.

Now for my first tandem I came down and kissed everyone I saw. I even kissed a dog, I think, then I went and sang karaoke and I can't sing a lick. I can't fly either so I was rejoicing in all things possible.

You didn't 'offend' me. You posted in a public forum and went back and gauged what you think is my 'opinion' of you. Again, I don't KNOW you, so don't take it personally. You asked, I answered. I think its in poor taste to make fun of the guy when alot of people would consider you not far from his level.~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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I always find the students amusing and cute, even when strutting. Then again I remember myself as a student, I was the one laying on the packing mat possibly crying *cough* that I didnt want to die. When I got down youd have thought I had the best sex in the world. I was with a group of 10 so we were there all dayish. I had a perma grin. I do notice that its often the big burly guys who act all tough on the ground, look pale in the plane.

Then again I still get nervous the first jump of a weekend and still cry out of the happiness I get from jumps. Its amazing to me how I feel in the air and after.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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they are the bravest people on the DZ that day, because for us, jumping is normal. They're the ones that had to gather up the courage to come out.

Excellent point. I'm trying to think whether I've done anything in my lifetime to face, and overcome, raw, personal fear more than my first jump. Possibly not.

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Interesting...We all started in the very same place.No jumps to 1 jump.
I am excited for every individual that decides to take part.
It is by their enthusiasm that I am constantly reminded why I started in the first place.:)Strut away I say..and talk about it for weeks. For some, it opens up an entirely new world.B|

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they are the bravest people on the DZ that day, because for us, jumping is normal. They're the ones that had to gather up the courage to come out.

Excellent point. I'm trying to think whether I've done anything in my lifetime to face, and overcome, raw, personal fear more than my first jump. Possibly not.

Maybe, then, that is why I look at this a little differently. I wasn't afraid at all on my first tandem jump. I expected to be, but I was not. Same for my first AFF jump. But my anxiety has grown with each jump, and I was facing quite a lot of fear thinking about going on that plane, not knowing a soul, and being the first to jump out. The thought is still scary to me.

What a can of worms I opened!! I'm not saying he wasn't awesome for making the skydive. And believe me, I made a point of congratulating those that did do a tandem and reassuring those waiting to do theirs. Please be assured I didn't do anything to discourage anyone from participating in the sport and being proud of themselves afterwards.

Okay, I'm done trying to clarify:)

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As a TM, I like it when the student is pumped and strutting after his tandem. Most will never come back and jump again, but they faced their fears. I give them all the kudos in the world. Buy the tee-shirt, tell their story over a beer, make the most of their moment of fame. Carpus Diem!B|


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That's cool. We all get a chuckle out of over-the-top first timers sometimes. It's part of being an instructor.

And just keep jumping. Those butterflies are going to go away and never come back real soon.

I sure hope so!!!

And no worries, I will be strutting and crowing like a rooster the first time I stand up a landing at my home dz. Or even if I land without hurting myself!!B| And all of my friends who've been standing theirs up from the beginning can laugh at me. I'll even buy the beer.:)

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As a TM, I like it when the student is pumped and strutting after his tandem. Most will never come back and jump again, but they faced their fears. I give them all the kudos in the world. Buy the tee-shirt, tell their story over a beer, make the most of their moment of fame. Carpus Diem!B|

Couple of points I'd like to make...

First to put it in perspective, how many of you jumpers have a Harley Tee-Shirt but don't now or have ever owned a HARLEY?! :ph34r:

It's the part of our DNA called the 'Tee-Shirt Tuxedo ~ Dress for Success' gene...you see it all the time!

Short skinny white guys wearing Michael Jordan basketball jerseys, tall fat black guys wearing Payton Manning's number...

Just a visual aid to show one's peers what group they want to be associated with that day.:ph34r:

Strut away I say!

Tell everyone about your experience in whatever terms you as a student understand and can convey, just don't forget it's 1-800-Skydive!;)

I stopped by Elsinore last weekend on my way down to Sandy Eggo, I started talking to a couple of 1st time tandem students who were harnessed up and waiting for the next load.

Two guys in their mid 20's, obviously a bit nervous and fidgeting about. I struck up a conversation with them to just say hi and maybe easy a little tension.

To answer one of their questions, I said to breathe deep in the AC, listen to their instructor, go over in their minds what they had been taught, when they exit...look around and smile!

I told 'em to look around and enjoy, don't worry about learning anything on this jump, that will come later.

"How DO you make more than one jump?" one guy asked me?!?!?!!?!?!?! (already decked out in a 'Skydive Elsinore' tee shirt.):o:S:(

Somebody dropped the ball SOMEWHERE!

One guy with very little attention could have been 'sold' on continuing the program, the other was obviously a one timer only and more worried if and how much to tip the TM.:|

I had to leave before they jumped so I don't know if they strutted or not, but I got the feeling even though they would be a part of our world in some small way, they really didn't understand what the sport was about or how to continue on in it.

Smile to yourself when a one time wonder brags about their accomplishment, but remember...as an organization, we need more 'regulars'..and that one timer that's strutting about is the easiest 'sale' there is!

"Pat em' on the back...keep 'em coming BACK!"B|

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I had a perma grin. I do notice that its often the big burly guys who act all tough on the ground, look pale in the plane.


My first jump, me and the other two guys each wanted to be the first out (we were the same weight so the instructor left it up to us), so we did paper, scissors, rock. I won...or so I thought. When the door opened I remember thinking what a fucking idiot I was for not letting someone else go so I could see what happens before I went. At that stage I had to go through with it, but I am sure that while I faked a brave face and went through the drills methodically, my instructor was not fooled in the least. When the eyes have a wider radius than the propeller you are not fooling anyone.
My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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LOL Skydivestmarys made me go first, I was supposed to go after my friend Tori, apperently they thought (rightly so) had I not gone first I would not have gone. Even now I watch the video of me in this little cessna and you see me freak everytime the plane hits minor turbulance. I love showing this picture off....

Oh crap I am strutting..... >:( but its a great show of how oh fuck Im gonna die I felt
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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LOL Skydivestmarys made me go first, I was supposed to go after my friend Tori, apperently they thought (rightly so) had I not gone first I would not have gone. Even now I watch the video of me in this little cessna and you see me freak everytime the plane hits minor turbulance. I love showing this picture off....


Yup. That looked like me the first time out (minus the tandem instructor) when I did my IAD. Telling it to my family and freinds later I sounded much more macho than I looked when I jumped with a pathetic deer in the headlights look on my face.


Oh crap I am strutting..... >:( but its a great show of how oh fuck Im gonna die I felt

My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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