
Loud Cell Phone Talkers..

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I wish, so many times, I had a zapper that would cut-off some rude-asses call when I'm trying to enjoy a movie or a meal in a restaurant.
It really chaps my ass!


hmmm, sounds like a good reason to start manufacturing a small EMP device to short out the phones ;)

Billvon, here's your'e chance to make (more) millions!!
The older I get the less I care who I piss off.

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The other thing I think is absolutely ridiculous about those bluetooth things is that people insist on wearing the stupid thing 24/7, as if they're so important that they absolutely MUST answer the phone before the first ring is over.


" Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man..."

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The other thing I think is absolutely ridiculous about those bluetooth things is that people insist on waering the stupid thing 24/7, as if they're so important that they absolutely MUST answer the phone before the first ring is over.

Definitely agree. They have that exact attitude to go with it too.

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What gets me is that when their phone rings they MUST pick up, regardless of the situation. Even in the middle of a conversation with someone in person.

I had a lady ask me why I didn't have call waiting. I said,"I do, it's called a busy signal."

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i had an instance jsut last week. It was me, my gf and a mutual friend. The mutual friend was driving. I was in the abck seat trying to activate a phone for my gf...and the volumn on the phone wasnt the greatest(i jsut happen to get the little old lady at verizon in the activation department). Well she was on the phne talkiing to her sister or something and she was so loud that i barely heard the radio over her..let alone the customer service lady. After about 2 minutes of repeating "say that again please" to the cust service lady i finally told her to put the mic to her mouth so she didnt have to have a screaming match for a phone conversation. Countless other times i have been in a public place...weather it be a department store or a restaurant etc and there would be people on the cell phone acting like they are trying to talk to the other person as if they were 4 states away. It annoys me..and i have said something to these people about it and i jsut get the dear in the headlights look like im speaking a foreign language or im from another planet or something.

Although that EMP idea seems to be a pretty good one. Its people like us that would be the ones purchasing them. It sad when you have to use the same techniques that they use to train dogs to stay in the yard...to train humans common courtesy!
"Age has absolutely nothing to do with knowledge, learning, respect, attitude, or personality." -yardhippie
"Fight the air, and the air will kick your ass!!! "-Specialkaye

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my favorite move is to stand next to them, very close, and stare right at their face, walk with them until they are out the door, works every time

if they say something like "excuse me" then say not until you stop offending me

or if they ask you to back off then ask them to shut up

it takes some balls or ovaries to do this but what the heck if you can jump out of a plane then this is easy
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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Ohhh you can get a device that cuts off signal..how muc you want to spend? For around $400 you can have your quite restuarant space. I dont know of delaers in USA but UK..works same frequency.. check out Spymodex.com dont buy their green lasers..dont have an IR filter...thats another story.

The real fact is these loud talkers need to get out of the 90s and realize they are not special anymore EVERYONE has a cellphone. Remember then? Idiots would pull them out just as a status symbol...foookin joke

Whats really funny now is these earsets that are near invisible....I mistake so many people nowadays for retards and dope burnouts talking to themselves

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When I was in college I worked at a local sandwich shop, the kind where we custom made the sandwich and had to ask you if you wanted each ingredient before we put it on. One day this lady came in and right in the middle of ordering her sandwich she started talking on her phone. The whole rest of the sandwich my friend talked to himself as he made it. "Hi, how are you. I'm great, what have you been up to," etc etc etc. Freaking classic. B|


:D:D:D Very good! :D:D:D:D


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Seems like, you can't go anywhere these days without someone yappin' on their cell-phones! Restaurants, theatres, banks... anywhere. What I don't understand is, what is so damned important that people with cell-phones have to be on them, what seems, constantly. To me, these people are just plain rude. If, they are at a theatre or restaurant, they can take it to the lobby. Most of the time, I leave mine in my pick-up. I have voice mail and my phone, lets me know who called. I'll call them back. I wish, so many times, I had a zapper that would cut-off some rude-asses call when I'm trying to enjoy a movie or a meal in a restaurant.
It really chaps my ass!

Cell-hones drive me up the @$#&*%ing wall. I wish to god people would think before using them in 99% of all cases. I do not hate technology but most cellhone users make my blood boil.


I wish, so many times, I had a zapper that would cut-off some rude-asses call when I'm trying to enjoy a movie or a meal in a restaurant

Personally I would find it more gratifying to simply shoot the guy. I bet I would get a standing ovation for doing that.


Yeah, Buddy! I'm with you on that.


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Ohhh you can get a device that cuts off signal..how muc you want to spend? For around $400 you can have your quite restuarant space. I dont know of delaers in USA but UK..works same frequency.. check out Spymodex.com dont buy their green lasers..dont have an IR filter...thats another story.

The real fact is these loud talkers need to get out of the 90s and realize they are not special anymore EVERYONE has a cellphone. Remember then? Idiots would pull them out just as a status symbol...foookin joke

Whats really funny now is these earsets that are near invisible....I mistake so many people nowadays for retards and dope burnouts talking to themselves


What's worse is, thinking they are talking to you. I really agree with you. Those folks are just rude, arrogant jerks.


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Hi T

Cell phones:)

There was a story in the local paper about basic cell phone coutersy. One lady was in the middle of a job interview and took time out in front of the interviewer for a BS in comeing cell phone conversation.[:/]

The lady did not get the job:o.

Cell phones can be a useful tool for some people keeping track of Kids contractors etc.

Cops want to get nosy, cell phone records, and computer hard drive are one of the first places there going to look. In seattle a real bad nutcase serial arsonist got caught because he always made a call within a short time of setting ea fire and the cell towers showed the calls originated closs to ea fire location.

Plead guilty: life no parole:)

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I suppose all of us cell phone owners are guilty of an indiscretionary pick up now and then. It's the chronic abusers that piss me off.

I have a cell so that I can call others. Not so that they can get ahold of me, during a grocery shopping experience, and fill me in on how their Windows Update didn't download. Or their cat was so cute while barfing on the couch.

Some things can wait. :P

But you have to understand, mental illness is like cholesterol. There is the good kind and the bad. Without the good kind- less flavor to life. - Serge A. Storms

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it's not the loud talkers it the damn nextel /sprint people that feel that they should turn thier damn walki talkie feature on and have a damn 10 minute conversation with the damn beep going off every 6 seconds... it's like, hello, whayt don't ya just actually place a real call to them instead of using the walkie talkie feature.... and normally they have the speaker turned up so they can hear the other person from 5 states away.... or maybe just from one side of texas to tthe other... 8 new england states... 9 if you include roadisland...

"i have no reader's digest version"

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I had one last night on a flight from Denver to LAX. They had closed the doors, and the flight attendant told the woman to shut off her cell phone. The cell phone user said something like "give me two more minutes", and continued to talk for a couple more minutes, quite loudly I might add. I wanted to turn to her and say shut the f*ck up...

Hi Mr B

My boss (the wife) witnessed a very similar situation with a much happier outcome.

Big suit guy dressed to the 9's can't wait for plane to pull into gate so starts answering "emergency cell phone calls.

Fight atttendent: Sir please........

Suit>:( Ignores the FA.

Unknown person from first class walks back and asks the big suit to please follow the FA directions.

Big suit>:( Stands up towering over the unknown civie and tell him to buzz off:)
Airplane is still waiting to get to a gate and the big suit is still working his cell phone.:)

Aircraft Pilot wearing hat comes back and to the big suit and asks the dude nicely to please stop using the cell and shut it off.

Big suit >:(. answers new cell phone call before Pilot can get to first class cabin.

Pilot does a 180 and asks Big suit for the cell phone and takes it back to flt deck. Big suit >:(>:(

Plane finally pulls into gate and there's a long delay before the airplane door is opened so passengers can get off the plane.:o:)
The boss is last to exit the acft and see's Big suit still standing outside the acft door >:(>:(>:(

Big suit wearing flex cuffs behind back surrounded by bunch of folks in civies and uniforms. :)
Car pulls up to gate and big suit is put in car still wearing flex cuffs and driven away. Doesn't even get to walk thru the terminal.

Sea Tac Wa. about 6 month's ago.:|

Sometimes what goes around comes around. Don't know what the final outcome was or really care. But I'm guessing Big suit is still >:( and might remember what happened the last time he didn't want to play nice and listen to repeated requests from flt crews and air marshall to stop using the damn cell phone.

Kaarma B| Every time we see a cell phone junkie being rude, and stupid. We just remember the >:(Big suit and :)

Ho Ho Ho

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I wish, so many times, I had a zapper that would cut-off some rude-asses call when I'm trying to enjoy a movie or a meal in a restaurant.
It really chaps my ass!


hmmm, sounds like a good reason to start manufacturing a small EMP device to short out the phones ;)


You bet! Make them reasonably priced and available to the general public. If, I was the 'techi' type... I'd be on that!:D


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