
WTF photoshop

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ok I am getting pretty frustrated with photoshop.
how am I supposed to drag one picture onto another?
I cut all the crap away from one picture and all I need to do is import that image onto the image I am trying to alter. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? I can drag or even paste it in the original image.
MS paint would be easier I think. even though it would take longer I know how to use that program. can someone explain this for me?
getting high is fun, but coming down is the best part

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If I understand your question right you just do the following:
Open both pictures (the one you want to drag, and the one you want to drag it onto)
Make sure you have the image you wish to drag selected. This means making sure the appropriate layer is selected, if there is more then one.
Then just use the Move Tool (the arrow with the crosshairs beside it) and drag the one image onto the other. You'll see it appear after you release the mouse button.
Hope this helps.
Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive

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make sure that the layers aren't locked (little lock next to em)
if they are, duplicate them and delete the locked ones easiest, or sometimes you can change the color mode from indexed color to rgb or whatever you want.
it's kinda hard to tell just by what you wrote, so let me get it straight
you have two seperate images, one you want to paste part of into the other?
try the lock thing first, if its not locked try and post some screen shots of your layers pallette and what you are trying to do.
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Ok thank..I got the pic onto eachother. Isnt there a way just to ake the image? i am trying to take a person out of a picture and put him into another. but when i dragged the pic over the whole picture overlaid? Is this where the LASSO comes in? can I outline this figure and grab it out? (that waht im gonna try so if im am noticablyoff track please help me?)
thanks everyone, for the help!!
getting high is fun, but coming down is the best part

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There are probably hundreds of ways of doing it, but here's what I suggest. I'm assuming you're using PS6 (although its about the same in all versions). Let me know if you're in another version.
Go to the layers pallete, and click on the layer of the pic you added on so that layer is highlighted.
Click on the second button from the left at the bottom of that pallete, the Add Mask button (its a rectangle with a circle in the middle).
You'll see in the layers pallete that there's now two little pictures for that layer. The one on the left is the layer itself, and the one on the right is the mask. The little paintbrush icon should have turned into that mask icon like the button you clicked. That means you're painting on the mask as opposed to the layer.
Now, when painting on the mask, painting black makes the layer invisible and painting in white makes it visible. Any shade of gray will be somewhere in between (so you can make things partially see-through). Just use black paint and carefully paint around the part of the image you want to keep.
To go back to being able to edit that layer, just click on the image in the layers pallete thats on the left. To go back to editing the mask, click on the picture on the right.
Play around with this and report back how it's going.

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there is sooooooo much I need to learn about this program but for now i just posted a kangaroo boxing post. what do you think. not bad for my uuuh FIRST photoshop, right
getting high is fun, but coming down is the best part

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Another way which is easier for me in PS 6+ to extract a certain part of an image is to:
Click the image tab at the top
select extract
with the size "marker" tool you want, trace around the part of the image you want to keep, connecting back to where you started.
use the paintbucket in the extract window and fill in what you want to keep
select preview
use the two edge correction tools to smooth / define edges
click OK
you'll have the part of the image you wanna keep..
.....there is no spoon
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Alright, do what I did to learn photoshop. 1) Play with it 2) Go To Barnes & Nobles with a notepad and a pen, get all the photoshop books, sit down and write down all the cool tricks. :)A human cannonball, I rise above it all
Up higher then a trapeze, I can fly

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there is sooooooo much I need to learn about this program but for now i just posted a kangaroo boxing post. what do you think. not bad for my uuuh FIRST photoshop, right


So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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yea that was 4years ago...but I'll buy beerifI see ya.

Hey, I just happened to notice that you mentioned a "first" and no one jumped on it.

BTW, how do you dig up your old posts from so long ago? You "watch" them or something?? :P
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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There are many good books, most of them will do, plenty of pictures. I could get by hunting & pecking on the menus and was self taught, but with the books there are still plenty of tricks you can learn. Online tutorials are ad-hoc but some are worthwhile occasionally.


Of course I have to mention GIMP, if you're only scratching the surface with Photoshop then GIMP may meet your needs:


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I can't believe its been 4 years and I still haven't figured a fucking think out with photoshop.>:(

anyone have an updated online tutoril site?

www.good-tutorials.com is a good one.
Rodriguez Brother #1614, Muff Brother #4033
Jumped: Twin Otter, Cessna 182, CASA, Helicopter, Caravan

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I told you I'd give a hand bro. Just give me a call and swing by...hahah

Yea, I totally blew up my week off with going to ELoy and snowboarding.:D

I didn't realize how quick the time would go by.

I'll see you at the dz.
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