
SoCal residents: can anyone adopt a kitten?

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A friend of a friend has apparently come into possession of an absolutely adorable black kitten. They're not animal people and won't keep it, but they'd like to find a home for it. LA county animal shelter is a kill shelter, so they don't want to take it there, but they're having trouble finding it a home. I told them I'd see if any of you wonderful skydiver folk would like a new kitten. I'd take it, but my condo complex only allows two pets, and I've got two. The kitten is located in the hollywood area.

If anyone can help, please let me know quickly.


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You know, if I had any room, I'd take it in a heartbeat. My place is packed with a herd...and I just placed a kitten with the only people I know who were actively looking for a pet.


There are places that do rescue; and I know that San Diego is a No Kill shelter. Maybe one of our people in San Diego can take the baby to a shelter down there? I'm sure it'd be snapped up in a heartbeat.

I'm just sorry I can't take it...but with as many as I have, I just can't fit another one in.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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i can't find the number, and don't remember where i got it from, but i had a similar situation a few years ago, and found a place that adopted cats/ found them good homes. not affiliated with shelter, so none of them taken in were put under. your friend can look for something like that. maybe the hellow pages?
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I called two of the local pet stores (that handle rescue kitties when they need to), but both were closed. I'll call again tomorrow. If there's any news, I'll post up.

And I'm willing to help, but I just don't have room...


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Kris...erm...well, see, where I'm at, it's no more than three. And I have more than three. If anyone asks, I'll just tell them I'm catsitting...LOL. And I know you're always willing to help, too (thus this thread...).

I'll check with the two stores today, and like I said, if they can take it, I'll let you know.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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There are ways to introduce a new baby into the household. If someone is seriously considering adopting this wee fuzzbutt, I will be more than happy to help you through the introduction process. I do it all the time, and I have a herd of cats who co-exist relatively well...which surprises most people.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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I would because I know Skylar would love to have another sibling but I'm lucky my landlord will let me have one cat - he's the kind of "person" that throws rocks at cats >:( I'll put the word out though.

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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Not to hijack this thread and all, but since kitty lovers are posting here, thought I'd ask for advice.

Where I work there seems to be a cat population that is growing. People see the cats (I guess) and dump -their- kittens there several times/year. We never catch these people, because they always seem to do it at night.

We are a hospital, and the security guard has taken the time to make sure they are fed (though he is told -not- to). They are ferrel cats (and kittens) that fend for themselves. The cats love him, though, and follow him around on his beat. They don't let him touch them, though.

2 years ago the hospital called animal control and they came and were able to capture all the cats. We were sad, but they were now gone. This lasted only a little while, then some person (or people) dumped some puppies at the hospital! Grrrr.....

The puppies are gone now, but more kittens have sprung up. We have some furballs about 6 months old, now, running around. About 6 of them.

Guess my questions might be 1) How to stop people from dumping kittens and puppies where I work? 2) And when they do, what's the next -proper- step to take to make sure they're taken to a place where they'll be cared for? Again, these are wild cats.

Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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1) How to stop people from dumping kittens and puppies where I work?

If I knew the answer to that, I'd not be sharing my house with all these fuzzbutts.


2) And when they do, what's the next -proper- step to take to make sure they're taken to a place where they'll be cared for? Again, these are wild cats.

There's usually a TNR program in areas like that. TNR is trap/neuter/release, and what happens is that the cats are trapped, neutered, and then released back to where they came from. While this doesn't solve the problem of people who dump animals, it does prevent the problems which come with cats having uncountable kittens over and over and over again. In other words, it doesn't stop the problem, but it does help slow the problem's momentum.

Try checking out some of the TNR websites, or the local vet usually knows the local cat people. See if maybe you can't get a message out to them. '

Bear in mind that kittens, if caught early enough and/or cats who are "sociable" tend to be able to be gentled and brought into a family situation. I've had both experiences - Penguin still won't let me touch her; Charlotte is a cuddler (on her terms) and she was out for years before I came along. It's doable, but it's hard.

I wish I had better answers for you, Lori...but sometimes, all you can do is your best, and then hope it's enough. [:/]


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Thanks,Michele. There is a vet right around the corner from where I work. I'll check with the hospital and if they agree start this path you describe.

And yes, a few of the little kittens -have- been adopted by staff, taken home, and 'tamed'. The kittens are cute, for sure.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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