
So your doctor started to sport wood :o

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During the 2nd year of Med School young doctors to be, start to learn how to do physical exams.
While the experience is completely asexual, I have this HUGE FEAR of the words: "Can you please remove the gown" be quickly followed by wood :o:$

So what you do...
Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
I'm back biatches!

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I'd recommend trying some hard-core medical role play in the bedroom, and do it over and over until it gets so boring that you'll never pop wood during the actual exam.

I think I'm confused, though -- are you in med school or are you the patient with a female doc??

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How about when you're the patient and your doctor is a fairly hot woman who has to check your balls and get you to cough??? Do you get woody? :D

It almost happened to me, twice. I had to really strain to restrain myself. I hate embarrassing moments.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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During the 2nd year of Med School young doctors to be, start to learn how to do physical exams.
While the experience is completely asexual, I have this HUGE FEAR of the words: "Can you please remove the gown" be quickly followed by wood :o:$

So what you do...

trust me - you'll be looking at them an entirely different way. situation won't (no pun intended) come up.
"Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?"
"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."

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During the 2nd year of Med School young doctors to be, start to learn how to do physical exams.
While the experience is completely asexual, I have this HUGE FEAR of the words: "Can you please remove the gown" be quickly followed by wood :o:$

So what you do...

trust me - you'll be looking at them an entirely different way. situation won't (no pun intended) come up.

In all seriousness, he's 100% right. It's just different.

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I have a friend who is drop dead gorgeous, female doctor.
During her residency she would periodically get some dirt bags, that would suddenly develop all types of penis ailments, which ofcourse had to be checked by her. Unlike you Billy, they did not try to hold back their bonner, and occasionally added some moaning to it. >:(
This became such a nuisance that she made a deal with one of her fellow interns, where she would do pelvics and he would address the sudden urologic problems. Suprisingly, when the pts found out some guy was going to be doing the exam, their ailments would dissappear just as quickly as it had appeared.
Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
I'm back biatches!

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Years ago when I was in the hospital a female came in to give me a sponge bath. She was very careful NOT to expose certain body parts. When she got to the "down there" area, it started happening and the sheet covering me started rising.

She, calmly and without saying a word, just reached over and with a strong finger-flick thumped the self-rising animal a good hard one (no pun intended) and it majically deflated...instantaneously.

Never had a repeat occurrence in the hospital after that.

My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Oh...:oyou'll begin to see them as just another chart that you're going to have to write on. [:/] Nawce Bedside manner KB!
just another chart You heartless lab coat You!>:( Now you hurt my feelings, and I only had two feelings to begin with and you just crushed them both!:D;)
Just remove all your clothes, lay down and do whatever the nice doctor tells you
*My Inner Child is A Fucking Prick Too!
*Everyones entitled to be stupid but you are abusing the priviledge
*Well I'd love to stay & chat, But youre a total Bitch! {Stewie}

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trust me - you'll be looking at them an entirely different way. situation won't (no pun intended) come up.

Like I said, it is an asexual experience, especially when you have cold sweat running down your brow as the preceptor, patient and other students are starring you down.....:|
Oh yeah, we get either paid / actor patients and a couple of high tech dummies... so there won't be anybody coming near my poop shoot
Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
I'm back biatches!

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During the 2nd year of Med School young doctors to be, start to learn how to do physical exams.
While the experience is completely asexual, I have this HUGE FEAR of the words: "Can you please remove the gown" be quickly followed by wood :o:$

So what you do...

You man up, quit being a fucking horny little boy, and realize that, as karen said, this is just more fucking paperwork.

For the record, my first vag exam was taught to me by a 24 year old mother of 2 as a standardized patient, and had I not known, I would have HAPPILY taken her home from a bar. She was a fucking knock out. However, it's just no thing. You do your job and trust me, there's no feeling to it.

however, being nose to lips is quite a more natural location than the first time you have to grab some guy's junk to swab him for the "sailor's shore leave lament". That's when you need to worry if you pop a boner you sick fuck.

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Oh...:oyou'll begin to see them as just another chart that you're going to have to write on. [:/] Nawce Bedside manner KB!
just another chart You heartless lab coat You!>:( Now you hurt my feelings, and I only had two feelings to begin with and you just crushed them both!:D;)
Just remove all your clothes, lay down and do whatever the nice doctor tells you

Hey! I like the patients, but when practicing here in the US.... the amount of paperwork, billing, coding, ensuring proper insurance coverage for meds, is nauseating.... the charting sucks. ABSOLUTELY.

When I was in Guat and Peru, and we had our meds to give out and no billing and less risk of litigation... the paperwork was far more inline with what it should be. ie dx and treatment.

Here if I don't chart "advised smoking cessation" with the prenatal visits, the silly woman could sue me when the child doesn't make it into Harvard cuz "she never was told" of the risks of her choice. And even if I tell her, if it wasn't documented, it wasn't done. [:/]

But I recognize that not just for my pts, but also when I was the pt myself. I know my ortho guy wasn't looking forward to dictating my op note after surgery. I'm not stupid and I'm not hating him for not liking the paperwork.

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She, calmly and without saying a word, just reached over and with a strong finger-flick thumped the self-rising animal a good hard one (no pun intended) and it majically deflated...instantaneously.

Never had a repeat occurrence in the hospital after that.


yup same thing happen to me and the thump did the trick she wanted it to do. they must teach that in med school, man did that hurt


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