
OOPS...I did it again

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serious note - is that a gopher snake? looks kinda like one.
Anyways, some snakes can be very picky about the color of the mice/rats you feed them. I have had a rat snake that would refuse white mice, only taking brown mice. They may also perfer fresh dead (small of blood), I have had snakes that would only eat if I had "brained" the mouse (smacked it on a hard surface which results in instant death and also blood from the nose/mouth).
And beware of leaving a live mouse in with the snake unsupervised as the mouse can attack the snake and make it go off feed for good (they then associate the smell of the mouse with being attacked and slowly starve to death).
Good luck.

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD...

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serious note - is that a gopher snake? looks kinda like one.
Anyways, some snakes can be very picky about the color of the mice/rats you feed them. I have had a rat snake that would refuse white mice, only taking brown mice. They may also perfer fresh dead (small of blood), I have had snakes that would only eat if I had "brained" the mouse (smacked it on a hard surface which results in instant death and also blood from the nose/mouth).
And beware of leaving a live mouse in with the snake unsupervised as the mouse can attack the snake and make it go off feed for good (they then associate the smell of the mouse with being attacked and slowly starve to death).
Good luck.

Yes, it is a gopher snake. And she's obviously a racist. Does not like white rats. It's going back to Petco today (the rat.) Stupid snake. I'll get her some dark mice. She hasn't eaten in 3 months and it's bothering me.

Thanks! :)
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What's your snake's name?

Another rat, soon to be broken-hearted at being torn from her love. At least she'll be alive!

She'll find another. And yes, she shall live :)
My snakes name is Francis. I didn't know if she was a boy or girl when I rescued her. The name can go either way :)
Be yourself!

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Hated to break up the relationship. But she really needed to eat. Rat put in quarantine (I watched, it wasn't a dumpster) Traded for 3 mice. She's a fat, happy camper now :)

So she finally ate? :P

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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Hated to break up the relationship. But she really needed to eat. Rat put in quarantine (I watched, it wasn't a dumpster) Traded for 3 mice. She's a fat, happy camper now :)

So she finally ate? :P

She just ate 3 meesers. She's fat and happy. Lazy bitch won't open her mouth wide anymore :ph34r:
Be yourself!

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I Love Snakes! At one time I had owned two of them. A California King (which was Albino). Such a beautiful snake. Also had a Red Tail Boa.

I miss them very much. I had to get rid of them when I moved.

My California King was over 6'4" long.

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I had the same problem...

I have a 5 foot, near two year old Red-tailed Boa Constrictor and experienced the same thing. I added an extra heat lamp to get the metabolism up, and started using smaller prey. Also what works well is if you put them both in a very confined space your snake should take it rather quickly. A large paper grocery bag or small box works well. Place the rat in the bag or box for a little bit to get it smellin good and rodenty (if that's a word) then put your snake in and close up the top of the small box or bag and give him just a few minutes and he should take.

With the larger prey they don't as much look at it as prey. Most snakes have poor vision and will see a larger mass of animal and simply avoid, or cuddlewith it.
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1 : wide and general destruction; DEVASTATION; great confusion and disorder

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Lisa ... I've had a number of snakes, so I'm speaking from experiences similiar to what you've got going with a snake not eating for a few months.
What's the temperature in the snakes terrarium? Being cold-blooded, a temperature change of just a few degrees, like when the seasons change and the house is 2 or 3 degrees cooler than it was three months ago, can affect the snakes feeding routine.
Try warming the snake's terrarium up 3 to 5 degrees, and see if its appetite doesn't improve.
The fact that the snake tolerates "cuddling" with potential prey suggests the snake desires additional warmth more than it desires a meal.
Additionally, is that snake a captive-bred, or a wild-caught? Despite it not being as cold as it might get in the wild, it is the time of year (winter) when that snake would be hibernating and wouldn't be eating.
As long as the snake has had access to water, three or four months without a meal for a snake that size is not life-threatening ... yet.
Zing Lurks

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