
300 (Based on Frank Miller's Graphic Novel)

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I loved it... hot sweaty georgeous men everywhere :$

edit to add: oh yeah the story was good too i thought. But damn all the hot bodies were rockin'

There were some nice abs.....:$

I've never seen so man six packs running and jumping and...oh wait...I mean...ummm...:)...

~R+R:)...I'm just sitting here and thinking innocent thoughts...
Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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i have 300 million spartans in my pants and i think if hollywood made a movie about it, it would be historically correct and a box office smash.

my sparty's dont have chizzled abs or anything, but they have really cool tails and they create life... thats pretty impressive right!?
Cookie Firecrotch
"Don't you know who I am!? I'm the Juggernaut Bitch!"

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-All this was compounded when our friend that went to the theater with us, a big, barrel-chested Texan, blurted out when he started doing her doggie-style, "Yeah. Who's your Spartan...?" B|

The row behind us started laughing...


OMG!!!!!!!!! ROFLAO!!!!!!!! I didn't read this yesterday, and now that I am...well, I'm laughing so hard that I'm crying...:D:D:D...

That's awesome!!!!!!:D

~R+R:)...Say my name b*tch...
Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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This movie has grown on me over the last week and a half. But historically speaking there was so much more they could have done...admittedly because the other half of this story involved a huge naval battle and being a huge Age of Sail history dork I would have loved to have seen representations of these old galleys in action. Something a bit more modern than Ben Hur.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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The original (1962?) film was on over the weekend. It only just touched on the sea battle too. Not as violent (gory) as the new one either.

I know that they are romanticised, comic book versions but I'd like some more historical truth sometimes. The actual store is heroic enough, how mucg gloss is required?

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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So I went and saw it last night... I thought it was pretty damn good...

What do y'all think...

loved it, great photography and finish, funny narration, overall a very entertaining couple of hours, gorgeous women w/perky nipples available and a bunch of chipendales for the ladies all mixed in a huge blood bath. I love the leg cramp in the kneeling scene. :)

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Gloss? Well, they had to...modify...the fact that the final Rites of Passage was to kill a slave and escape undetected, not to slay an evil looking baby-killing Grendel-Wolf.

Well, they could make an entire movie about Themistocles and Artemisium or Salamis.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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Gloss? Well, they had to...modify...the fact that the final Rites of Passage was to kill a slave and escape undetected, not to slay an evil looking baby-killing Grendel-Wolf.

But did they include stealing cheese from an altar?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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But did they include stealing cheese from an altar?

That was actually a play on words describing their requirement to give oral sex to an old lady.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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But did they include stealing cheese from an altar?

That was actually a play on words describing their requirement to give oral sex to an old lady.

Oh dude!:S

That was not necessary!:D
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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My daughter and I loved it. She just finished studying about the greeks for the past couple of months so it was cool for her to see some of the story played out in film....(She also filled me in on all the very incorrect parts of it. Still way fun movie regardless of the errors and hollywooding of it up. I liked it and so did Lauren. Although she thought the computerized blood was a little strange.:)

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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I guess that I'm in the minority here, but my humble opinion says that 300 sucked the big one.

Typical over-hyped, over-produced, politically correct, formula-recycling Hollywood fluff.

First of all I am Greek, so a lot of the stuff I saw there was a bit, stupid really. Hot gates? What the fuck? How hard is it to pronounce Thermopylae? It isn't!

Yes it was very bloody, and sure I can see how you can connect it with today's situation with Tehran, hell they could have produced a movie where the "civilised" (let's not forget, not all Hellenic city-states where democracies like Athens, in fact Sparta was pretty much a junta) west is kicking Persian ass, any time they wanted, why not?

But...do you honestly think they could have produced a realistic dramatization of the battle? Of couse not, this is Hollywood at it's best, taking great ideas and values and making them dollars:D

p.s. I like your avatar, Lazio merdaB|
He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.

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If you haven't already, see it on IMAX, it is fucking huge and oober glorious. And the sound rocks you to the bone.
"Who's your paddy?"
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions"
"I'm not afraid to die, I'm not afraid to live, and when I'm flat on my back I hope to feel like I did"

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