
Attn: Stalkers!

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I need help!

I haven't had a celebrity crush since I was 12! But now I have a total school girl crush on this new actor! It turns out he's in my town filming a tv show. One of the set locations is practically in my backyard! Deep in thought over writing my senior thesis, I happened to miss my exit coming home tonight and took that exit and found it, by accident of course. :$

How should I proceed?? I need professional stalker input!! :)

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I need help!

I haven't had a celebrity crush since I was 12! But now I have a total school girl crush on this new actor! It turns out he's in my town filming a tv show. One of the set locations is practically in my backyard! Deep in thought over writing my senior thesis, I happened to miss my exit coming home tonight and took that exit and found it, by accident of course. :$

How should I proceed?? I need professional stalker input!! :)

Ways to get on a movie set:

1. Get a role in the movie (very difficult)
2. Get a position on the crew (slightly less difficult but still next to impossible, unless you're experienced and/or have good connections)
3. Get a job as an extra (relatively easy, compared to the previous two options, assuming the film needs extras, you meet the description they're looking for, and you know which agency is handling "background casting")
4. Make friends with someone in the cast or crew and get invited to the set as a guest (not impossible)
5. Track down the phone number of the local production office, call them, ask to speak to the "unit publicist," and give him/her some bullshit story about writing an article for a local paper, college paper, whatever (might work but publicists are paid to be skeptical)
6. Sneak onto the set (Carry a big, black walkie-talkie, and pretend like you're supposed to be there. Do not carry a camera, take any pictures with your cell phone, make any noise--turn off your cell phone--walk anywhere near the cameras, touch anything, bother people, or do anything that will attract attention to yourself or indicate you're not supposed to be there; just act like you have a purpose and like you know where you're going. If anyone asks who you are, tell them you're an "office P.A." on set waiting to pick up a package from the production trailer to take back to the production office. Say it with confidence; they'll probably be too busy to dig any deeper than that. Hardly anyone on set knows what the office P.A.s look like.)

Edited because I don't know the difference between a position acting in a movie and a baked good.
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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1. Get a roll in the movie (very difficult)

Like a croissant or just some hot buns?

I have a cinnamon roll I've been trying to get into movies for years, without any luck. According to the pastry casting agents I've talked to, the low carb craze is making it really hard to find good parts for baked goods.

It was late when I typed my original post. I'll edit it. :P
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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...just act like you have a purpose and like you know where you're going.

It's utterly amazing how many times this works... Hell, one time I walked right into Pac bell Stadium (near Sand Francisco, CA) in the middle of the night and ran the bases, by just walking right by the security guards with a commanding presence. I've done the same thing to get into high-cover-charge events. It's almost like using Jedi mind tricks or something, lol.
Gravity Waits for No One.

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I need help!

I haven't had a celebrity crush since I was 12! But now I have a total school girl crush on this new actor! It turns out he's in my town filming a tv show. One of the set locations is practically in my backyard! Deep in thought over writing my senior thesis, I happened to miss my exit coming home tonight and took that exit and found it, by accident of course. :$

How should I proceed?? I need professional stalker input!! :)

Forget that--apply to be an astronaut!


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Well, it's good that you chose a movie star to stalk. Speaking from experience, I would NOT recommend stalking a greenie even if you WERE just joking.

Here's one plan...
Find out where the after-shoot parties are. Dress up nicely, rent a limo and go. Hell, even if you don't get to meet the star, some producer will probably approach you for a possible couch role in his next movie.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Well, it's good that you chose a movie star to stalk. Speaking from experience, I would NOT recommend stalking a greenie even if you WERE just joking.

Remi wouldn't let you hump his leg? :P


Here's one plan...
Find out where the after-shoot parties are. Dress up nicely, rent a limo and go. Hell, even if you don't get to meet the star, some producer will probably approach you for a possible couch role in his next movie.

Sounds like the voice of experience talking there, too!! :P
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Too young for you Remi, he's mine! >:(;)

He's 24.

"Holly crap! How old is he? "

Pay attention! Rémi was asking for Walt's age.:|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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I have a cinnamon roll I've been trying to get into movies for years, without any luck.

So it was YOU who stole The Nun Bun! ;)

Christmas thief steals 'Nun Bun'

A cinnamon bun that bears a striking likeness to late Catholic nun Mother Teresa was stolen from a US coffeehouse on Christmas Day.
The owner arrived to find that the famous flaky pastry had vanished from the shop in Nashville, Tennessee.

Bob Bernstein said he thought the culprit was angry over the display.

The "Nun Bun" has drawn tourists since it was preserved and put in a glass case at the shop, where it was discovered by a customer in 1996.

The bun became international news following the find in the folds of its pastry.

The Bongo Java coffee shop sold T-shirts, prayer cards and mugs with the bun's image until Mother Teresa wrote a letter asking the sales be stopped, before her death in 1997.

Mr Bernstein said the thief "went right for the bun", ignoring cash lying nearby.

"Unfortunately I think it's somebody who wanted to take it to destroy it," he said.

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...just act like you have a purpose and like you know where you're going.

It's utterly amazing how many times this works... Hell, one time I walked right into Pac bell Stadium (near Sand Francisco, CA) in the middle of the night and ran the bases, by just walking right by the security guards with a commanding presence. I've done the same thing to get into high-cover-charge events. It's almost like using Jedi mind tricks or something, lol.

I've have in the past taken it a step farther.

Years ago, an F-14 crashed 150 feet from the building I worked in.
Of course everything was immediately cordoned off as the local, federal and military 'powers that be' took control.

I too believe in the seek forgiveness not permission adage, and walked right thought the yellow tape and past all the armed guards....SEVERAL TIMES!:)

One of the local TV camera men asked me to 'walk' him in too, which I did.

We got to talking and figured out it was the big Motorola walkie talkie on my hip, that I was carrying a clip board, and my 'official' looking baseball cap...that was getting me easy access. (Black cap with EFS in silver letters :ph34r: )

I've used those 'props' several times to get into places I probably should be! ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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We got to talking and figured out it was the big Motorola walkie talkie on my hip, that I was carrying a clip board, and my 'official' looking baseball cap...that was getting me easy access. (Black cap with EFS in silver letters :ph34r: )

I've used those 'props' several times to get into places I probably should be! ;)

:D:D:D I have one with "DWR" on it, and another with "SSDT". Think those will work too? :ph34r:
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I have one with "DWR" on it, and another with "SSDT". Think those will work too?


Don't see why not! :ph34r:

The camera dude about fell over laughing when he asked 'what agency' is EFS???

I'm with Eat~Fuck~Skydive ...of course! :P

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I was carrying a clip board

Oh yeah, skysprite, when you crash the set, you should also carry a clipboard. Between the clipboard and the walkie-talkie, you'll be golden.
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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