
Cold Showers - Anyone take them? (Not for frustration, thanks...)

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Got into them about six months ago for running - now I rarely turn on the hot water. It's the best wake up call there is - better than coffee. I used to be such a hot water slut, too - but now it's all about the blast of the arctic.

Anyone else?
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Lukewarm to cool for me after my morning workout - the locker room at my gym is too warm to properly cool down otherwise. But cold? No. I don't have blue balls anyway. :P:P

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When I was in the army (I know, another one of these stupid stories :P) we had community showers at basic (oh joy :S). There were 8 shower heads, and we had to get 106 women all showered in 25 minutes. :|

Obviously, we're all just standing around in towels waiting for someone to walk out. It absolutley SUCKED to get Alipati's shower...Alipati was a native Hawaiian, and she never had warm water where she grew up on the island, so walking in after her was always followed closely by hopping, screaming, and a stream of obscenities...:D:D:D

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Yup, I've been on a cold shower kick for the last month or so. I got back from a 3 week rafting trip in the Grand Canyon where I showered with river water...the temperature was 45 to 55 degrees (but the air temp was 115+!) Ever since getting back, I haven't felt the need for hot showers, and quite enjoy the cold shower. I'm sure I'll fall back into old habits as soon as winter rolls back in though.

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I used to take cool showers when I was in the military after our workouts. I also go big into the cool showers when I was living in Louisiana. 100 degrees with 95% humidity and a cool shower feels really good. To bad you never fully dry off.:D

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I heard it was good to first take a hot or warm shower because it opens your pores. Then when you're done washing, switch to cold water to close the pores.

Then again, what the hell do I know?:P


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I heard it was good to first take a hot or warm shower because it opens your pores. Then when you're done washing, switch to cold water to close the pores.

I heard it also has a "shrinkage" effect on certain parts of the body.

Im sticking to the sauna. B|


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I do.....not only it wakes me up in the morning but it also brings blood to the capillaries, therefore increasing circulation throughout the body.

It's a great boost of energy!
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