
The end of summer

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When I left for Nationals, it was in the 100's here in San Diego. (Which is rare for here, a mile from the coast.) I'd been checking the weather in Ottawa, hoping for cool and clear, but the forecasts kept saying 80-90F, 80% humidity, and occasional rain.

When we arrived it was hot and humid. We made a few practice jumps on Friday, then watched the 4-way competitions on Sat and Sun. Warm again. The 8-way draw was Sunday night, and we spent the night prepping dives in the hangar.

Monday dawned cloudy and muggy. We got three jumps off before the weather shut down for good, after getting to the loading area no fewer than eight times. That night, as we had dinner in a restaurant in Ottawa, the rain started. And it rained all night.

The next day looked better. From my hotel window I could see the stars when I woke up - but the thermometer on the bank across the street said 38F. 38F?? I guess I had missed the change in the forecast.

We got to the DZ wearing all the clothing we brought. None of us had thought to bring cold-weather gear, and so there was a flurry of people looking for long sleeve T-shirts and thermal underwear. Wal-Mart, I found out that night, would be getting that stuff in in just a week or so.

That day we made two jumps before the winds shut down the DZ. We finally gave up for good when the gusts hit 35 mph.

The next day was a little warmer, and we finished 8-way. The next day was 16-way, which took place on the nicest day of the meet, 70F and dry with moderate winds.

We left the DZ on Friday, heading to Chicago to try to get a flight out. That night we went into downtown to walk around. We eventually found ourselves at the bar of the original Pizzeria Uno, talking to a surly bartender about the end of summer and how quickly fall weather had come.

I got a pint of the Summer Ale while we talked and the place filled up. Someone else ordered the same beer, and the keg ran out while he was pouring it. He yelled across the bar to get someone to change it. After a lot of grunting and swearing, the keg was changed. But they were out of Summer Ale, and so the guy replaced the tap handle with the handle for the new beer - Octoberfest Ale.

And to think I was there for the end of summer.

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dont mention it. i want to finish my license this year. only 1 1/2 month left before the end of season here. or i go that ridicolously expensive place in the south of the country..
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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Magic hat jinx shows up, and that is the end of my summer.

The end of my summer has been a little melancholy. I have good friends who are leaving my normally dz. Change is never easy I guess. :P

"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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The end of summer sucks! >:( Esp here as we shut down for the season. Hoping to get 6 more weekends of jumping in but the weather has already starting turning and the first jump on sunday morning - I needed my heavy gloves, wore a hat under my helmet and a neck gator. Hard to believe that 6 weeks ago it was 100 degrees here. On a happier note will be headed to sandiego at the end of october, hitting sebastian in january and down to perris and elsinore in feb. Guess that isn't too bad for a winter schedule.:)

DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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Beer is always the most accurate unit of measurement, works for everything! ;)

Expecially attractiveness.:)
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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It's 58 degrees here today (so far) after having a very comfortably warm weekend. The local news station keeps weather info. on their website and the web says that we have a 30% chance of rain today. Funny, it rained all morning. I think they can call it with some certainty now.

Anyway, it's definitely changing. I'm mentally somewhere back around June. :|

TPM Sister #102

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Usually I like the end of summer, I've always loved the changing of seasons.

Except for this year.

Up here in craptastical ol' Seattle we completely skipped the summer season.

Counting down till June of 2009 when we can finally move to a place that has more than a week long yearly fling with the sun.

I'm bitter about the weather.[:/]:$

"Life is a temporary victory over the causes which induce death." - Sylvester Graham

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I understand your pain Karen....not much better on the eastern side of the state....I think summer lasted a whole six weeks for us....with extreme temps (up above 100 degrees).
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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I'm bitter about the weather.

I'm bitter about the weather too, but in the opposite way. We don't have an end to summer in Florida, it just goes from very hot to not-so-hot, with only a couple weeks of actual chilly weather thrown in there. I'm so tired of shorts and t-shirts, I long to wear a pair of jeans again! The next two months are very depressing for me because everyone else gets a relief from sweating, and all I can look forward to is the day the high temp. is below 85. Blech, I hate Florida!

I guess it's all about your perspective, huh?
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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The next day looked better. From my hotel window I could see the stars when I woke up - but the thermometer on the bank across the street said 38F. 38F?? I guess I had missed the change in the forecast.

My thermo said 39F this morning. I cannot believe it. They are already getting the De-ice trucks ready at work. I guess it's only a matter of time before that white stuff starts to fly. Time to get the snowboards waxed up and ready to go.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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I don't think I would like Florida weather much either.

The only place where I have lived where I didn't complain about the weather was in the mountains of southwestern Virginia. Hot summers with nice rivers and lakes to go play in, beautiful thunderstorms, gorgeous fall colors, a winter with a nice amount of snow and always a chance of a white christmas and a pretty spring.

I've learned that the next place that I live has to be one with four distinct seasons. Constant sun or constant rain bore me!

"Life is a temporary victory over the causes which induce death." - Sylvester Graham

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I'm bitter about the weather.

I'm bitter about the weather too, but in the opposite way. We don't have an end to summer in Florida, it just goes from very hot to not-so-hot, with only a couple weeks of actual chilly weather thrown in there. I'm so tired of shorts and t-shirts, I long to wear a pair of jeans again! The next two months are very depressing for me because everyone else gets a relief from sweating, and all I can look forward to is the day the high temp. is below 85. Blech, I hate Florida!

I guess it's all about your perspective, huh?

:o I'm guessing either a hard landing or you didn't quite clear the tail.

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