
My kitty might have cancer...

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If you guys remember my post from a few weeks ago, the cat continued barfing, so today, the vet did an ultrasound. The ultrasound found a thickening(?) in the bowel that is indicative of either inflammatory bowel disease or lymphoma. The ultrasound vet said that the bowel looked like lymphoma, but inflammatory bowel also looks similar. They're doing an exploratory surgery/biopsy in a few hours to find out which one it is. We won't have the results for a few days, since visually, it's not easy to tell the difference, so it'll be up to the lab to make the diagnosis.

I'm really worried.

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Oh, I'm so sorry to hear your cat is so sick...it's heartbreaking when your going through that process of trying to get them well and you're not getting the answers you want/need.

A prayer sent up for Nightingale and kitty...
"...I've learned that while the "needs" in life are important (food, water, shelter), it's the "wants" in life (ice cream, chocolate, sex) that make it worth the effort." Kbordson

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That; stotally blows. I hope there;s soemthing else you can do for your cat.

I had to put down a cat when I was like 14. It totally sucks. I didn't know whether I wanted to be there or not. I was. It totally sucked seeing my cat who was still MY CAT get put to sleep. He looked right into my eyes when he was injected and just faded away.

It was still better than letting him go through all the pain.[:/]

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That; stotally blows. I hope there;s soemthing else you can do for your cat.

I had to put down a cat when I was like 14. It totally sucks. I didn't know whether I wanted to be there or not. I was. It totally sucked seeing my cat who was still MY CAT get put to sleep. He looked right into my eyes when he was injected and just faded away.

It was still better than letting him go through all the pain.[:/]

I had Aja (jet black Persian) put down when he contracted FIV ( Feline AIDS) after a fight with another cat. It was a hard thing to do. felt like i was murdering my friend. I brought Bodhisattva home when the vet said nothing more could be done for him. He had lung cancer. He died while I held him and I just know he appreciated it. He was a great cat. When Charlemanges time come, I'll do the same for him.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Thanks, everyone, for the good wishes.

Anakin came through his exploratory surgery/biopsy just fine. The vet found some "areas of inflammation" that she biopsied and sent off to the lab. He gets to come home either tonight or tomorrow night, depending on whether he's eating, drinking and processing food and liquids normally.

We should know in 2-4 days whether it's cancer.

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Hi Kris,

Good news - it was found and can be diagnosed early! Major prayers/vibes for IBD.

My baby has inflammatory bowel disease and he's been kicking for 5 years since his diagnosis (now 17 years old). It's very treatible, and if kept under control not too expensive! There is medicated food for that. The difficulty with multiple cat's is making sure they don't eat the other cat food.

Sending lot's of love your way!!!

"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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Very sorry to hear that. Just hope for the best. Our Chow Sheppard cross had cancer on his right upper lip a couple mo. ago. They removed that part and since then he has gotten his pep back and all is going well. No sign of it coming back at this point. So there is a chance your kitty is going to be all right. Good luck.

I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.

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Good news: we got the intestinal biopsy results back. There is inflamation, but there is no cancer. We are still waiting on skin biopsy results of the weird skin lumps, but if he has cancer, it's not in his intestines.

Bad news: He got sent home from the vet's office because he wouldn't eat there, so they thought he might do better at home. Within an hour of getting home, his surgical incision started to seep blood and fluids. This frightened me, so back to the vet we go. They did a new blood count, and found his platelets were low, and they don't know why. They're investigating. I'm glad they're a 24 hour vet. It's 3 am.

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Ah, some good news...no cancer.:)
Hopefully, the platelet thing is just a holdover problem from the biopsy procedure and they can give kitty some meds to boost him/her up...

"...I've learned that while the "needs" in life are important (food, water, shelter), it's the "wants" in life (ice cream, chocolate, sex) that make it worth the effort." Kbordson

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Can he be put on blood thinners or something like that to keep it from clotting? I'm sure you asked all the questions... I'm sorry to hear about your baby. I hope he pulls through.

(((((VIBES))))) to you and Anakin.

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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Unfortunately, the vet called me at 5 am with a diagnosis of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, which means his blood is clotting, but not where it should, and they don't know why. The vet is not optimistic.

Sorry Hon.


This sucks.[:/]
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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