
Hazardous Hobbies Clause

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:(:(:(:(I just thought I would let everybody know that they should check with their medical insurance companies to find out if they are covered in the event that they get hurt skydiving. I recently broke my Tibia and Fibula landing wrong.I had to have surgery to have plates put in. While sitting here recovering, found out that my claims have been denied due to a "Hazardous Hobbies Clause". I knew this was the case in most LIFE insurance polices but not in my health insurance. I guess this is going to be a classic example of "finding out the hard way."

One more thing. How can a skydiving website, that has a check spelling option, not know the word skydiving or website??????? I guess these are just some of the questions that are better left not asked.

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Not that I'm advocating lying to your dr... but face it... House is right. "All patients lie."

There are some reasons where skydiving accidents become "falling off the roof" or high velocity penetrating injuries are from a "lawnmower that must have thrown a rock" (as long as fragments of metal aren't still implanted so dig those out at the range) or implanted objects are just "sat on"

There's an art to saying what happened without admitting a thing. B|

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Came in a little too fast to run it off. Slid in and grabbed a bump with my foot. Dislocated my ankle and broke the Tibia and Fibia....
Oh Oh Oh Oh.... I mean I fell off the roof!!!!!!

Damn Gopher Holes....

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I checked with my Swiss health insurcance. They said I'm coverd as long as I don't do stupid stuff.

Well, that's clear enough.

Yeah they said they will have to check it so they can't tell me in advance. So I guess if I ever brake my legs it will be cleaning the gutters at my DZ;)

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