
History Channel -- Right now -- UFO crap

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Ok, so I've been not feeling well all day long . . . took some drugs earlier and just woke up again . . . flicked on HISTORY channel and . . . they're doing UFOs?!?

Ok . . . whatever . . .

Question; why do all UFOs rotate near the ground? How the F does that make any sense at all? Don't the aliens get dizzy?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Question; why do all UFOs rotate near the ground? How the F does that make any sense at all? Don't the aliens get dizzy?

What makes you think the aliens inside are rotating too? They're probably floating in-place, independent of the external rotation.

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Question; why do all UFOs rotate near the ground? How the F does that make any sense at all? Don't the aliens get dizzy?

What makes you think the aliens inside are rotating too? They're probably floating in-place, independent of the external rotation.

So, why would they have an externally rotating shell and under what circumstance could that possibly make any sense either?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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So, why would they have an externally rotating shell and under what circumstance could that possibly make any sense either?

Beats the heck out of me. I ain't no expert in alien propulsion technology. Maybe billvon knows.

But as advanced as they are, if they exist, then certainly they have a darned good reason for it.

If the cavemen saw us zipping around in cars at 60 mph, they would probably say; "Why are they in such a hurry? In what circumstances could that possibly make any sense?"

Cavemen don't have the perspective to understand our modern life. And we don't have the perspective to understand alien life.

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If the cavemen saw us zipping around in cars at 60 mph, they would probably say; "Why are they in such a hurry? In what circumstances could that possibly make any sense?"

I think even a caveman would instantly see the advantages of being able to go from point A to point B quickly. The caveman -might- have a bit of difficulty understanding the function of the WHEELS initially, but even then he'd probably quickly figure out how they are physically advantageous.

Contrast that with how UFOs are typically depicted.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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i am watching that right now. I do believe in ET life. If we cn put someone on the moon why can't other life do the same. Very ignorant of humans to believe we are the only living in the whole solar system

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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If we cn put someone on the moon why can't other life do the same.

Because it's amazingly impractical to travel interstellar distances.

Any sufficiently advanced civilization capable of doing so would never allow the project to be funded.

Just do the math.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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If we cn put someone on the moon why can't other life do the same.

Because it's amazingly impractical to travel interstellar distances.

Just do the math.

Maybe in our knowledge but who is to say that they have far superior technology

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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Maybe in our knowledge but who is to say that they have far superior technology

I don't care what technology they have, they can't change the laws of physics. In particular, the one regarding the speed of light.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Question; why do all UFOs rotate near the ground? How the F does that make any sense at all? Don't the aliens get dizzy?

What makes you think the aliens inside are rotating too? They're probably floating in-place, independent of the external rotation.

So, why would they have an externally rotating shell and under what circumstance could that possibly make any sense either?

I think you're just too hung up on Hollywood versions of UFOs. REAL UFO's don't rotate.
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Maybe in our knowledge but who is to say that they have far superior technology

I don't care what technology they have, they can't change the laws of physics. In particular, the one regarding the speed of light.

I do believe we couldn't break the speed of sound in the early 50's If you could break the speed of light then theoretically, we could see the past. I for one do believe there is lif on other systems. ThT IS JUST MY OPINON.

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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I do believe we couldn't break the speed of sound in the early 50's If you could break the speed of light then theoretically, we could see the past. I for one do believe there is lif on other systems. ThT IS JUST MY OPINON.

Breaking the speed of sound was something completely different than breaking the speed of light.

Humans broke the speed of sound a LONG time ago, far earlier than the 50s. We broke it with simple artillery.

Forget breaking the speed of light, just getting TO the speed of light, on the other hand, requires, by definition, an infinite amount of energy. That simply doesn't exist.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I do believe we couldn't break the speed of sound in the early 50's If you could break the speed of light then theoretically, we could see the past. I for one do believe there is lif on other systems. ThT IS JUST MY OPINON.

Breaking the speed of sound was something completely different than breaking the speed of light.

Humans broke the speed of sound a LONG time ago, far earlier than the 50s. We broke it with simple artillery.

Forget breaking the speed of light, just getting TO the speed of light, on the other hand, requires, by definition, an infinite amount of energy. That simply doesn't exist.

Not to our knowledge it doesnt. but why cant it apply to systems ar more superior to ours

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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Do you understand what the word infinite means?

Take the largest number you can possibly imagine . . . and multiply that by itself, then continue to do that until you can't possibly imagine any number larger than that . . . then add 1 and start the process over again.


quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Do you understand what the word infinite means?

Quade, you just need to order the Infinite Improbability Drive the next time you buy a new car. It's a great time saver!:ph34r:
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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If the cavemen saw us zipping around in cars at 60 mph, they would probably say; "Why are they in such a hurry? In what circumstances could that possibly make any sense?"

I think even a caveman would instantly see the advantages of being able to go from point A to point B quickly. The caveman -might- have a bit of difficulty understanding the function of the WHEELS initially, but even then he'd probably quickly figure out how they are physically advantageous.

Contrast that with how UFOs are typically depicted.

But... better analogy, would the cavemen understand the rims and the pimped out version. Maybe that's what the lights and spinning are. Aliens are just kickin it and stylin. B|

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Ok, so I've been not feeling well all day long . . . took some drugs earlier and just woke up again . . . flicked on HISTORY channel and . . . they're doing UFOs?!?

Ok . . . whatever . . .

Question; why do all UFOs rotate near the ground? How the F does that make any sense at all? Don't the aliens get dizzy?

CHECK THIS OUT!!! THIS>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuhYd9L_d7w fully explains how 99.999999321432115niner% of UFO powerplants operate. It's about time someone figured it out. Thank god for Rockwell Automation.
Gravity Waits for No One.

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Cavemen don't have the perspective to understand our modern life.

I can tell you that most of the Cavemen I know find that stereotype to be offensive.

Yeah, those idiotic cavemen probably don't even have a first clue about what a retro-turbo-encabulator does either. I mean, duh, if you can bang two rocks together you should at least be aware of its existence, right?
Gravity Waits for No One.

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