
How Many Memorial Jumps have you Attended this Year?

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I wasn't really sure if all these "count", but I counted 6 for myself this year...

1. Dublin - I was on the memorial jump for Bob and Danny the day following the accident.
2. DeLand for Bob Holler's ash dive
3. Emerald Coast - memorial jump for Johnny Mauney during the Memorial Day boogie
4. Lost Prairie - there was a memorial jump/ash dive while I was there for the boogie although I didn't know the people involved in that plane crash...
5. The Farm for Beezy's ash dive
6. The Farm for Shrek's ash dive this past weekend, although it didn't happen due to weather I'm still counting that as a memorial jump for this year.

It's been a rough year. Everyone stay safe in '08 and take care of each other.

Enemiga Rodriguez, PMS #369, OrFun #25, Team Dirty Sanchez #116, Pelt Head #29, Muff #4091

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I'm saying "more than 4" even though most were memorial gatherings of some ilk, not ash dives.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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