
Prince Harry fighting on the frontline

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I dont believe that he swung the tour by 'demanding' to be sent . That decision is waaay above his pay-grade

Neither do I. I think it was one of the biggest decisions the UK has made in some time though. If this went wrong it would devestate the UK. If he dies in battle so soon after his mother it would be a huge blow.

I think the decision must have been one of the toughest but i think it is good that he was sent to do what he was trained for. Apparently he is an excellent soldier and it is good he has not been held back from doing what he in himself must feel born to do.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Yes, the Duke of York Andrew. And no I doubt they'd ever have a piss-up over who has the biggest ones. But I doubt that Andrew would ever argue the point on right seat on a Sea King vs. sitting in the dirt.

I like the spares better than the heirs on this point though - at least they'll have something interesting to talk about at those family get togethers.


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Whether he was on the front line or not does not matter. The troops on the front lines could not do their job if it wasn't for the support.

Sounds like he's taking a cue from his mum by relating and working with the 'commoners'. Despite how impossible it was/is for his mum and Harry, atleast they both were/are trying.


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I'm a little taken aback at some of the cynicism on display in SOME of these posts, especially the moderator, and I don't care HOW long he's served.

I'm no fan of the royal family, preferring to to think of the bunch as "royal rotters". But every so often some of the younger ones TRY to break out of the mold, whether it's performing in a dance troup or serving their country in the Navy or the Army. I remember the reports of Andrew flying Exocet decoy sorties in the Falklands war, when the Argentines actually managed to sink SEVERAL British ships with the damned things. And now Harry is TRYING to serve with his men, has tried anyway, in both Iraq and Afghanistan. And all the blowhards, Green or not can do is blow back a lot of cynicism about a good kid who's trying to be his own man. Well right on Harry and fuck the rest of you !

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You know I'm not a big fan of the royals by and large. Maybe its just my culture.;) However, Harry has really earned my respect. He didn't go learn how to be a "fighter pilot" like his brother (its in quotes since he's as much of a fighter pilot as a 100 jump wonder is a world class RW flier), he put his boots on the ground and got dirty with the rest of his comrades in arms.

All in all its impressive. You don't typically see the ultra wealthy in the US (or anywhere else for that matter) putting their ass on the line like that.

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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And all the blowhards, Green or not can do is blow back a lot of cynicism about a good kid who's trying to be his own man.

I suggest you go back and re-read my first AND second posts as you too have clearly missed what I said. I gave the man his props for going but lets call a spade a spade and not something it's not.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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The thing there Dave is that William only did his first flight in a single engine a couple of weeks ago. He is still very much at the start of his trainning. The other thing is he is not allowed by any means to go and fight.

I only point this out to you because it sounds like you might have a different picture of what William is trying to do. He will be a fighter pilot soon enough. He will never see action but bear in mind that it was only three weeks ago he took his first flight to the skies in a singe engine aircraft with his instructor. he has just begun.

Both Prince William and Harry have my respect, the rest can fuck off and die for all i care but Harry has always had my respect, even more now. He has always crossed me as a kid who wants to just be normal and this shows in the crowds he hangs around with and the trouble he gets himself in.

I just hope the UK see how good he is doing for their country. it sounds like the US people who dont care for the royals actually find themselves admiring this kid.

I hope you guys watch his interviews from over there and maybe find out a bit more about Harry in the process. He is a modern Prince who would rather be hanging with the common people. he is not just saying it, we are seeing it and believing it.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Prince Harry arrived back in Britain on Saturday after a 10-week tour of duty in Afghanistan fighting Taliban militants with the British Army.

The 23-year-old, a second lieutenant in the Blues and Royal regiment of the Household Cavalry, touched down in an unmarked military plane at Royal Air Force base Brize Norton, near Oxford, south central England.

Harry left Afghanistan Friday night, the defence ministry confirmed earlier Saturday, after news of his deployment - which had been kept secret under a deal between the British government and media - was leaked by a number of media outlets including Australian magazine New Idea.

Heading the welcoming party was his father, Prince Charles, and elder brother, Prince William, 25, who also trained as an army officer and recently began flying with the Royal Air Force.

The heir to the throne was smartly dressed in a fawn overcoat, dark suit and necktie as he was seen on television pictures arriving at the base. William was more casually dressed.

Harry, in combat fatigues and carrying his kit and body armour, filed down the steps of the Tristar jet, in its RAF blue livery, with fellow soldiers from Britain's 7,800-strong contingent in the NATO coalition in Afghanistan.

The returning troops arrived without fanfare and there was no official welcome on the tarmac as the troops instead filed into the terminal building.

Media reports said Harry was due to travel to his father's nearby country residence, Highgrove, after being reunited with his family.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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You were doing great, 'till the last post. He's no more cool than thousands of other lads that work tirelessly for our country. He's doing a great job but no more than the others.. It would be very naive of me to think that he is not different, but he's not 'cooler'.

BTW all front line soldiers are Bullet Magnets.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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I am not taking in the soldier sense.
I am saying he is a cool guy.
He loves rugby, He goes to australia and works his ass off on a cattle ranch working from horseback. He loves his beer, he enjoys a bit of weed, he is filthy rich, and he enjoys living with basic essentials when he is so use to living with the finer leasures of life.

That is why he is a cool guy. The sort of guy that i would enjoy to hang out with. not because he only went and served his country.

I use to live in a military town in the uk and met hundreds of people who were on their way to iraq. alot of them were complete assholes and had no respect for the woman. Just cause you serve in the military does nto make you cool in my book.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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I hear what you're saying.B| but I don't buy into the celebrity hype (The 20 - 21 century disease). I don't know him so only get what the T.V and papers pump out, thus I couldn't say what's true and what's PR.
I'm not knocking him but likewise, I'm not about to build him up into something that I don't know that he is. - that's all.


I also know, I was in the RAF and met my fair share of plonkers and also made some great friends.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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I am not buying into the celebrity hype. Sure it was all in the media but i have a friend here in australia who use to live next to the farm Harry was workign on while in australia and spent many evenings at the local watering hole with him.
Between what i have heard from him and interviews i have seen i would call him a cool guy. something very very rare when it comes to the uk pop culture in my opinion.

When i worked marketing for a dropzone in NZ i was also in contact with his people when he was coming to NZ with William and Zoe. I was organizing for them to do some tandem skydives. Got pretty far into it as well until they pulled out at the last minute. It was claimed by the people that for the amount of interest they had and the time they had it was not going to be possible but they made me aware that Harry was the only one who was really interested in doing the jump.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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What I read is that he will never be fully trained in any of the jet fighters that the UK has. Only smaller prop planes. This is due to him not ever going to be allowed to be a full on fighter pilot and the overall cost of training in those big jets. That's what I brought up.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Read through this thread and you get the distinct fealing that there is *nothing* either of these young men could do to earn some peoples' respect.

I guess in a way I have to wonder why one would have to hold these boys in different regard than anyone else? I mean, how many people here have a good friend that was NOT infantry or 'on the front line'? :S Is that the only determination of respect?

Jus' saying that I can respect a person that is not a combatant...(I'd have to to respect myself! I wasn't on the front line. I was commo and kept back state side operating the station).

*Famous* people that are stuck-up, dim-witted, and elitist don't get my respect personally. These kids, from the extremely limited information I have on them, don't seem to be any of the aforementioned...

I do understand not calling them war heroes, as they aren't...but dudnt make 'em any less than they are. Pretty grounded for their positions, I'm thinkin'. :P

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I read an article quoting Harry saying he does not really like england anyway and it was good to be away from the media.:D The prince dont like england. To be honest though, not many englanders like england.
The weather has a big something to do with that

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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