
Borrow a rig?

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I am waiting for my rig to arrive, and these rental fees are killing me!!! Is it considered bad mojo to ask someone to borrow a spare rig? I would certainly be willing to give them some money/beer. What kind of compensation is reasonable, and what terms of borrowing are good ones? I would replace anything that got damaged, pay for reserve repack and new main if it was lost, etc. So, should I ask around the dz or just cut back on jumping until I get my own gear?

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Maybe it's just the people that I hang aqround with, but I've never had problems getting short term loaners. Heck, I kept DownwindDave's rig for a couple of months and had to just about fight him to let me buy him dinner for his trouble.
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35 jumps and your still jumping a 210? I only have 36 and I jump a pilot 168.

is that even remotely serious, if so go stand in front of a mirror and slap yourself
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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35 jumps and your still jumping a 210? I only have 36 and I jump a pilot 168.

is that even remotely serious, if so go stand in front of a mirror and slap yourself


That's what I meant.:D:D

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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35 jumps and your still jumping a 210? I only have 36 and I jump a pilot 168.

Dude.... how about no. Try again later.

Maybe he only weighs 120? Geez.

Why, I learned about this just the other day in my linguistics class. It's what we refer to as "Principle of Charity," where the "arguer is granted the strongest argument possible where supporting evidence is not blatantly evident."

And upon reviewing his profile, it would seem that my sarcasm may prove slightly accurate as he claims to be jumping a 126 reserve to accompany that Pilot. My head is just swelling with knowledge.
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Fuck your rig looks super cool! I would do a few different things to by taking out some of the black personally. Fucking sweet colours though. Can you please post photos of the container, front and back. I think i just found a colour i am really liking for my next rig.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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People are not giving him a hard time for jumping a 168, eople are giving him a hard time for making out that others with his jump numbers should be on the same size as him when it has nothing to do with jump numbers.

I was on a 170 straight off AFF but that does not mean everyone should be. Weight makes a huge difference.

For him to talk like the other person is on a too bigg canopy is what people are reacting to.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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For him to talk like the other person is on a too bigg canopy is what people are reacting to.

For him to talk like he actually knows something about canopies at 36 jumps is pretty amazing:ph34r::ph34r: I have over 800 jumps and know next to nothing:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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For him to talk like the other person is on a too bigg canopy is what people are reacting to.

For him to talk like he actually knows something about canopies at 36 jumps is pretty amazing:ph34r::ph34r: I have over 800 jumps and know next to nothing:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Yeah but when we say that there is always someone else who will then argue that they know more than you giving the advice.

I tried to just explain what he was getting at.
Anyone who thinks 30+ jumps mean they 'should' be on canopy smaller than a 190 has not been trained correctly about wingloadings.

There are many jumpers out there who get instructed to jump a 170 and even a 150 straight off AFF.... and that is fine, they just need to know the reason they are told to jump these size canopies has nothing to do with their amount of jumps and more with wing loadings and wind levels so they will not be flying backwards cause they are so small.

It is a shame that some people dont get taught about wingloadings towards the end of their AFF training.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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agreeing with BOTH you and snakebait above;) I have been around this sport since 97' with STILL under 100 jumps and flew my first 190 last year...
Just depends on ONES comfort-
1-actually getting the nerve to goto the DZ
2-actually donning the rig on ones back!
3-actually getting on da' plane!
4-jumping out the freakin door!
5-BUT DAMMMMN....it feels sooooo GOOD!!!
8-So i/we do it AGAIN!!! Woo~freakin~Hoo..

All in all we are all different with different mindsets when doing this hobby/lifestyle/job!

But I personnelly would never ask to borrow someone elses rig! If it was offered I would still hesitate... Like last year after my chop... A few rigs were offered and I said thanks but no because I did not want to be responsible for messing it uP if anything were to happen on any particular dive!!

So I bought a cheapo like 2weeks later! NOW I have TWO rigs! Make that three by the end of this season when i get my first tailored rig for ME!!!

Everyone of is DIFFERENT in someway shape or form!


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I understand, Different mindsets. Personally, I have always had one of my rigs out on loan to someone. So asking about borrowing a rig i am comfortable with, However i would not expect to be able to borrow a new rig.

I am sure if someone ever did loan me a rig they would also know that they would get alot from myself in return.

Anyway, i just sold my rigs last year due to moving to a different country and having to buy furniture/house etc.....

I am the last person who should not have a rig at the moment considering i sell rigs and canopies full time:S

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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35 jumps and your still jumping a 210? I only have 36 and I jump a pilot 168.

Didn't I read in the Incidents forum that you got injured on a landing and can't jump right now?

I hope you heal quickly.
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35 jumps and your still jumping a 210? I only have 36 and I jump a pilot 168.

Didn't I read in the Incidents forum that you got injured on a landing and can't jump right now?

I hope you heal quickly.

Skymama, that's a big stick you use to stir the potB|

Heal quick mate!

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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