
Why a salad costs more than a Big Mac

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Ever wonder why a decent salad costs $6-$8, when you can get a Bic Mac for $1?

See the attached pic. The pyramid on the right shows the FDA recommendations for a balanced diet (grains and veggies taking up most of the pyramid, while proteins and sugars make up the top part).

The pyramid on the left shows government subsidies for agriculture from 1995 to 2005. The US government gave most of it's cash subsidies to meat and dairy (73.8%), and vegetables got a measly 0.37% of the funds.

So now you know.

I don't want to denigrate your point to much, but don't they charge more that $1 for a big mac?

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Well, I'm not an expert in this area for sure, but no I don't think the average vegetable is grown close to the consumers.

... Frequently, in stores I shop at, signs are posted over the produce that say "Colorado grown". I typically buy more that is grown in the state, not because it's great quality, but because I recognize the true cost of buying something local and it's impact on the environment.

Frequently, the people that stock the produce can tell you exactly where it came from. But you have to take a minute to ask them. Fruits in Colorado almost always come from another state or country (tha labels usually say where), although we do make some good citrus here. And most of it gets shipped to other states. ...

This reminds me of a routine from Brian Regan, called Log Trucks. Yeah, what's up with shipping the same stuff to other places, just to have the same stuff shipped to you? :|


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Cause Salad is Murder.

As a founding member of the Vegetation Liberation Front, Let me just say for all to hear... Lettuce be Free!!

Vegtables have Rghts Too!! Eat more Meat!!


Preach on brother J...

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what's up with shipping the same stuff to other places, just to have the same stuff shipped to you?

There's a growing movement in the environmental agenda called True Cost Economics which incorporates the environmental, health and societal impact of production. Although it has the ring of Chinese Economic Reform, it is interesting to see all the cost factors associated with the after-market.

Edit - but I guess the thread is really diverging. The point wasn't to talk about whether eating meat is good or bad. I don't think anyone has the right to tell anyone else how to eat, and I'm not about to.

The point was to ask the question: If the US government feels that it is better for it's citizens to eat certain portions of different foods, why are it's financial policies so skewed toward one or two specific industries?
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