
"THe Grizzly Man"

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He was an addictive personality. The addictive personality is capable only of moderating the direction of their disintegration. He did what he did to satisfy his own needs. He fucked up his life with drugs and alcohol and found something to be addicted to that allowed him to feel good about himself and feel he was contributing to the world.

He was no different from the people who pretty much ruin their lives with addiction to drugs and behaviors who turn their addiction to working with Mother Teresa and cling to Jesus in a desperate attempt to feel good about themselves. Their new addiction grips them as powerfully as any substance but comes without the high societal judment pricetag
For Treadwell and those who mainline religion, they are doing nothing more than giving in to their addiction, but now they can hold high their banners of self worth.

Given the mess of their former lives, it is a step up and I can see the benefit for them. It remains, however, nothing more than an addict who cannot stop being an addict. More power to them but it pretty much seems to me kind of like social methadone.

That being said Treadwell developed a passion and pursued it with his entire being and while I can't see where he was doing anything of real benefit, he did no significant harm and lived and died doing what he loved.
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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Cuss out flies and bitch about the government. Allow some inner paranoia to go out. And sometimes just say, "Fuck it" to my own expectations and to everyone else's.

Yes professor, We would not want to bitch about the Govt. now would we? That might attract attention....WTF do you think the internet was made for, Porn?? You're a skydiver for gods sake, fear is no longer an obstacle, let it out man!

what would Lionel Hutz do?
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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There may have been an issue with a commercial flight being available when he wanted to return home, but his decision to extend his stay was because of the bear he was looking for, and not because of an airline.

My understanding from the film was that he stayed with the bears in the summer and timing crucial to leaving before grizzly time of famine.

An airport official infuriated Treadwell and they returned to the Grizzly Maze, the vast tangle of meadows and thickets stretching inland from Kaflia Bay (qualified as the most dangerous place in Alaska for a human to be.) It was in that maze that the remains of Treadwell and Huguenard were found, they camped unarmed in a dangerous bear migration route during a time of near famine.

Park officials had repeatedly warned Treadwell
not to camp among bears—and even threatened to expel him from Katmai.

Scientists who study Alaska brown bears said they had been warning Treadwell for years that he needed to be more careful around the huge and powerful coastal twin of the grizzly. U.S. Geological Survey bear researcher Tom Smith; Sterling Miller, formerly the Alaska Department of Fish and Game's top bear authority; and others said they tried to warn the amateur naturalist that he was being far too cavalier around North America's largest and most powerful predator.

When park rangers went in to retrieve the remains of Treadwell and Huguenard -- they ended up killing two bears near the couple's campsite.

A character study of a man who crossed the barrier separating human from animal for his own "selfish needs"...(two bears were shot due to him) We already know our place in the food chain. The bears didn’t need Treadwell's protection. Katmai National Park has the largest bear protection area in the world. This would-be actor wanted to star in his own documentary.

eustress. : a positive form of stress having a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being.

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Smiles, I am having trouble confirming your assertation that there was an altercation between he and an airline person. However, simply because I can't find it doesn't mean it wasn't real.

There are many different points of view on Treadwell's death, and lots of details surrounding things we will simply not ever know. The way it is commonly reported, and in the film as well (which is where I originally got the idea) is that Treadwell decided to remain in the Maze and look for Downy, a female he had "befriended", for an additional week because he hadn't seen her yet and was concerned. In that week, the crucial timing that you speak of became life or death for him; had he left when he had intended, then he likely would still be alive.

In either event, why Treadwell chose to go back into the Maze - either because an airline official pissed him off or he was looking for Downy - doesn't matter. What matters is he both knew and appreciated that this was a time of change, and that he would be at greater risk of death if he returned. He returned anyway.


Park officials had repeatedly warned Treadwell not to camp among bears—and even threatened to expel him from Katmai.

They could have removed him. They threatened to do so. And yet, they didn't. Is this death their fault? No, not at all. Free choice gave Treadwell his life and his death. Not the Park Rangers.


When park rangers went in to retrieve the remains of Treadwell and Huguenard -- they ended up killing two bears near the couple's campsite.

Yes, one human body was buried as a cache for later consumption, and the other dismembered and scattered around the campsite.

The two bears they killed were Bear #141 (I think), who was very old (some say 25+ years, which is exceedingly old for a bear, wild or otherwise), and whose canine teeth were both rotted and missing. The second bear was a sub adult male, about 3 years old (again, iirc). There is contention about which bear did the actual killing, but sadly, both bears died.

I am not passing judgment on Treadwell or his behavior. I believe the documentary that Herzog produced was a phenomenal piece of work, and should be seen for what it is, a rare glimpse into both the lives of grizzlies, and more importantly, a glimpse into the mind of a man.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Yes, one human body was buried as a cache for later consumption, and the other dismembered and scattered around the campsite.

Didn't the coroner say that body parts of both were taken from the stomach of the larger bear?
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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I just watched this documentary this weekend, and I think it's a pretty interesting movie for anyone to watch.
I love that Timmy was so passionate about his work, and he found a way to pursue his passion, even if it meant being broke and isolated.

Watching him talk to the bears and say things like "don't you do that!" and "I love you, I love you, I love you," made me laugh at his crazy antics and way of life. ( Seems he tried communicating with the bears as if they were human:SB|)
I am sorry to see someone get killed by a wild animal ( and his girlfriend who was afraid of bears, yet still tried to save him); however, if you disrespect the natural boundaries in this world, it should come as no surprise when you get killed for doing so.
Timmy Treadwell was definitely an interesting guy, it would have been different talking to someone like him; still, ya gotta admire his passion!!!

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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