
well there go my plans out the window (vent)

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Pardon the rant,but I'm pissed!

Since being diagnosed with plantar faciitis I've had to drop both my Phys Ed classes at the college b/c I'm unable to participate.These classes are required for my degree and thus I cant graduate in December.Hell depending on when and how long it takes to heal I dont know that I'll graduate at all!They say it could take up to a year to heal.Needless to say my plans to go to the police academy are shot too for the time being.Plus I had to scrap my gym membership b/c of $ issues.

WTF?I felt/thought I was on the right track with my life and then everything goes to hell!>:(:(:S

I have an appointment with the podiatrist Wednesday,so maybe he can give me some hope.[:/]

ok,vent over...sorry for the interruption of your day.:$

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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Aren't there any other PE classes you can take that don't require stress on your foot? Weightlifting? Yoga?
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because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Aren't there any other PE classes you can take that don't require stress on your foot? Weightlifting? Yoga?

I'm at a relatively small community college and they dont offer much in the way of PE.I'd love to take swimming classes b/c I love to swim but its not offered.The only thing semi-less stressful to my foot are "Concepts of Fitness" or "Fitness Walking". CoF requires a 2mile run and fitness walking would be more like "fitness limping" for me right now lol.:SI was taking the least stressful thing they offered...bowling and I cant even limp down the lane enough to do that.:$:S

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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Can you talk to the department about other ways to fill your requirements? Sometimes colleges will be flexible, especially if you have a verifiable medical condition. It's at least worth setting up an appointment to inquire.
TPM Sister #102

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Can you talk to the department about other ways to fill your requirements? Sometimes colleges will be flexible, especially if you have a verifiable medical condition. It's at least worth setting up an appointment to inquire.

I talked to the assistant dean of humanities/fitness and she said I'd just have to wait until I am healed and retake the classes,but I'm waiting on a phone call from the dean himself right now.I'm hoping I can say something that will bend a kind ear my way.*fingers crossed*[:/]

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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I talked to the assistant dean of humanities/fitness and she said I'd just have to wait until I am healed and retake the classes,but I'm waiting on a phone call from the dean himself right now.I'm hoping I can say something that will bend a kind ear my way.*fingers crossed*[:/]

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires employers, businesses, etc. to make reasonable accomodations for people with disabilities, even where the disabilities are temporary.

You definitely want to look into that.

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Can you talk to the department about other ways to fill your requirements? Sometimes colleges will be flexible, especially if you have a verifiable medical condition. It's at least worth setting up an appointment to inquire.

I talked to the assistant dean of humanities/fitness and she said I'd just have to wait until I am healed and retake the classes...

That's bullshit. What do they tell wheelchair students, that they'll be unable to graduate because they can't satisfy their PE requirement? I don't think so. There are exceptions and alternatives. Push for them to give you one. Go all the way up the chain of command if you have to.

Or look for other types of PE classes that don't affect your problem. Scuba diving for example, for weightless fun. Do you have military experience? If so, they should give some credit for that.

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That's bullshit. What do they tell wheelchair students, that they'll be unable to graduate because they can't satisfy their PE requirement? I don't think so. There are exceptions and alternatives. Push for them to give you one. Go all the way up the chain of command if you have to.

Or look for other types of PE classes that don't affect your problem. Scuba diving for example, for weightless fun. Do you have military experience? If so, they should give some credit for that.

I dont know what they tell wheelchair bound students.Hopefully they're nicer than they've been to me.

I called the "students' with disabilities" center on campus and they said they dont handle stuff like this;they only handle "academic disabilities" like learning disabilities etc. and thus forwarded me to the academic counseling center.There I was told its not their job either and that they just enroll people in classes.So I was told to talk to the dean of Fine Arts since its an AA degree I'm seeking,even though I'm not majoring in Art,I'm majoring in Criminal Justice.I couldnt get in touch with that dean either(hes probably playing golf somewhere with the other dean who never called me back!):S

I have no Armed Forces experience other than JROTC in my high school years,so thats out.

As for other PE classes that dont affect my problem,there arent any.They dont offer Scuba,or Yoga or Swimming or anything non-contact related other than Bowling,which is what I was enrolled in and still can't complete b/c I cant walk steady let alone do so with a 10lb ball in my hand.Its looking like I'm just going to have to suck it up and wait until I'm healed, then go back and take those 2 stupid credits sometime next year or so. [:/]

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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Can you talk to the department about other ways to fill your requirements? Sometimes colleges will be flexible, especially if you have a verifiable medical condition. It's at least worth setting up an appointment to inquire.

I talked to the assistant dean of humanities/fitness and she said I'd just have to wait until I am healed and retake the classes,but I'm waiting on a phone call from the dean himself right now.I'm hoping I can say something that will bend a kind ear my way.*fingers crossed*[:/]
Ask if you can substitue the 2 mile walk with a 10 mile bike ride, or similar?
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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How's yours doing?

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Well there is good news and bad news...but mostly good.

Bad news is: I definitely have Plantar Faciitis and it will take about a year of wearing night splints to fix w/o surgery.[:/]

more bad news: b/c its going to take so long in healing this particular problem I still cant join the Police Academy or even train for getting ready to go into the PA.:(

Good news is:My doc rocks! he gave me good drugs and gave me the splint at cost plus 1/2 off on the visit b/c I have no insurance:)
more good news:he said he'd write notes in circles around the college BOD if he had to so that I can get some kind of non-activity class substituted for my PE credit so I can graduate in December.B|

even better news: after all of the doctor's talking to the school and writing letters,the school caved in and said I could take an "Intro to Kinesiology" class instead of an actual PE class w/ a lab/physical test.B|

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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That is awesome. Nightingale's right, get it in writing from the college. Also, just so that you're ready when you're better, start swimming now so that you're in awesome shape when it comes time to take the physical.

The plantar fascitis will end. Honest.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Wow I'm appalled that your college would treat you that way. Administrators are extrordinarily unempathetic and unaccomodating it seems. My dad wanted to teach highschool math after he retired from the Air Force and they he couldn't because he never took a typing class when he was in college. He has a BA in math and a MBA in business for fuck sake.

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I was taking the least stressful thing they offered...bowling and I cant even limp down the lane enough to do that.:$:S

Just out of curiosity, did they give you a Take Up Skydiving speech? :o:D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Sorry I just saw this, but I'm a little slow...

OK, I have been diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis and have never had to wear night splints! Now, there may be different degrees, but I think you may have some good options.

I went through all kinds of stuff... Went to an ortho and got some nice cortisone shots right into my Heels... Holy crap that hurt!!!.. That only helped for a week and the pain was killing me again.. Then, I went to see the podiatrist and he fit me for some RIGID arch supports.. They caused more pain in the sides of my feet and ankles then the PF..

Finally, I went to a sports medicine place and got hooked up with a physical therapist that happened to work with the local college basketball team.. Guess what.. PF can become a pretty “common” problem if you don’t prevent it.. At least that what he told me, and he was a paid trainer for the team.. I was fit for flexible arch supports, made by a company called Biomechanical. They are cast to fit your foot – much better than just the supports from over the counter. I also had some 800 mg Ibuprofen to help with the inflammation.

Within a month, including physical therapy to get me walking straight again, I was back to walking, running, and skydiving (yes, lots of comments about jumping causing the problem) and never had to get more shots in the bottom of my feet..

Please feel free to drop me a note and I may be able to get my physical therapy guys to find a reference you your area..

Edited to add: I still wear the arch supports today. If I don't wear them for a couple days in a row, the pain does start to come back. Then back into the arch supports and I can feel the bottoms of my feet stretch:P

Once the plane takes off, you're gonna have to land - Might as well jump out!!

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Thanks for the great info.I appreciate it.

Its been a week and now with a steady 5-8hrs every day in the splint and taking meds for pain and inflammation as well as icing my heel 15min. on 15 off.

But I've had to go back to my podiatrist for severe pain that wasnt even touched by the 100mg Darvocet and DayPro that he gave me.He did another exam and when he squeezed a certain place on my heel I yelped and started crying b/c it hurt so bad and he said "uh oh thats not normal"(never something you want to hear from a doctor).He already had the injection drawn up to do exactly what you described..cortizone in the heel..but said he couldnt do it b/c now he thinks I may have a stress fracture in my foot that didnt show up on Xrays.So now I have to have an MRI tomorrow.Atleast he gave me something stronger for the pain(Lortab?sp?):S

So lets see what that turns up and if its not a stress fracture then I'll be in contact with you about PF and your methods of treatment.I doubt I'll be able to do physical therapy b/c I have no insurance and its costing everything my parents and I can spare to pay for the current tests and treatments.[:/]


(yes, lots of comments about jumping causing the problem)

I know this wasnt caused from jumping simply b/c I havent made a jump in almost 4yrs.[:/]

thanks again!:)

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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Well shit! The results are back on my heel MRI and its not what they were treating me for(Plantar Faciitis) instead its a stress fracture of the bone in my heel(calcaneus).Now I have to be fitted for either a boot or a cast and I'm not to put any weight on it at all for who knows how long...which means crutches are in my immediate future.:| I'm supposed to stay off of my foot at all times and keep it rested/elevated so I might have to drop my current college class since its my right foot...I cant drive on it.:|

*sigh*My plans are definitely fucked!>:(:(

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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I talked to the assistant dean of humanities/fitness and she said I'd just have to wait until I am healed and retake the classes,but I'm waiting on a phone call from the dean himself right now.I'm hoping I can say something that will bend a kind ear my way.*fingers crossed*[:/]

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires employers, businesses, etc. to make reasonable accomodations for people with disabilities, even where the disabilities are temporary.

You definitely want to look into that.
The ADA may "require" that an employer or university make reasonable accommodations, but in reality - "equal opportunity" whatever only amounts to a nice-sounding slogan that doesn't mean shit. Universities are more likely to adhere to the law in this respect; but as evident from what Moodyskydiver went through - even they have to be pressed. Sorry, life experience talking...

To the OP: I'm sorry to hear what you're going through. You WILL come out the other side though! Chin up!!... :)
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"from your first Oshkosh when the three of us were riding to or from one of

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Sorry to hear that hon....[:/]

Is there some specific trauma you can tie the stress fracture to??

I just ask, because maybe you can still work with a sports therapist or physical therapist at your school..

Sometimes the trainers are very willing to work with you to get you going again.. Or, if you have a PT or Sports Therapy Department, they may be willing to work with you as a test case or class project…

Hope you heel up fast and well:)

Once the plane takes off, you're gonna have to land - Might as well jump out!!

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Hey....i dont think that you should give up with the driving unless you have a stick. I had a jones fracture in my right foot and I began driving with my left. I never had any problems switching over. maybe you should give it a try!
Me: I want to ride a bull out of a skyvan.
vegasjoe: How the hell are you going to land that thing?
Me: Who said anything about landed with it? I think after we'll have some Bar-B-Que.

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I talked to the assistant dean of humanities/fitness and she said I'd just have to wait until I am healed and retake the classes,but I'm waiting on a phone call from the dean himself right now.I'm hoping I can say something that will bend a kind ear my way.*fingers crossed*[:/]

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires employers, businesses, etc. to make reasonable accomodations for people with disabilities, even where the disabilities are temporary.

You definitely want to look into that.

ADA + 1 well-written letter to the Dean & BOD from a doctor + 1 well-written letter to the Dean & BOD from a lawyer = reasonable accommodation.

And as JR says, they're fulla bullshit. Press your case, and persist.

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