
Three Strikes, You're ... Safe?

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So I'm running around town this afternoon. Gym, Costco, Asian grocery store.

Between the last two, I'm tooling along, minding my own business... all of a sudden, blue lights behind me. Ah, crap. I pull over into a parking lot and roll my window down. Cop approaches.

Cop: I'm pulling you over because of your speed. Do you happen to know how fast you were going?

Me: Uhhh, no, sorry, I don't.

Cop: You were going 45 in a 30 mph zone. [DING: Strike 1]

Me: Really? Wow, I wouldn't have thought this road had a limit that slow. [4 lanes, kinda industrial area, seems like it should be at least 40 or 45].

Cop: Yes, it's only 30, and we have lots of bicyclists who come through here and don't pay any attention at all. Can I see your license, insurance, and registration please? Also, are you aware that your left brake light is out? [DING: Strike 2]

Me: Oh, no, I wasn't aware of that. [Really, I wasn't.]

Find the license and insurance card easily, then dig through my glove box and find my registration for several previous years ... but none for this year (of course!).

Me: Uhhh... of course I can't find my current registration. [DING: Strike 3]

Cop: Oh, don't worry about that at all. I'm just giving you a warning on the speed. [Hands me back the license and insurance card.] And get that brake light fixed, okay? Have a nice day!

Projects for tomorrow: to DMV for new copy of registration and to auto parts store for new brake light. :D

Oh, and for all of you who are smugly sitting there thinking "Uh, huh, of course, the chicks always get out of speeding tickets with the cops..."

The cop was female. :P
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Last time I got pulled over, my driver's license was out of date...lol. They told me to go get a new one. Planning on doing that tomorrow too. It's been out of date for 3 months. Heh.
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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I haven't even been pulled over, let alone ticketed, in 11 years. I thought surely my streak was broken. :D:D

Especially since both times I've been pulled over by female cops they've written tickets.

"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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So I'm running around town this afternoon. Gym, Costco, Asian grocery store.

Between the last two, I'm tooling along car, minding my own business... all of a sudden, blue lights behind me. Ah, crap. I pull over into a parking lot and roll my window down. Cop approaches.

Cop: I'm pulling you over because of your speed. Do you happen to know how fast you were going?

Me: Uhhh, no, sorry, I don't.

Cop: You were going 45 in a 30 mph zone. [DING: Strike 1]

Me: Really? Wow, I wouldn't have thought this road had a limit that slow. [4 lanes, kinda industrial area, seems like it should be at least 40 or 45].

Cop: Yes, it's only 30, and we have lots of bicyclists who come through here and don't pay any attention at all. Can I see your license, insurance, and registration please? Also, are you aware that your left rear brake light is out? [DING: Strike 2]

Me: Oh, no, I wasn't aware of that. [Really, I wasn't.]

Find the license and insurance card easily, then dig through my glove box and find my registration for several previous years ... but none for this year (of course!).

Me: Uhhh... of course I can't find my current registration. [DING: Strike 3]

Cop: Oh, don't worry about that at all. I'm just giving you a warning on the speed. [Hands me back the license and insurance card.] And get that brake light fixed, okay? Have a nice day!

Projects for tomorrow: to DMV for new copy of registration and to auto parts store for new brake light. :D

Oh, and for all of you who are smugly sitting there thinking "Uh, huh, of course, the chicks always get out of speeding tickets with the cops..."

The cop was female. :P

Yeah but she must like girls:P
So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend!

Hellfish #782, POPS #10664

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The cop was female. :P

well i guess we know what kind of signal your putting out there :)

I do love a girl in uniform. ;)

And this is Seattle, after all...
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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The cop was female. :P

well i guess we know what kind of signal your putting out there :)

HAHAHAHA!!!! I misread your name. Heehee. Thought it said "GayRay."
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Simiar thing happened to me in Florida going from Zhills to Orlando.
75 in a 50 zone, gave the officer my License (Western Australian) no rego or insurance due to the car being hired.
He asked me to slow down and have a nice day.:)

You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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That's awesome.

I had a similar experience a month ago.

I got pulled over after work at like 2am, I was going about 65 in a 40, i ran a red light, and my registration wasn't current (I just hadn't put the current tag on). I got pulled over, and thankfully let go. :)

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He must've figured your life was punishment enough.:D


if that's your idea of a ZING you must be very easily entertainted:S(small things ...)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
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All of these stories about being let go with a warning are killing me!

I got a ticket on Wednesday for 55 in a 35 while visiting my family in Atlanta. I grew up there and have never seen a cop anywhere near where I was ticketed nor have anyone else I told about it. The cop even admitted that just about everyone around me was going just as fast and that it was my unlucky day since I was the one his laser landed on.

I'm not upset about getting a ticket as I have gotten away with far more than I deserve, but I was bummed to get picked out of a crowd! He was cool enough to knock the citation down to 14 over which keeps the ticket in GA from being reported to Texas and being posted to my license.
Killing threads since 2004.

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I do love a girl in uniform. ;)

And this is Seattle, after all...

Was it anywhere close to Capitol Hill?;)

That's cool you got out of the ticket. Sometimes cops just like to hear someone tell the truth and not BS them to death. I've chatted my way out of a number of tickets.

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Sometimes cops just like to hear someone tell the truth and not BS them to death.


Works the other way too sometimes~

Female CHP putting me through the roadside ringer at 3am...background info finally come through on the radio...:o

She looks at me and says something to the effect:
Is there a reason you're lying to me?

"Friday night, 3am, pretty blond.....force of habit i guess!" :$

She was laughing so hard she let me go! B|

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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The cop was female. :P

well i guess we know what kind of signal your putting out there :)

HAHAHAHA!!!! I misread your name. Heehee. Thought it said "GayRay."

*serious voice* im gonna beat your ass till its red ;)...

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I do love a girl in uniform. ;)

And this is Seattle, after all...

Was it anywhere close to Capitol Hill?;)

Not really :D. In SODO - along Airport Way just north of the old Rainier Brewery (current Tully's HQ).


I've chatted my way out of a number of tickets.

Me too. I used to be really good at it back in the day. I just hadn't been pulled over in so long I was out of practice. :D

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thats cuz ur not black and driving in new york. :S

I think it was more because he wasn't quite sure what to do with an international license
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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:o you drove away with, ZERO out of three tix? damn, you're good. I used to be able to bs my way out of them. I haven't been able to pull that off in over 10 years. drove away without getting all of them in recent years? yes. drove away with none of them? very rarely. & on a zero tolerance holiday weekend? :S everyone will be jumping in your ride next road trip. :D:D:D
It's pretty pathetic when you have to TELL people you're fucking cool Skymama «narrative»This thread will lock in 3..2.. What a load of narrow-minded Xenophobic Bullshit!-squeak

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