
DZ Sleepover - What's The Hospitality Etiquette?

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Me sleeping in my bed hasn't stopped several visitors from getting lucky. That is why there is a very short list of people that we let stay with us, well unless there is a blowjob involved.:D

What if they "blowjob involved" had razors for teeth? I bet you'd change your tune!!:o
Always be kinder than you feel.

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Me sleeping in my bed hasn't stopped several visitors from getting lucky. That is why there is a very short list of people that we let stay with us, well unless there is a blowjob involved.:D

What if they "blowjob involved" had razors for teeth? I bet you'd change your tune!!:o

Before someone beats me to it .... "Some things are just worth the risk" :P
Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

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Reading this thread reminded me of my 1st night in Hinckley, IL - & 1st time ever at a DZ for that matter. Needless to say things got way out of hand, and even though no one knew me at that time, I was treated extremely well! I will never forget the fun that was had that night nor the hospitality I was treated to. :)

I could've written that! I met people who welcomed a newbie like me into the fold like I've been around forever. And I can't wait to see them all this weekend so I can find out what really happened/what I said while I was drunk VS. what I only remember in bits and pieces during "flashbacks" all week!

One thing I remember very vividly is the fireworks at the golf course at the otherside of the DZ trees. It was beautiful and I've always thought fireworks are romantic. I'm a dork! :P
Always be kinder than you feel.

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Me sleeping in my bed hasn't stopped several visitors from getting lucky. That is why there is a very short list of people that we let stay with us, well unless there is a blowjob involved.:D

What if they "blowjob involved" had razors for teeth? I bet you'd change your tune!!:o

What the hell would make you say something like that? I thought I was sick.;)

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What the hell would make you say something like that? I thought I was sick.;)

I'm an IT Analyst so I always try to think of stuff that *may* go wrong before it actually happens, and have an out if it *does* happen. (This theory didn't apply to my lack of planning my sleeping arrangements at the DZ. ;) )

So, I'm guessing there's a hummer you'd throw back!! ;)

And yeah, I'm a sicko!! :o
Always be kinder than you feel.

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And I can't wait to see them all this weekend so I can find out what really happened/what I said while I was drunk VS. what I only remember in bits and pieces during "flashbacks" all week!

That's disturbing to hear. Please read this and this thread about rape at the dz and listen to the women who have been around for awhile and know the drill.

I'm sure you are great fun and a special woman, but please realize that you are just fresh meat to many of the people who are "welcoming" you.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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And I can't wait to see them all this weekend so I can find out what really happened/what I said while I was drunk VS. what I only remember in bits and pieces during "flashbacks" all week!

That's disturbing to hear. Please read this and this thread about rape at the dz and listen to the women who have been around for awhile and know the drill.

Now *that* was sobering.

Thanks so much for the advice & thread links.
Always be kinder than you feel.

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I get offered a place to crash with a guy I'd been talking too most of the night. I do a pig check with a couple of the girls at the party and this guy passes.

What is involved with a "pig check"?

That's a girl secret, but if you see a group of girls standing in a circle all turning their heads to look at you all at once, chances are a "pig check" is in progress. ;)
Always be kinder than you feel.

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Haha, as soon I read this I checked your profile, KNOWING your home DZ must be CK. I love when they have the fireworks!!!! They even had them on my birthday one year, it was the perfect end to a perfect day!

“Everything looks perfect from far away.”
Postal Service, Such Great Heights

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CAKE! works every time, Not the box crap, scratch!

Cake??? With like jimmies, sprinkles and little bb looking decorations?

Cake is my answer for everything, just a simple yellow with chocalate frosting. Better when served naked and then smeared all over. COME ON! you have read my posts before, you had to know where this was going. GGGEEEEEZ.
So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend!

Hellfish #782, POPS #10664

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I get offered a place to crash with a guy I'd been talking too most of the night. I do a pig check with a couple of the girls at the party and this guy passes.

What is involved with a "pig check"?

That's a girl secret, but if you see a group of girls standing in a circle all turning their heads to look at you all at once, chances are a "pig check" is in progress. ;)

So what should a go do when he sees all the gals looking, in order to improve his rating? Perhaps strike a pose like a bodybuilder? A suave, sophisticated smile like a movie star?

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So what should a go do when he sees all the gals looking, in order to improve his rating? Perhaps strike a pose like a bodybuilder? A suave, sophisticated smile like a movie star?

...a single finger gun shot with a wink works well... :P


Irgity Dirgity

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Haha, as soon I read this I checked your profile, KNOWING your home DZ must be CK. I love when they have the fireworks!!!! They even had them on my birthday one year, it was the perfect end to a perfect day!

Oh yeah! I love it there!! I don't know the reason Scotland Run had the fireworks but I am really hoping for them again tomorrow night. After all, this is the last weekend of the summer!!

::: ducks and runs for cover after that reminder :::

Are you going to be around CK tomorrow? Say "hi" if you are. I have more AFF tomorrow! Woohoo!
Always be kinder than you feel.

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