
How dumb are you?

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One summer when I was a kid I dropped out of a tree I was climbing and sliced my hand open on a piece of broken glass. We went to the emergency room and got it stitched up.

Later that day I was at the playground and tried to show how cool I was by doing a flip over the top bar on the slide...the thing was I didn't use my stitched up hand for this super cool trick and I fell off the thing sideways, breaking my wrist...back to the ER we went. The same crew was still on shift and they were a little surprised to find themselves casting the same hand they'd just sewn up a couple hours earlier. :D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I know not why she stayed! :D

In Arkansas the pickings are slim... ;)

But we is in the ATL now. She must feel obliged to not let me be a goober all my life! :D
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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Duuuuude! I was only a kid when this happened but once I got my head stuck between the bars of a railing at a mall in Southern California. Firemen had to come cut the bars to get my fat head out. :D

Another time I saw my mom plucking her eyebrows so I got the kitchen scissors and cut the middle of mine out. It looked like someone shaved the middle of both eyebrows off. :D I was only like 5 though.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Duuuuude! I was only a kid when this happened but once I got my head stuck between the bars of a railing at a mall in Southern California. Firemen had to come cut the bars to get my fat head out. :D

Now everything makes sense.:|
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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I made the mistake of licking a freshly cleaned freezer once. I started yelling as well as I could with my thung thuck thu ick. My mother walked into the kitchen, calmly walked up to me, grabbed my head, and yanked...leaving a nice little chunk of pink meat in the freezer. :SB|:D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I couldn't get my thumb out with out having my nail separated from the thumb.

Ouch, how did you get it out then? B|

Took a deep breath and jjerk my thumb out of the door. I left the nail there.

Gunnery Sergeant of Marines
"I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker

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I made the mistake of licking a freshly cleaned freezer once. I started yelling as well as I could with my thung thuck thu ick. My mother walked into the kitchen, calmly walked up to me, grabbed my head, and yanked...leaving a nice little chunk of pink meat in the freezer. :SB|:D


Not sure what was dumber. you licking the freezer or your mom not pouring warm water over it to loosen it.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time"

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Ok, opening day of the skydiving season this year was a weather wash. I climb a ladder in the hanger to look at this button on a speaker hanging from a I-beam. ( I like buttons) ladder went out from under me and among other things dislocated my thumb. now here it is sat. morning weather a bit cold but sunny and I cant use my thumb for much yet. at least not enough to toss a drouge.

That was dumb.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time"

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Oh and once time in High School, when I had really long, straight hair (quit drooling bolas)..


(closest I could come to a drooling icon) ;)
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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Yes, Dave. Its a bead that I jam up my ass to make it smell good. :S:P

How intriguing! ;):D

This must be why most womens "poots" smell like flowers. :|
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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I worked in the produce department of a supermarket for two years. Anyone that has worked in a supermarket knows that produce is the most laid back department, and when there's nothing to do, you gotta find something to amuse yourself.

I liked to try all the different fruits and whatnot that we carried, and I also use to like throwing watermelons and other large piece of fruit into the air and slicing them with the huge machete that we had in the backroom. What the hell, it was fun :S

So one day, I was in the backroom with a buddy from the deli, and we were slicing all kinds of shit. I decided to try out my Iron Chef skills on a plantain, which is like a large banana. I was trying to cut it all fast and shit, like they do on TV. Well, needless to say, I had my thumb in the way and instead of slicing down into the plantain, I sliced down into the side of my thumb, going halfway through my thumb and nail. When I say it was hanging, it was friggin' hanging. I had to squeeze my thumb just to keep the fucking thing together.

I nearly passed out from the shock of seeing my thumb in two pieces. The manager came back, also nearly passed out, and then had my friend drive me to the emergency room. I was back to work the next day, with nothing more than a couple stitches and a bruised ego B|

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well I can be as dumb as you want me to be :P:D:D

Did lock my rental car keys in the boot at dublin once i had parked up well i had just opened my bottles of beer and my hands where full:$

luckily i had not locked the doors so only took 30 mins in the dark trying to figure out how the back seats folded down:D to crawl into the boot for the keys All in my kilt :$ what a site:$:$:$:):D:D:D:D

Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun

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Oh, I've got one that beats that. I went on a road trip just about a year ago with a couple of DZ.commers who shall remain nameless (but they know who they are :P).

Once we were at the DZ, the owner of the car kept the key for himself and gave the clicker keyfob to his friend so that both could access the car when they needed to.

Sunday morning rolls around and the owner is cursing because he'd put the key in the ignition to get the cigarette lighter going, and then got out and locked the door with the key in the ignition.

So we thought "just get the clicker, that'll work." Apparently, the clicker is disabled when the key is in the ignition. :S

Yeah, that one used up one of my annual calls to AAA.:D
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I just had to resurrect this thread (had to search manually for it)

For those too lazy to read the whole thing I've included a stupidity summary at the bottom.

Little bit of backstory:
Late august last year I was at the Roaming DZ raft n' jump weekend in the mountains of North Carolina. On of the jumpers has a house up there and we were hanging out around Eric's pool and drinking. People were getting pushed in. I still had my clothes and my cel phone on me so I thought I was safe. :S
I get pushed in the pool with my cel phone. I get out of the water quickly and immediately try to turn it on to see if it still works. [:/] The cel phone gets fried but I'm able to by a used phone fairly cheap and use that.

Fast forward to last week. I'm going into the office and it is absolutely pouring. Of course I can't find a close place to park so I park in the boonies and start walking in. I realize I left my cel in the car so I have to go back and get it. :D I grab the phone and drop it on the ground in the rain. Not thinking anything of it I put it in my pocket and walk in. I get inside and I'm drenched from head to toe. I didn't have an umbrella (just a jacket with a hood)but it was basically raining sideways so it wouldn't have helped. Pull the phone out of my pocket and its off. Dumbass turns it back on and the wrong time shows. I get annoyed and hit it on the desk and some water comes out and the right time shows up. :S It keeps cutting out and I keep powering it back on (told ya I ain't bright). After a little while of this I manage to get the phone to stay on long enough to download my phonebook and then it dies completely.

I still had the phone that went swimming (powered up and seemed to work) so I took it with me to the Verizon store to get the service transferred. After standing in line for 30 minutes the guy told me it would be $20 or I could do it on-line myself for free. :)
I transferred the service and made a couple of calls on it and then didn't use it for a few days cuz the service sucks at my house. I should have known something was wrong when it kept on needing to be charged.

I head out on Monday and try to make a few calls. It dials but doesn't go through. Thinking I'm just in a bad area I keep on going. By the time I get to Charlotte, NC (1 - 1 1/2) hours from home I realize the thing is toast. I stop by the local Verizon store and they want me to pay full price for a new phone because:
* my contract is not close enough to the end date
* I don't have the super expensive plan
* no insurance
* I'm out of the home area and they don't want to deal with it

I leave there pissed off but I didn't set fire to the store. Since smacking the first phone made it work I try that again while driving. I smack the phone on the dash a few times and try to dial. After a few times of this I get annoyed and throw the phone. I didn't aim low enough because the phone hit and cracked the windshield. [:/]:S:D:D

Somewhat unrelated, the same week this happened the speakerphone on my house phone died and then when I tried to "fix" (take it apart and see if anything looks loose) it I killed the whole thing and had to buy a new one.

Stupidity summary
* Cel phones and water are not friends, no matter how many times you try to introduce them.
* Should they meet, leave the cel phone off until completely dry!!!
* Before bothering with support at the store, check on-line
* If your phone won't stay charged, it's probably not gonna do you much good, even if it does work.
* Might want to try it before you leave as well, genius.
* When throwing hard objects in a moving car, aim low.
* When fixing something, don't break it completely.

Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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HA-HA! MY new phone does magic tricks. :D

Plus, for only $3 a month, I have insurance and if anything happens to it...they'll give me a new one.

thhbbbbbbbbbbb :P :P :P

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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Verizon insurance sucks. You pay $10-$15 a month for and then there is a $50 deductible. [:/]

What magic trick can it do?
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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What magic trick can it do?

I bet when she puts it in her pocket and someone calls her it vibrates. :D
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I can take pictures and send them. As many as I want for a flat fee.

I can take 20 second videos and send them in under a minute. Also unlimited.

I have unlimited web access for a flat fee. I've been on various web sites, including mapquest and can read my e-mails from AOL, Yahoo, G-Mail, etc. In fact, I used G-mail all the way from Texas to Georgia and all the way back again with very few "dead zones."

I don't suppose I am curious enough, because I know it does many other things, but I get what I want out of it....why do I need to pack my brain with more stuff I am not ready to use? ;)

Yup....I've got me a "Magic Phone®." :)

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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I don't suppose I am curious enough, because I know it does many other things, but I get what I want out of it....why do I need to pack my brain with more stuff I am not ready to use? ;)

Yup....I've got me a "Magic Phone®." :)

I want a phone that I can PW on dz.com... :)

not because I'll necessarily do it... but because I want to be able to... :D

Yeah... I will do it if I can... :P
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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