
How in the H*LL Do You Sleep With Bruised Ribs?!?

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So you're saying someone who's been in a car wreck shouldn't see a doctor? Nice.

Let's see. She's had x-rays. Takes a doctor to order those. She's had Rx muscle relaxants. Takes a doctor to prescribe those. She's getting PT. Takes a doctor to order that. I'm guessing that although it wasn't explicitly stated, she's covered on the getting it checked out by a professional thing.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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So you're saying someone who's been in a car wreck shouldn't see a doctor? Nice.

she should definitely see a doc...that way if there are long term effects from the wreck she gets things covered ---- not to mention a PT referral and some meds would make her feel a lot better. I think he is thinking that rib xrays won't make much of a difference in management of rib fractures vs bruised ribs - that is all. adequate documentation of injuries is essential to make sure that claims are paid especially if there are long term side effects --- which are particularly common with neck injuries. Necks and backs can be very temperamental to manage and can result in long term problems ...it is just dependant on the injury.
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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I'm definitely going to keep track of this with my primary care doc. I do have a referral to PT; I am seeing them twice per week.

At least my chiro and PT are agreeing on treatment and the issues at hand! That's kind of cool, and kind of rare I think...:P

This 'heat' coming off of the injury sites is totally tripping me out. PT says it's typical...it's just crazy though. If I sit in one position too long, it feels like someone's got a hot frying pan on the back of my neck or spine. I keep getting up to see if I forgot a heating pad behind me or something.

Crazy feeling.

PT taped my back today - a big 'X' to help pull my traps back to try to relieve some pressure from spasming neck/trap muscles that are worsening my headaches. I think it has helped.

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Can you try sleeping in a recliner for a few days? It might relieve some of the pressure on your ribs. You won't sleep as well as in a bed, but it's way better than not sleeping at all.

We don't have a recliner, but I'm piling on a TON of pillows to try to make that 'shape' in my bed.


I had a noticeable whiplash about 20 years ago. After 4-5 years it still would hurt regularly, what felt like the nerve, all the way down my back. I started doing gentle neck exercises EVERY DAY. Didn't do much in the beginning, but now I can't remember when anything last hurt. When I quit for a couple of years early on, I started hurting again, and then stopped hurting when I started the exercises again. So I at least am convinced that there's a relationship.

Wendy W.

I am really trying to do these exercises that PT has given me, but man it hurts to try to look down at all. Doc says I tore all of those muscles at the base of my neck & I sure do feel it. :S

Thanks for all of the suggestions & well-wishes, everybody. Very sweet of you. I am definitely putting this advice to good use. :)
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Damn, Red... didn't they tell you not to DO that???

Things that helped me when I had broken ribs:

Sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees (keeps the pelvis, spine and ribcage in alignment) and a 'splint pillow' for the ribs - you could do the same thing with a body pillow if you don't have extra pillows available.

Also, wrapping the ribs can help splint them and relieve some pain. A warm bath before bedtime to relax the muscles helps, too.

Good luck and get well soon!
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
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drink a lot of beer until you pass out..
A truck driving through a nitroglycerin plant will not wake you...

i second that

-or hang yourself by the feet and sleep upside down
-or build a anti gravity chamber
-put floaties on and sleep in the pool
-surgically remove your own ribs. No ribs. No problem
-chop off your leg. You will no longer notice the ribs
-burn your house down then you have nowhere to sleep anyway

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No suggestions for how to sleep so you won't have any pain. I have fx my ribs in the past and it just takes time. Nothing you do will make it any less uncomfortable. I wish I had advice to help you with the discomfort. Heck, all I took was tylenol, ibuprofen, and stuff called arnica. I swear by Arnic for certain types of injuries. Might work for you.
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i cracked a couple ribs skiing it hurt like hell,after a week or so it seemed to be getting worse so i went to my dr. (first trip was the e.r). the dr. took a x-ray and told me i had a bruised lung,it shows up on the x-ray like a dark spot he told me most of the pain was the bruise. i've never heard of such a thing and hope it never happens again,just something you might want to ask about

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Sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees (keeps the pelvis, spine and ribcage in alignment) and a 'splint pillow' for the ribs - you could do the same thing with a body pillow if you don't have extra pillows available.

Also, wrapping the ribs can help splint them and relieve some pain. A warm bath before bedtime to relax the muscles helps, too.

I'm having the opposite problem...the muscles surrounding my ribs are 'splinting', which the Dr. told me means they are rigid and locked tight. The pain is coming from them being locked up all the time, so muscle relaxers were prescribed to help loosen them up. It's helping a little...hot shower before bed may help, too!
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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A lot of Percocet ;)

that, and wash it down with st. michelle gewurztraminer, or if you prefer red, menage a trios. (the wine, not the sex).

I saw that bottle on the shelf at the store the other day, made me do a double take. :D

Jaye, that sucks. I broke a rib years ago getting thrown off a goddamn uppity horse. I was miserable. About all I could do was lay still and breathe shallowly. Ribs are about the worst bones to break or bruise, pain-wise. B|
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i cracked a couple ribs skiing it hurt like hell,after a week or so it seemed to be getting worse so i went to my dr. (first trip was the e.r). the dr. took a x-ray and told me i had a bruised lung,it shows up on the x-ray like a dark spot he told me most of the pain was the bruise. i've never heard of such a thing and hope it never happens again,just something you might want to ask about

I didn't get a chance to get over to the urgent care yesterday, but I'll go today after I take the twins to speech therapy.

I was wondering about something like an internal organ being bruised or something...because one of the worst spots on the left side of my spine between my shoulder blades hurts like hell, and the pain radiates through my heart to the front of my chest. I'm trying not to blow this thing out of proportion in my mind though, too. :$ I don't want to end up sounding like a looney screaming that I've got a hemorrhage in my head and my heart got crushed and I'm dying and stuff...:D
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