
Good Morning DZ.com

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Good morning to ya all!!!!!!!:)I'm up,it's 0415 and it's a grand day!!!!!:)So,as usual it is coffee time.
Have a cup with me and let's post whore the day off to a great start.:)
Growing old is mandatory.Growing up is optional!!

D.S.#13(Dudeist Skdiver)

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The day is well on the way over here, I've already been at the office for several hours, lugging around new office computers and taking out the old ones.

Bright sunshine outside, and the weather forecast for the weekend's jumping looks good.


Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet.


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Well,mine is just starting,so unknown if there will be sun or not.Here have a cup of joe on me.
Hey I see ya just got current again.Bet that set off your week
Growing old is mandatory.Growing up is optional!!

D.S.#13(Dudeist Skdiver)

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Can't sleep tonight. My mind's racing with thoughts of a possible new job, and trying to think of some solutions to problems with my current job.

But it's all good, I've got a big-ass bag of Juan Valdez that I brought back from Colombia. It's a tasty way to start the day:)
A coffee cheers to you!

I got nuthin

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I'm an electronics tech for an oilfield services company. Right now I'm Regional Support for Latin American Operations, supervising our electronics labs from Mexico to Argentina and all points in between. It's really interesting but I'm getting sick of the constant traveling.

Hopefully I'll be able to bump up to Global support and work a desk job from Ft. Worth, but that's nothing more than a distant chance right now.

How about you? What brings you to the coffee pot at 4:15?
I got nuthin

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(yawn)...Good morning... I forgot to set the timer on the coffe pot last night :( Coffee sure does smell good when it fresh brewed.

Ya'all have a nice day.

"Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest" ~Samuel Clemens

Dudeist Skydiver #68

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ME?? Well,I am a Flight Medic that has been grounded since 2004 due to the fact I burned in real bad on jump 1336.I also used to have an online gear store, but left that go to the wayside.I've been through all the pharmaco pain management techniques and just recently got off all pain meds and attend PT times week 3 hours from home.
I'm always up at 0400,either due to pain [:/]or the fact I never could get the night shift work mode out of my system:|.That's me in a nutshell and I'm told I'm a nut that needs a shell:S:D:D

Growing old is mandatory.Growing up is optional!!

D.S.#13(Dudeist Skdiver)

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Dude sorry to hear about the crash. You gonna get back up to 100%? What happened in your accident?

I busted my ass a few years ago being really stoopid under canopy. One of these days I'll get over my fear of the replies in the incidents forum and post the video.
I got nuthin

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It's the risk I took.But thanks for your concern.100%? never.Glad I'm still alive,and at least able to walk now.
If you want the details I'll PM ya with them
Growing old is mandatory.Growing up is optional!!

D.S.#13(Dudeist Skdiver)

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